• Coaster Nerds


    Just a fun mouse.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Situación Suavidad Duración Torta Intensidad

    This ride is VERY fun. Lowkey the most underrated and intense part of the ride is the turn into the mid course break run. It had me graying out partly because of the jerkiness. I would honestly says thats the only uncomfortable part of the ride. I didn't get any headbanging on the cobra roll.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Tematización Launch Intensidad Vibración

    The rattle on this ride is for sure noticable but honestly isn't that bad. Those launches are intense and the first one into the tunnel is actually lowkey terrifying because of the noise the LSM makes + windy sound effects + inclined launch.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Velocidad Fun Lap Bar

    On some days this can give me a headache with its rattle but when it's running well its a pretty fun ride. Drop feels a lot steeper than the listed angle.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Launch Fun Duración Tematización Capacidad Confiabilidad

    This ride overall looks very cheap. Must be built cheap too by the way it closes down multiple times throughout the day pretty much every time I visit the park. Anyways the launches are pretty fun as well as the layout. I just wish everything else wasn't halfassed.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Fun Demasiado corto

    Pretty intense for a kids coaster. Plus the train and theme is pretty cute.

  • Elijah C.

    Tematización Intensidad

    The ride's wait time is always astronomical compared to the quality of this attraction. It's just a kiddie coaster. For the purpose of being a kiddie coaster, it does very well. Nothing intense and some nice scenery to go with it. As a proper coaster, it isn't worth riding.

  • Elijah C.

    Primera caída Tematización Fun Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    It is a very good ride, but I wouldn't say it's a very good roller coaster. The initial tilting drop is very unique, but beyond that the ride feels sluggish. The spinning helps it be more enjoyable, but the ride feels like more of a regular dark ride that speeds up occasionally. It relies a bit too much on screens when many scenes are stationary and could use physical props instead. The story elements and the queue carry it, making it a rather fun experience, but not really as a coaster. The ride also feels like it ends too soon. What is quite cool is seeing the motion track in some sections of the ride. The track moves far more than it feels like it should. Consider taking a look behind you when the cart "falls", it's very interesting.

  • Elijah C.

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    It quite fun. I think it uses its ride system much better than Escape from Gringotts (The two are very similar, Gringotts pretty much just has more spinning freedom and some motion track), since it has some proper roller coaster sections. The story is quite interesting and the surprise in the area with the treasure is neat. I feel like the ride starts and stops a bit too often, though, especially in the part where it goes backward. It barely uses the backward motion and could probably do the same effect without the rotation. The ghost cutouts in black light are a bit silly and could be replaced with some proper figures for a more interesting ride. The video screens also seem a bit dated. A pretty neat ride though.

  • Elijah C.

    Situación Duración Tiempo muerto

    It's not bad, the speed on the drop and non-inverting loop is pretty great, but after that, it kinda drops off. The sections after the first mid-course break run (I think there were 5 of them) almost feel like they are only designed as filler to get you back to the station. There are a few cool parts, like the hole through the building and section over the path, but it's mostly mild banks and airtime. The music selection is supposed to be one of the leading aspects of the ride, but it is currently very limited. Only one song to each of 5 genres? Doesn't Universal own tons of music to pick from? If they expand the list with some of their popular titles (maybe a song of the week section or something, since it's a music-themed coaster), I would like rate it higher.