• Jake H.

    Zamperla Family Coaster. Nicely themed, very short.

  • Jake H.

    Vitesse Trop court

    Jet Rescue is one of the great surprises on the Gold Coast. The laterals and speed, so close to the rockwork, it's a really surprising and forceful little coaster, particularly after the second launch. It could definitely be much longer, and the theming has kind of fallen into non-existence, but you can't go wrong with it. Great ride for Sea World.

  • Jake H.

    Intensité Sans intérêt

    Why is SurfRider even here? It's a decent enough ride, but it runs more like a flat ride than a coaster. But more importantly, it's at a water park, and the operations and maintenance all suffer as a result. This really just is the most misguided ride of all time.

  • Jake H.

    Théma Inconfort

    Road Runner is a nice little family coaster. Nothing too intense. The area around it is well-themed, and the overall appearance of the coaster is nice. I have had mixed experiences in terms of comfort. In the back especially, it seems to deliver some intense laterals that can be uncomfortable for larger riders. However, I don't remember this always being the case, so it may be an age issue.

  • Jake H.

    Théma Théma

    The story of Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster is a roller coaster in itself. Previously one of the best-themed family rides out there, it became an absolute classic. Then, along came VRTP and decided to redevelop the theming. Now, it's trash. It looks cheesy and the animation and screen-based elements are very poorly executed. It seems as though it will undergo another redevelopment, which hopefully will restore its former glory, because this was once by far Australia's best family ride.

  • Jake H.

    Intensité Inconfort

    Arkham Asylum was an intense experience in both a good way and a bad way. The inversions and intensity overall were unlike anything else in Australia, but there was no escaping the typical Vekoma SLC roughness. Even with the vest restraints that prevented headbanging, the tightening on your thighs and the slamming from side to side was incredibly painful. You would always leave this ride with a headache.

  • Jake H.

    Vitesse Inconfort

    I first rode this as Cyclone. The trains have since improved, but the ride still remains overall the same. It's a decent length Arrow looper, but the layout is fairly average. There are some bad transitions, and the vertical loop is like a car crash. Overall, it's enjoyable, but you have to be trying to enjoy it.

  • Jake H.

    Fun Harnais

    This is a Vekoma hang-and-bang, and it sucks. The harnesses are very restrictive on the shoulders of taller riders, and that only adds to the pain on this very rough ride. There are no redeeming moments either, it sort of just glides and meanders around, which means it isn't really worth suffering for.

  • Jake H.

    Inconfort Intensité Lap Bar

    This ride is stupid. Everything about this roller coaster is the worst. The layout is completely devoid of anything interesting. The harnesses are not even harnesses, they are torture devices. The operations suck because of how stupid the train design is, and the ride tracks poorly with its old age. There are no redeeming qualities about this ride. Avoid it.

  • Jake H.

    DPV Wacky Worm. Doesn't even do anything, but nicely themed.