• Dan Getliffe

    Vitesse Fun

    Slightly bizzare name that doesn’t match the theming (I get it’s a boomerang coaster, but call it Dracula/Bat or something?) but for some reason I really enjoyed this! I thought the pace was miles better than Light Explorers, and the theming as you whizz through the abandoned house was interesting and exciting. Surprisingly quick too!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Temps mort Intensité

    Of the two boomerang coasters here, this is comfortably the worst! The first half is ok, but the backwards section is worse than mediocre. It’s so incredibly slow and uninteresting.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Situation Temps mort

    An incredibly unique ride, but apart from being a water hybrid and that first drop, it doesn’t offer too much. Offers some awesome views of the park, and the lift is fascinating (if quite scary!), but could do with some more elements and excitement.

  • Dan Getliffe

    First Drop Fun Temps mort

    I liked this a lot more than I was expecting, and the speed on the first and second drop really catches you by surprise! Could do with a bit more elements as it loses momentum a bit later on, but a very solid family coaster.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Launch Trop court

    Decent launches and inversions, but it is ridiculously, laughably short. Queued longer for this than Zadra, you might as well re-ride that instead!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Launch Fluidité Layout Temps mort

    This was a really good ride, and while there were a few dead spots, I think I need to re ride later in the day next time to give it a second chance. Good theming, really long ride time and some good launches, coupled with the smoothness make this a great experience!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Vitesse Théma

    This is so close to a 10 as the ride experience is fantastic, but the track theming is awful (parking lot coaster) so unfortunately it loses a point for that. Great airtimes, smooth inversions (if a little rattle on the outside seats) and intense speed make this a great ride. Just add some obstacles or something!!!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Vitesse Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    My expectations were super high for this ride, and it surpassed them by absolute miles! This is an incredible coaster, with no dead spots whatsoever. It throws you around with such incredible speed, and doesn’t let up at any point! It’s also relatively comfortable, and has some awesome inversions and air time. The supports surround you on some but are also removed on others to give breathtaking views at points. An outstanding piece of engineering and design, and I’m counting down the days until I can get back on it again! Note: This is one of those coasters that is much better later in the day too once it’s warmed up.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Fun Intensité Théma

    This is a surprisingly intense spinning coaster, with a decent layout, but suffers from some indifferent theming in my opinion. Where are the dragons? Lots of trees on the layout, but could have been more immersive. Good fun otherwise!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Launch Layout

    Launch is pretty good, but the layout is really odd! Operations are also maddening, the throughput on this thing is so incredibly slow. Gets up to some decent speeds, and I think is a good fit for the park, but some of the design choices are baffling!