• LolUrDad !

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Layout

    One of my favorite family coasters. A decently punchy launch with some great theming in that indoor section and a great surprise. The second half has some decent airtime over that drop, but is mainly there for the setting. Great ride, well worthy of its predecessor.

  • LolUrDad !

    Inversiones Fun Suavidad

    Very fun ride that has a very intense pretzel loop and is a really cool experience flying around like Superman. Some of those turns also provide some decent positives for those sitting in the back. But yeah, this ride is basically so nice to you with that crazy pretzel loop after the drop.

  • LolUrDad !

    Launch Fun Duración Intensidad

    One of my favorite family coasters. There’s nothing like taking a journey through the center of the park with a nice breeze going through your face. Great speed, long ride, launches are fun, setting is great, and even some surprising airtime on the windcatcher tower and last bunny hill. Very underrated.

  • LolUrDad !

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout Incomodidad

    Very underrated. A great layout by B&M that features some great, very forceful inversions. Even those corkscrews are great. Very intense ride that is super underrated. The standing is a little weird, but it honestly makes the ride better for me. Better than medusa imo.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Tiempo muerto

    This ride has a great mix of laterals and ejector, while also being such a classic ride. The first half pins you to the side of your seat with so much force it’s insane. The second half features a fea airtime moments that give incredible ejector. And it has that amazing rumble that make old woodies great. Still can’t believe this ride was made almost 100 years ago.

  • LolUrDad !

    Situación Fun Hangtime Tiempo muerto

    It’s a very fun ride. It does get a little slow after the midcourse but everything before that is great. Amazing inversions that give hangtime up front and whip in the back. It gives great views of the lake while being the park’s most picturesque coaster. It even has some floater on the first hill. Very underrated.

  • LolUrDad !

    Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad Demasiado corto

    It’s very whippy, which I love, but not as whippy as some other inverts. The only other batman clone I’ve done is the Great Adventure one and I like that one more.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Fun Duración Arnés Intensidad

    This ride is underrated. The first half has some great airtime and hangtime while the second half just shows off its dueling. My favorite part is the high five. It throws you into it so hard and you get laterally ejected. I don’t like the restraints though

  • LolUrDad !

    Primera caída Intensidad Hangtime Vibración Capacidad

    It’s a great, intense ride with some great whippy inversions and some great ones filled with hangtime. It has a great, punchy launch and you can definitely feel the world’s steepest drop. It’s great. The only problem is that it has a strong rattle. More noticeable in the front, but I prefer the front for being more intense. I don’t think the rattle takes away from the ride that much due to the OTSRs having earpads, which is why I think this ride is underrated. This is also my most ridden coaster with 20 rides

  • LolUrDad !

    Tematización Capacidad Fun Tiempo muerto

    I love the story for this ride. The theming is impeccable, among Disney’s best, making it the second best coaster in the resort behind GOTG. The mountain is incredible. So realistic. And there are some decent forces, such as that crazy backwards helix. I do think there are some dead moments, but it’s still a greatly themed ride that I can very much enjoy.