• Vinnie T

    Airtimes Tematización Intensidad

    The perfect roller coaster! Tons of airtime, snappy inversions, graceful moments, two good launches, a lengthy ride time and great theming! This is my favorite coaster I've ridden!

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Suavidad Ejectors Tiempo muerto

    A couple years ago, I used to hate this ride because of how rough it is and how I wanted to RMC it. Now riding it recently, I think this is a pretty good wooden coaster, still not the best though. A lot of the drops don't really feel exciting, but the little bump before the lift hill gives off great sudden ejector airtime! The turns are fun, I wouldn't say super intense or anything but it's still a good time. The final drops don't do anything in my opinion. However, I recently sat in the back row, this coaster turned from decent to awesome! The turns have a lot more bite to it, and the drops have sustained floater airtime, probably the longest sensation of airtime in the park... even more so than Phantom's Revenge.

  • Vinnie T

    Lap Bar Comodidad Fun Intensidad

    A great dueling, racing wooden roller coaster. I prefer the Thunder side because it is somewhat smoother but both start out with a drawn-out first half which is fun, then into a tunnel where you get decent airtime. The ending though is when things really start to crank up with snappy transitions but the ride is still rather forceless. Although it is not very intense, it is marathonable and it's overall enjoyable.

  • Vinnie T

    Lap Bar Comodidad Fun Intensidad

    A great racing, dueling wooden coaster. Although I do prefer the Thunder side because it is smoother but the Lightning side is great too. After the lift hill, the ride goes through really steep curving drops, then after a fun turn-around, the ride heads into a tunnel. My favorite part though is the end when the transitions get snappy but the entire ride is rather forceless. You may get a pop of decent airtime or two. It's really fun and marathonable.

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Fun Tiempo muerto

    Probably one of the tamest "coasters" out there, even compared to the likes of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Escape From Gringotts, and Fiesta Express. It's quirkiness and charm makes up for it and it's still a pretty fun ride!

  • Vinnie T

    Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    This is a pretty interesting ride, for a wooden bobsled, it remains very smooth... probably one of the smoothest coasters I've been on! It also has some surprise forces in the final bit before the final lift hill! It's a novelty ride but it's novelty makes it fun and unique!

  • Vinnie T

    Velocidad Intensidad Layout

    A hidden gem, this convoluted, gargantuan pile of wood focuses on laterals and raw power! It's non-stop turning, hills, and twists keep throwing you every which way and that I love! This ride wore me out after the first ride but has a great reride factor to it!

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Obra maestra Ejectors

    My favorite wooden coaster, this classic wooden coaster delivers so much airtime! From the big drops delivering floater to the epic bunny hill finale that will guarantee some slamming into the buzz bar then to the seat! It even has surprise laterals and smoothness to boot! It deserves the hype it gets!

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors

    After riding it with the new and old restraints, I can safely say that this is a world class coaster now! An awesome ride turned to a god-tier experience! All the airtime but without the "ThighCrush" anymore. The ride lifts you up to it's max height in an insanely quick manner, at least it doesn't take 500 years to crest it. The ride then drops, out of nowhere... it slingshots you into your restraint, giving it a feeling of a plane crash, I guess the airplane theme makes sense. The first two airtime hills violently throw you out into your restraint while giving insane laterals and positives. The stengel dive, and the two turns afterwards try to throw you out laterally, then comes another slingshot ejector airtime moment. All of these airtime moments are elite and the new restraints make it so much better! The new restraints still squeeze but it's not as painful this time. It does have a rattle but it doesn't really cause too many problems for me. While Skyrush is my #2 always, but now I think it's interchangeable between this and Velocicoaster as my favorite! This is the definition of an extreme roller coaster!

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Intensidad Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    A decent retheme to a pretty shaky and nauseating Boomerang, it is somewhat more enjoyable now thanks to the fun atmosphere!

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Comodidad Fun

    My first B&M Hyper, it was really fun! While Skyrush is the the superior ride in my opinion... this one has a ton of floater airtime and is super enjoyable! Can't go wrong with a B&M Hyper as what they say!

  • Vinnie T

    Inversiones Intensidad Vibración Torta

    I prefer the old track on this one. The first three quarters of the ride were insanely forceful and snappy, and the final corkscrew gave some good hangtime. The new track didn't last too long when it comes to smoothness though, the ride has a terrible rattle which results in some headbanging. It's still a great ride but I think they downgraded it. The new theming is cool but it doesn't have that "classic" Marvel charm Marvel Super Hero Island was going for.

  • Vinnie T

    Primera caída Tematización Incomodidad Confiabilidad Lap Bar

    I am not usually a fan of theming but they integrated it very well. The ride also had some fun moments of laterals and that tilt track was fun. My only major gripe was that the shin guards were super tight. These restraints are much worse than Skyrush's lap bar. It also broke down both times I rode it, it's been a couple years so it's time to give some TLC to the ride.

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa!

    This is one of those examples of a themed coaster done right, it isn't too short but it isn't boring. I don't care about theming but it's been greatly executed on this ride. I also got airtime which was fun!

  • Vinnie T

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    A couple years ago, this used to be my favorite ride (although I haven't been since then, I need to come back), now I think it's a great ride but it's not perfect. The theming is pretty good but I prefer a good ride over good theming, unlike Disney... this actually does the job. It's a great ride, the first launch kicks things off to a start, then into the "Black Forest". The indoor section is surprisingly forceful, that was probably the biggest roller coaster surprise that I had. There are different "shows", either a storm, a spirit theme, or a wolf one (as one of the many nods to the former Big Bad Wolf coaster), then comes probably the most intense part of the ride. There is a drop track, and it gives off a sudden pop of airtime. The car escapes the "Black Forest" into the second launch which is the most disappointing part of the ride, there is a ton of space to work... they could've made it go through a village like Big Bad Wolf did. That would make Verbolten a top-tier family coaster (even though it already is). Then the ride goes to a "broken bridge" as the trains go to a slow-down, then the biggest drop of the ride pays homage to Big Bad Wolf, as with a turn against the Rhine River, then upwards into another turn into the brake run. The turns in this scene are forceful.

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Launch Fun

    This replaced Dragon Challenge and I wasn't sure if I was going to forgive Universal for doing this... after getting off this coaster, I was amazed. I usually don't care about themeing but the themeing was incredible and works with the ride. There is also some fun launches and some surprisingly intense laterals! This was an incredible replacement to the old Dragons. Best family coaster I've been on!

  • Vinnie T

    Intensidad Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    I was expecting this coaster to be at least decent... what I got was a super janky, super rough ride. Even after leaving the lift hill which had a very painful bump... I knew this wasn't going to be good. Nothing about this ride is smooth, the restraints are not well padded and somewhat tight... making the ride feel like death. The dive turn is the only good thing about this ride but even then... that can't save it from being a terrible ride experience! If you thought Arrows and old Vekomas (SLCs, Boomerangs) were rough... they ain't got nothing on this abomination!

  • Vinnie T

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    My least favorite roller coaster. If you want a ride to get you sick and ruin your day... this is it! I don't know why people like spinning wild mice so much, either they're painful (Exterminator at Kennywood), boring (Primeval Whirl at Disney's Animal Kingdom) or they would make you so dizzy and sick that you feel like your vision is constantly spinning (this abomination). This one is particularly bad because of how much it spins. I am somewhat okay with spinning rides but this takes it way too far. I spun so fast that I almost threw up and on a coaster like this? It hurts on the turns as well. They did not do a good job with replacing Two-Face with this monstrosity. Now once I think about it... this is the worst coaster experience I had.

  • Vinnie T

    Layout Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I used to justify this ride but in my recent ride, Roar is nothing more than pure RMC real estate. The ride does nothing but severe shaking and jackhammering. I can handle wooden roller coasters through the best of me but this is too much. While the layout is creative but the ride is forceless. Please Six Flags... RMC this abomination. This ride also breaks down a lot as well.

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Intensidad Lap Bar

    The only thing I can remember about this ride (I rode this a couple years ago) is that the lap bar makes Skyrush's lap bar seem comfortable, this restraint is so awkward (especially for larger guests) and I got absolutely stapled in, and that helix after the first mid-course is extremely intense! It's okay for what it is but I'm down for a replacement that has better restraints. I sadly didn't get music on this ride either...

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    This is a fun wooden coaster. The ride does give a lot of floater airtime in the ride, it gives great views of Skyrush (my favorite) and it's really smooth for it's age. It also has a pretty decent pace but the problem is that the airtime doesn't last very long and a lot of the ride seems rather forceless. I can forgive that because it is a classic ride. I do prefer other classic woodies but there is plenty to like on this one.

  • Vinnie T

    Lap Bar Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto Layout

    An okay launch coaster. The first launch (after riding this many times) doesn't feel that forceful and the "0-50" claim is pointless because you're already moving at quite a bit of speed thanks to the sloping turn. The top hat element is my favorite moment of the ride, it's extremely intense as it gives off Skyrush-like airtime. Then looking straight down, the only thing that holds is the restraint, then into a forceful cutback inversion. The zero-g-roll is really snappy but gives off amazing hangtime. The ride then curves upwards into a "mid-course brake run"? It slows the ride down significantly but the ride packs in one more drop which gives off great airtime. The corkscrew after a very forceful, low-to-the-ground turn is has decent hangtime but the little turns and the airtime hills feel pointless. The ride recently though have picked up speed and give good airtime. I wish the second half of the ride was much better but the first half redeems it because of how intense it is.

  • Vinnie T

    Ejectors Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    This ride has probably one of the worst lap bars ever, even if you are thin... your legs would probably get cuts due to how sharp the sides are. Every turn, bump, and hill would make you feel like your legs are going to be torn off. The only thing going for this terrible ride is that is has great ejector in one hill before entering the lake and it's a classic, but everything else is nothing but pain.

  • Vinnie T

    Inversiones Comodidad Fun Vibración

    While not the most intense from this manufacturer, this is a really enjoyable floorless coaster. The vertical loop gives you decent hangtime. The dive loop and zero-g-roll are pretty forceless but are fun. The cobra roll is pretty smooth but into the mid-course break run is probably the roughest part of the ride. The helix and corkscrews are probably the best part of the ride. Other than the transition to the mid-course brake run, the ride is really smooth and is really fun. The effects... while cool but in my opinion, it doesn't add anything to the ride, one time when I went through the spraying auger thing, my eye got hit with water... that was uncomfortable but I close my eyes from now on. It doesn't have a long line either and is the only big coaster in the park (other than Kingda Ka) that can accommodate plus size individuals.

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Incomodidad Sin interés

    I hate spinning wild mouse coasters, and I'm glad this piece of trash is leaving the park. I only rode one side but that was enough for me. The ride wasn't painful (like Exterminator at Kennywood), neither did it spin so fast that it made me sick (like Ragin' Cajun at Six Flags America). This one was trimmed to death, it is a very boring ride. I prefer good rides over good theming but this ride had none... and it's at a Disney park. The theming for the ride is hideous, doesn't fit in Animal Kingdom at all. Good riddance to this drivel, I hope something better (like an actual coaster with some intensity) could be at it's place.

  • Vinnie T

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout Torta

    What an underrated invert! This is probably one of the most intense rides I've ever ridden. The first two inversions are massive but forceful, the cobra roll (if you lean your head to the right on the restraint) is powerful. The worst part of the ride is sadly getting into the mid-course brake run which has a crazy transition which even leaning your head... you will still get headbanging. The brakes actually slow a lot of the second half down. It's a shame because if it was going at that same great pace... this would be a perfect coaster! Even then, the second half is still enjoyable. Probably my favorite inverted coaster (until I ride Montu or Banshee).

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Suavidad Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto

    I prefer good rides over good theming and this ride is one of the best examples. While it's the smoothest coaster I've ever been on, the coaster is poorly paced and is way too short. The coaster basically does nothing. Sure there's great theming but the ride itself is a letdown. Why would you wait that long for something like this?

  • Vinnie T

    Tematización Suavidad Duración Tiempo muerto

    Despite this being the best themed coaster at Disney (or if not in the world), this ride is not the greatest of all time. I prefer good rides over good theming and it really shows here. While the coaster is smooth itself but it really doesn't do a lot. My favorite part has to be when the ride goes backwards, the turn-around is forceful. The drops are big but you don't feel them. I think what they wanted to do was to make a coaster with stuff to look around at, it succeeds.

  • Vinnie T

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout Vibración

    I've been on both sides of this coaster and the Hungarian Horntail/Blue/Ice side is better than the Chinese Fireball/Red/Fire side. I love that it's more diverse in inversions, while the turn around after the lift hill was lame but the inversions from what I can remember were fun and snappy. It is a little (and I mean a tiny) bit rougher than the other side but this one is a lot more exciting. If I go to Universal next time (I really don't want to because they're being lazy with their new rides lately), I will be looking forward to Hagrids to see how it counters with this ride.

  • Vinnie T

    Situación Fun Layout Tiempo muerto

    I've been on both Dragon Challenge coasters as they are different. The Chinese Fireball/Red/Fire side is more critically acclaimed than the Hungarian Horntail/Blue/Ice side. While I do think the Chinese Fireball side is fun but I don't think it is really as intense as the other one. The immelmans were fun, I think this side kinda lacked something... a zero-g-roll and a cobra roll. I didn't ride it while dueling so I can't say my opinions about it while dueling. If I go to Universal next time (I really don't want to because they're being lazy with their new rides lately), I will be looking forward to Hagrids to see how it counters with this ride.