• Carlos M.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Trop court

    It’s easy to underestimate how crazy this ride can be when you see it from the ground. But it’s too short, the design of the track is very simple and the number of times the sit spins is very low.

  • Carlos M.

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité Temps mort

    Time in the queue can be extremely long when choosing the front row.

  • Zach N.

    Inversions Baffes

    This ride is very strange for sure. The ride is basically a tour of the hotel.. for 20 bucks. In all seriousness though, the ride was ridiculously rough, but honestly, I didn't mind it. The new trains probably caused a major improvement. Most of the ride however is just slow rises above the hotel. There is one thing keeping me from ranking it lower, literally one of the best inversions ever, the dive loop. The quick snap to 180 degrees and then the tight pullout is just so intense and whippy. I wouldn't say it's worth the money but I also wouldn't say avoid it.

  • Zach N.

    Fluidité Théma

    This ride is mediocre to the core. The ride is smooth and the second half has decent positives, however the theming makes no sense and I genuinely find it tacky to experience. If they retheme this to make it better than I will put it higher.

  • Zach N.

    Vitesse Déception ! Layout

    This ride was very disappointing for me. The vest restraints were ridiculously tight on my torso. The first drop is okay, I didn't really get that much airtime, it was just floater. The ride then goes through these random forceless inversions. The only decent part of the ride was the zero-g-roll type element which rises up, inverts, and then snaps to the right. You get weak floater but the transition out of this inversion is pretty intense. The final corkscrew is also relatively shakey, it's not strong but it's noticable. Emperor wasn't what I was expecting for a new for 2022 B&M.

  • Zach N.

    Launch Débit Harnais Déception !

    This ride was just so overhyped. The capacity on this thing is AWFUL, I waited what should've been a station wait but it turned into 10 minutes, that's outrageous. I also got one very forceless ride. No element was as good as people had said. There was a decently intense backwards launch but I was just so upset with the capacity, pacing, and disappointment that I decided not to get back in line. Oh, and for good reason, it was constantly over 60 minutes for the remaining duration of my day at Seaworld.

  • Zach N.

    Confort Fun Intensité

    Tatsu is a great ride. This is one of the most underrated coasters I have ever been on. The ride has extremely comfortable seats and restraints, and the ride overall is just fun. The ride does have an insane element; the pretzel loop. This pulls crazy g's for 4.5 seconds and is the most intense element I have ever been on riding a coaster. People need to show this coaster more love.

  • Zach N.

    Airtimes Fun Layout Inconfort

    Twisted Colossus is a great ride. However, people overrate this thing a LOT. The ride has great airtime everywhere and every element pops but some elements like the green side high-five can be awkward and frankly uncomfortable. The ride also doesn't duel as much as designed to, proving to make a relatively less interesting ride experience than if it did duel more. This ride is definitely overrated, but it's still fun and one of the top coasters at Magic Mountain.

  • Zach N.

    Airtimes First Drop Bonne suprise ! Inconfort

    Apocalypse is probably the most overshadowed coaster at Magic Mountain. It doesn't get much attention in any direction. It's not hated on like Goliath, and it's not gushed over like X2 or Twisted Colossus. But this ride is fantastic, the ride has great airdrop, a fabulous first drop, and was just such a surprise to me with how good it was. The only complaint I have is with the discomfort, this ride is rough, and it does jackhammer quite a bit, but it really isn't bad enough to avoid the ride. If this ride got a retrack like Ghostrider did in 2016, I think people would see this ride for what it is and Apocalypse would see longer wait times.

  • Zach N.

    First Drop Fun Intensité Temps mort

    Goliath is a great ride. This is genuinely so over-hated that it actually upsets me. First off, get your OWN opinion y'all. The ride begins with a first drop of malice that lasts forever, while there isn't much airtime, the duration of the drop is what makes it good. The pullout of the drop (And frankly every pullout of this ride) is very intense. The turnaround offers good laterals in all rows. The floater hill gives weak floater airtime for a consistent amount. While I do agree the hill is weak, it's better than Twisted Colossus' speed hills which people claim to "love". The midcourse is the only part of the ride that deserves hate. This kills any pacing and excitement during the ride, and heavily weakens the second half of the ride. The second half has some turns with decent positives, and then the crazy helix; this crushes your bones into it while also lasting forever, afterwards, the ride has a couple more turns into the brakes. If you hate this ride, please stop lying to yourself and get your OWN opinion. (Cuz is it really THAT fun to copy others?)