• charis Kain

    Theming Launch Discomfort

    The ride is good if you get one of the better trains but the discomfort seems to be close to unbearable if you get one of the worse ones. Launch is good but I suggest you sit in the front row for it because it's more intense there. Also: To avoid headbanging you might want to lean forward during the knot element - works like a treat.

  • charis Kain

    Theming Launch

    The first launch feels amazing and has the typical intamin LSM kick. The second one gets you up to your top speed in no time but is otherwise unspectacular. Mark my words, the first hill has ejector, the twisted airtime hills have lateral-heavy floajector and the hill with the trim at the end has some floater. Intense and enjoyable experience with world-class theming.

  • charis Kain

    Fun Discomfort

    The turns hurt your hips but the drops have some nice zip to them.

  • charis Kain

    Airtimes Launch Too short

    Intense launch, good airtime and nice pace from start to finish, it's just too damn short.

  • charis Kain

    Lap Bar Intensity

    Very intense Vekoma mine-train. Definitely much much more thrilling than a Mack powered coaster it is superficially reminiscent of for the GP. The drops and lateral forces are great, some would even consider them a little too much. Definitely try it when you go to Phantasialand, it's a memorable experience.

  • charis Kain

    Fun Intensity

    I was pleasantly surprised by this ride. Lots of fun elements with multiple zippy drops and fun dark sections. At some points you feel so disoriented you don't know where you're going next or where you came from, especially in the wild mouse section. Quite intense for what it is. Can't rate it higher because it's rather fun than it is thrilling, but it's great for what it is and is a very well-executed spinning coaster!

  • charis Kain

    First Drop Intensity Headbanging

    In the back-row you really get pulled down SHOCKINGLY quick on the first drop. It's awesome. High intensity coaster for the most part, even if it feels a little short. Experienced some very light non-painful headbanging.