Theming Fun Too short
Very very very underrated. I love how you soar in between the canyon at such high speeds, especially as it’s a wing coaster. Great theming too. I don’t get where the rough complaint comes from, and I’ve ridden it three times. I think the layout was a bit short which is my only real issue with the ride. It’s a shame Intamin didn’t make more winged rides like furious baco, as the model had a lot more potential.
Theming Lap Bar Intensity Airtimes
Very poor airtime, but this ride is relentless. Don’t let looks deceive you, this ride packs a hefty punch. It’s got the theming too, the Wickerman statue is pretty cool. Easily the UK’s best wooden coaster, and I don’t see it getting dethroned for a while.
Fun Dead spots
The inferior Runaway Mine Train in England.
Theming Disappointing! Dead spots Layout
From the off ride you expect this to be a pretty decent family coaster, but it is so underwhelming. I get it’s not supposed to be thrilling, but that doesn’t mean it should be completely forceless. Great theming though, shame it was used on the worst rollercoaster in the park.
Theming Fun Capacity
Does its job very well. A fun compact shuttle coaster that packs a fair punch. The queue line theming is very nice as well. The main issue is the horrible capacity.
Intensity Rattle Too short
So much for being the last intamin standup coaster. I didn’t find the restraint to be that uncomfortable, but the real issue was the roughness. I found it to be underwhelming with how short the layout was as well. The corkscrews and zero g roll hit really hard though.
Fun Dead spots
Fairly unique kiddie coaster, in the sense that you go around 3 times not 2. The helix is surprisingly good and caught me off guard every time, but everything else is just average kiddie coaster.
Layout Rattle Capacity Discomfort
It just makes me miserable thinking about what could’ve been. It’s rough, just hurts, and has horrible capacity. It feels like this is begging to be RMC’ed, and it really needs it. Tomahawk is half the size and is much better, which I find to be hilarious.
Inversions Intensity Discomfort
I’m yet to ride colossus, but I don’t think it’s gonna be better than this. Sik is one of the most underrated coasters in the UK and I have no idea why. There isn’t a single bad spot on this ride, and it’s glossy smooth. The restraint does hurt a fair bit on the simultaneous heart line rolls, but it doesn’t ruin the experience that much
Fun Discomfort Layout
It’s definitely one of the family rides at Flamingo Land. It spins a fair bit, but the layout is pretty boring. It’s quite uncomfortable if you’re in an outside seat, so do try to stay in.
Intensity Rattle Too short
My first SLC left me with a decent impression, but I doubt it’s gonna last. This ride is pretty relentless, but it’s far too short. There is a fair bit of roughness, but it doesn’t ruin the experience.
First Drop Fun Capacity Discomfort
It’s an S&S El Loco. You experience a flurry of unique elements and a godly first drop. The restraint is very open, however it feels like it’s trying to put a dent into your back. Bonus points for the support structure, it looks very cool.
Launch Dead spots Layout
So much potential….wasted. That launch is great, but you do absolutely nothing after it. You just meander about when you could be doing so much more better stuff.
Pace Rattle Discomfort
It’s really not THAT bad. The restraint can be annoying but overall it’s alright. The major issue that I have is how poor the track work is, this rollercoaster feels like it came out of Planet Coaster. Far from as bad as people paint it out to be, but it’s a skip.
Theming Capacity Dead spots
It does a pretty good job at being an Octonauts themed kiddie coaster.
Theming Layout Disappointing!
Maybe I just had a bad ride, but it wasn’t THAT good. Very impressively designed coaster, but it just didn’t hit. Good Alton Towers theming as always. Maybe when it gets retracked my opinion will improve, but as of now, I think it’s pretty overrated
Airtimes Too short Layout
Come on, it’s really not THAT bad. Rita honestly gives some of the best airtime moments in the entire park. The layout could definitely be improved, it’s short and is just airtime hill, turn, airtime hill, turn, ect. It’s no hellspawn like people describe it as, but it could’ve been a lot better.
Fun Harness Theming Layout
This ride was honestly better than Nemesis, it’s so underrated. I personally love flying coasters, they’re one of my favourite models. It’s got some subpar theming for Alton Towers and I feel the layout could be better, but I still love Galactica.
Theming Inversions Duration
This the best designed rollercoaster ever. Every inversion hits, great theming, and an incredible layout, all packed into a tight space. The Smiler isn’t just 14 inversions, it’s much more. And despite me giving this an incredible summary it’s not 5/5
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Dead spots
Could very well contend for best ride at Liseberg. The airtime on this absolutely INSANE and that first drop is really underrated, you don’t see it coming at all and it always catches you off guard. The only problem with the ride is how repetitive it is, being airtime hill then turnaround. The turnarounds are quite forceless too which doesn’t help the issue. Regardless, it’s still a fantastic ride.
Nice surprise! Fun Capacity
I didn’t expect Troublesome Trucks to hit this hard, but it did. Every element in this coaster hits far better than you would imagine. On top of that, it goes around twice. On a busy day waits could definitely be a pain but that won’t stop the ride from being great.
Location Too short
Quite fun alpine coaster. Occasionally some moments can pull some surprisingly good g’s, however it is quite short for an alpine coaster. Luckily, you get to go on it 3 times.
First Drop Disappointing! Dead spots
Very disappointing. Best drop in the park, then that’s it. Like most B&M dive coasters the drop is the only bit that stands out, then it just meanders around the layout. I really thought Liseberg would have higher standards.
Airtimes Fun
Hot take, this is better than Stampida. It’s a really enjoyable family coaster with a surprising amount of airtime. Much better than I had anticipated.
Location Dead spots
Very nice setting in the viking area and lake. Helixes are pretty decent and the bit in the trench is cool aswell. Being a coaster for kids there is unsuprisingly a lot of weak spots, but that is to be expected.
First Drop Inversions Dead spots
Very average ride. I find it funny how an inversion based rollercoasters best element was the first drop. Inversions are alright, the cobra roll and corkscrews are the most notable inversions. It’s not bad by any means but it’s not too thrilling either.
Airtimes First Drop
Easily the best ride at Portaventura. Godly first drop, great floater and incredible speed. On top of that you also get a cool splash down thingy. One of the best colour schemes on a coaster aswell. I don’t have many credits but currently this is my no 1, and I imagine it will be like that for a while.