Tous les avis
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
The launch is absolutely insane. Short ride but worth it because of the launch.
First Drop Théma Fun Trop court Temps mort Layout
It was a fun ride and so underrated. I love the water section and the roller coaster section. Not to mention the elevator lift. It does what it's supposed to do, which is get you wet, and I like that. The seats are very comfortable too.
First Drop Trop court
Another above-average kiddie coaster for a Busch Gardens park. I was impressed by the one in Tampa and again impressed by Williamsburg. It's still a kid's coaster when it's all said and done but the first drop is surprising compared to some of the older models at other parks. This is still way too short though. I think they should run a second cycle because it seems a bit too short and pointless to make kids get back in line for another run. 1.5/5 stars
Inversions Situation Longueur Vibrations Inconfort
It had a major unexpected rattle but I still rank it over some B&M floorless rides that don't have a rattle. Nice setting but you also might get stapled and the rattle makes the staple painful.
Inversions Bonne suprise ! Fun Launch Temps mort
It's a fun ride but it's launch wasn't very forcefull.
Fun Fluidité Intensité
Not a bad family wooden coaster, but it's very tame, the airtime is weak and it's missing that standout moment. Of course no where near in the same league as Wodan, or Joris en de Draak, which are far superior GCIs. The preshow is awesome, but being forced to watch it each time you reride gets tiring
Sans intérêt Intensité
if you want a better experience, just eat the candy that this ride is themed after and then go on Storm Runner
Inversions Hangtime Baffes
My anaconda don't. (does have some nice hangtime on the corkscrews though)
Airtimes Confort Fun Temps mort
Lapping this on a hot day and feeling all the air on your face (especially closer to the front) is refreshing as hell