• Anthony Ricciuti

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Inconfort

    Sure, big coasters are always a marvel to look at. However, size doesn't always equal amazing. Sometimes, you can have a very tiny ride that packs a massive punch, and Maverick does EXACTLY that! It's first launch quite literally acts like a lift hill, which you then get THRUSTED down the first drop into these snappy and fast paced maneuvers. After a crazy first half, you go into an even CRAZIER second half, with an extreme launch out of a freaking tunnel, and ultra insane maneuvers that literally try to kill you. All in all, Maverick is not for the faint of heart as it can be so intense it's a bit uncomfortable. However, if you are in for a wild ride, you are going to experience something TRULY memorable.

  • Anthony Ricciuti

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité

    How on earth do people think this ride is forceless? Dude, the speed and the setting of this ride is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Seriously, Millennium Force, at least in the front row, feels like you are riding on a dragon into heaven. This ride is also buttery smooth and very forceful. If you seriously think this ride is boring or forceless, then just go fly an aircraft or join NASA. If you go to Cedar Point, you MUST ride is 23 year old masterpiece! It's is a force to be reckoned with. A force, known as... Millennium Force! The future is riding on it!

  • Anthony Dean

    Confort Launch Harnais Trop court Débit Intensité

    This ride has a great start with the launch into the outdoor area, but fizzles out a bit. Felt like it should've lasted longer.

  • Blooey Bloo

    Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre

    (Updated from last year's review): Ahh Shambhala! Where to start? Quite literally a MASTERPIECE! From start to finish, this rollercoaster will leave you in awe of how great it is. Definitely the best B&M hyper. Even better at night. The first drop is nothing like I've experienced before on any coaster, extremely smooth. This is one of the only coasters where I can say it is ENJOYABLE to go on. There's absolutely ZERO discomfort, there's no way anyone can feel lightheaded after going on this. Overall the best rollercoaster in Europe (arguably in the world) in my opinion, and one of the best B&Ms in general. DO NOT THINK OF SKIPPING! Went on it 8 times in one day (with the express of course, lol) and didn't even feel a scratch! Can't say many coasters didn't leave me with a headache after going on them 8 times!

  • Blooey Bloo

    Théma Launch Intensité Baffes Trop court

    Furius Baco! That dang ride that always has 2+ hour waits! Located right at the entrance of the wonderful PortAventura Park, in the Mediterranean area, let's start off by saying the theming of this rollercoaster is PHENOMENAL. SPOT on. From the entrance, to the waiting lines, to the music, to the short film at the beginning of the ride and the monkey hanging out at the end of the ride, you exit through an actual winery where you can buy wine too! PortAventura really nailed the theming & immersion for Furius Baco. The launch is great as well, absolutely no warning and fantastically intense yet smooth. Furius Baco is the only rollercoaster I've been on where you actually launch 135km/h onto a drop. Wow! Unfortunately however Furius Baco does not offer more than that. The ride experience after the amazing start is just filled with right & left turns that hurt more than anything really. The headbanging is very present especially on the outer seats. No wonder why Intamin never re-made a Launched Wing Coaster. On top of that, the experience is very short. Furius Baco operations are okay though! To end on a good note however, Furius Baco is definitely a ride not to skip. The theming & launch are incredible. Try going later on in the day since everyone queues for Furius Baco right at 10 AM. Check out Shambhala or Dragon Khan (which open a little while after) in the meantime because Furius Baco will always have a long wait time, whether it's morning or afternoon.

  • Blooey Bloo

    Situation Fun Layout Vibrations

    (Copied from Stampida - Red review.) Stampida is located in the 'Far West' zone of PortAventura Park which is phenomenally beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. The views you get are great, and the layout of the rollercoaster is fantastic. I had rated this coaster a mere 1.5 stars just one year ago, because of the genuine damage it puts on your body from the rattle & discomfort, but I'm putting 3 stars this time. Not sure if it's because I knew what to expect this time & actually braced, but it actually did not hurt & was greatly enjoyable with amazing operations! The part where the 2 racing trains separate and then face each other is definitely the highlight reel! Overall I think you're in for a great ride IF YOU BRACE and KEEP YOUR KNEES WELL CENTERED! I can't stress this enough! I advised to skip last year, but definitely definitely do not! Simply brace & have fun on this nice ride!

  • Blooey Bloo

    Situation Fun Layout Vibrations

    Stampida is located in the 'Far West' zone of PortAventura Park which is phenomenally beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. The views you get are great, and the layout of the rollercoaster is fantastic. I had rated this coaster a mere 1.5 stars just one year ago, because of the genuine damage it puts on your body from the rattle & discomfort, but I'm putting 3 stars this time. Not sure if it's because I knew what to expect this time & actually braced, but it actually did not hurt & was greatly enjoyable with amazing operations! The part where the 2 racing trains separate and then face each other is definitely the highlight reel! Overall I think you're in for a great ride IF YOU BRACE and KEEP YOUR KNEES WELL CENTERED! I can't stress this enough! I advised to skip last year, but definitely definitely do not! Simply brace & have fun on this amazing ride!

  • Blooey Bloo

    Débit Inversions Intensité Vibrations Baffes

    PortAventura's historic ride and the ex-7 year world record holder for the most inversions on any rollercoaster! Dragon Khan is a very fun & aesthetically pretty ride with fantastic operations & definitely one of the 'great fours' at PortAventura World. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your taste, this 28-year-old rollercoaster now packs quite an intense punch that will leave you KO'd once you're done. Get ready to get WHOOPED from inversion to inversion, and have your head spinning at the end. Try not to do this ride multiple times in a row or right after eating, instead do that with the mythical Shambhala. I had originally rated this 4 stars last year, but I will be reducing to 3.5 stars because of the rattle that's becoming more & more present, either on the inside or outside seats. Overall however, it's still a ride packed with fun elements & an extreme source of intensity. Definitely don't skip this one, it's a classic!

  • Koen

    Confort Intensité Fluidité

    The first drop is quite good and gives the right pace throughout the ride. Especially in the rear it makes a good difference. And especially considering its drop height. For me it stands out with its helixes and gave some decent force. After 4-5 rides in a row it got me even dizzy too. This proves it can create some decent forces despite its rather compact layout and drop with tight and overbanked curves.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    Zodra is amazing. From the first drop until the breaks Zadra is amazing. The only slight con is that the giant airtime hill doesn't provide that mush airtime, especially at the start of the day it does nothing. But at the end of the day it's not as forceful as the rest of the layout, but still a lot of fun. I think I preferred the front row slightly over the back row because it gives a lot better the sense of speed and still a lot of airtime. However the back row provides more airtime in my opinion. But overall it is one of the best coasters I have ridden and one of my favourites!