• Dan Getliffe

    Fun Temps mort Intensité

    A pretty sedate hanging coaster, which I guess is to be expected at chessington. The way it swings you round corners is quite fun, but never reaches peak thrills at any point.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Harnais Inconfort

    I’m like an average sized guy, with maybe longer than average legs, but this was almost impossible to sit in! It’s also uncomfortable once you do manage to sit down! Not sure what the point of this ride is.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Temps mort

    Perfetcly fine kids coaster. Can be a little dizzy but gets up to some passable speeds!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Théma Temps mort

    Has good theming but that’s about it. A little boring, and not really re-rideable when you know the surprises.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    Definitely the worst of the thorpe park offerings - the trains are awful and very uncomfortable for tall people. The heartline rolls are good, but be prepared to queue long for this one!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Théma Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    This has really suffered over the years, and what was a 8/9 out of 10 only just about scrapes a 7. Some really great inversions here, but it has got really quite uncomfortable!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Inversions Vitesse Fun

    Another well themed coaster, that while holds nothing to the original nemesis, is a really great ride in it’s own right. A really solid front sear t ride as you wizz round the volcano and jungle!

  • Dan Getliffe

    First Drop Inversions Confort Trop court Harnais

    A really solid ride, with great use of theming throughout. Right hand side is definitely better though!

  • Ruben Puertas Rey

    Inversions Intensité Layout Inversions

    Las inversiones son increíbles. Aportan mucha intensidad y agresividad, pero a veces marean un poco. Vibra, pero no tanto como algunos dicen. Obra maestra, preciosa, divertida y con un layout maravilloso.

  • Jake H.

    Théma Launch

    By launch in the criticisms, I'm referring to the first drop (but this isn't an option from Captain Coaster). The drop is heavily trimmed, to the point that the train is almost completely over the crest before you even begin to pick up speed. The theming is tremendous and it's a smooth, zippy ride, but I'd love to actually get a decent drop out of it.