• Joey K.

    Théma Débit Fun

    A pretty ride, fun interactions with Wodan and the nearby path, but it's hard to call this a roller coaster. The top section is a nice addition to the "water ride experience" though.

  • Joey K.

    Théma Débit Sans intérêt

    This ride tries to be 2 things at once, and both substract from eachother. This would have been an excellent darkride without the outdoor powered roller coaster part tacked onto it.

  • Joey K.

    Airtimes Fluidité Ejectors

    Revisiting Silver Star after visiting its modern brother in PortAventura has me convinced that this is the superior B&M Hyper in Europe. The first hills have a ton of airtime, and have also been improved massively by replacing the old trim brakes. After the mid-course brake run, the intensity is turned up (rather than turned down like its Spanish counterpart), and there are multiple strong ejector moments. Even the banked turns are very forceful seconds before the final brakes.

  • Joey K.

    Théma Débit Temps mort

    Nice theming, but not very intense, poor throughput, and unfortunately a very large piece of nothing at the end of the ride.

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversions Situation Fun Harnais Layout

    The only flying coaster I'd ridden before this was Nighthawk at Carowinds, and I'd say this is very slightly better. I quite like the experience of flying coasters, so I went into this with high expectations, mostly for the pretzel loop. That inversion definitely delivered and was everything I expected it to be, but the rest of the ride is just good, not much more. I do like the terrain-hugging it does, which makes the rather boring layout much more interesting. The restraints are pretty uncomfortable, however, and I much prefer being held on my back on the brake run than stomach down. I'm hesitant to blame the ride, as I hadn't eaten much of anything that day, but after sitting on the brakes with my head hanging down for a few minutes I felt very bad. 7.5/10 - after eating some Wendy's chicken nuggets I felt a lot better

  • Joey K.

    Théma Fun

    A beautiful and fun family ride. Exactly what water coasters should be like.

  • Joey K.

    Vitesse Layout

    Good pace, a lot of thrilling near miss elements, and a gorgeous vertical loop.

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Intensité Layout

    Going into this ride I knew many called it their favorite B&M Hyper, so my expectations were high. Though I enjoy the model, I tend to find them a little bit boring with the repetitive floater hills and out-and-back L or I shaped layouts. Goliath is nothing like those. It has fantastic floater hills, of course, but also packs in a very interesting layout. The way it winds over the entrance to the park and past the highway is very unique, and leads to a much more engaging ride in my opinion. The positive Gs on this one also shocked me. I knew the double helix was going to be forceful, but I didn't anticipate greying out for that long on a B&M Hyper. The returning bunny hills also slam you back into your seat at the end of each of them, which was one of the coolest moments of the ride. Goliath is an incredible hyper and leagues better than the rest I've ridden; I wish there were more like this out there. 9/10 - everyone is so concerned with whether Orion is a giga they never stopped to ask whether Goliath is a hyper

  • Ethan Finn

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Situation Temps mort

    This is a decent family coaster, and actually packs more into it than you might expect. The backwards launch and navigation section is cool, but there are a few dead spots on the first half of the ride that do make for a pretty view, but a boring experience in terms of intensity. I would ride this again, but I wouldn’t wait more than 15 or 20 minutes.

  • Ethan Finn

    Théma Fun Fluidité

    This is far and away the best family coaster I’ve ever ridden. It’s lengthy, which makes for a good value, and the layout is phenomenal as it weaves through and around Wildwood Grove. My favorite part is the down section behind the waterfall and under the rock work. It truly is beautifully executed from the queue to the exit. The ride is smooth as butter, and the trains are very cool with the jeep-looking design, equipped with working headlights and brake lights for when the sun goes down. I was impressed with the ride ops too, and maybe it’s because of the ride’s newness, but I rode it three times the day I went and every time I only waited half the posted wait time. That, and the operations in the loading area were lightning fast. I highly recommend this coaster to anyone, there’s something there for all to enjoy.