• Jake H.

    Intensité Vibrations

    Rolling X-Train is a nice little Arrow looper! It runs much more smoothly than I expected, and the sideless trains provide a good deal of comfort. The inversions are rather forceful, although the layout is fairly generic. There are a few potholes, particularly in the final helix, but overall it's a fun ride. Everland certainly needs something else new though. It's sad that this is the only thrill coaster in the park besides T Express.

  • まさちゃん

    Situation Débit Harnais Airtimes

    終盤のヘリックスはそこそこですが、それ以外はエスカレーターに乗ってる方が楽しいです。 面白くないくせに「面白いですよ」という面構えで聳えているので、非コースターマニアの人が「なんだ、ジェットコースターってこんなもんか」と勘違いする懸念があります。そのような人はもうジェットコースターに乗らなくなるので、バニッシュ、および泉陽は滅ぼすべき巨悪だと思います。

  • CoasterHead

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    Ghostrider is currently my #1 wooden coaster and my #3 overall. First visited the park in 2019 when I was 12, and not too long ago I went in August 2022 and left the park with 13 rides on Ghostrider. This ride is an incredible work of art. It’s got wild forces every direction whipping through a top tier layout. I don’t think I have any complaints with it other than its operations/dispatches. But other than that, nothing wrong with it. I do hear this ride does have a rattle. Is this ride rough? Absolutely not, this ride is pure smooth. I found it not even slightly rough. You can marathon this ride without any nausea. Every row on this ride is spectacular, even the middle row. The back is easily the best though. The drop off the mid course is my favorite moment on the ride as you get WHIPPED down that drop. And the night rides? Oh boy. If you aren’t familiar with the rides layout, night rides will get you good. Ghostrider is AMAZING. Go ride it. Final score: 95% Airtime ✅ Good layout ✅ Intensity ✅ Laterals ✅ Re-rideable ✅ Best ride at the park ✅ Worth it? ✅

  • CoasterHead

    Airtimes Confort Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    For this coasters age, (100+ years) it runs super well. The park does a fantastic job maintaining this ride to be a smooth and enjoyable ride. It is far smoother than you would expect. Even though it’s kinda rough, it’s still smoother than how rough it is. Front and Back are by far the smoothest rows. In 2018, they gave Roller Coaster a new retract and Millennium Flyer trains by GCI. It runs better than it used to. The front row gives some nice pops of air on those hills, while not sustained. The back row gives some nice pops of ejector on those first few drops. The layout is repetitive, but not bad thanks to my taste of always enjoying an airtime filled layout. What can I rate it? I’ll give it a solid 67%. Worth the checkout while visiting Lagoon.

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Inversions Launch Inconfort

    I hit this on a day when there were no lines. I laughed throughout each ride because I was having so much fun. The first drop out of the station was surprising and intense. The launches, inversions and airtimes are great. You need to ride it multiple times because each seat gives a new ride experience. My favorite ride was where I was backward for the first drop (awesome!) and then facing down for an overbanked turn. The only drawback was that the spinning gave me slight nausea, so I had to take breaks between rides.

  • Robert A.

    Théma Situation Longueur

    Screaming through the station is great fun

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun


  • Robert A.

    Airtimes Launch Fluidité Temps mort

    Fantastic launch with great ejectors on the top hat, and cool layout but slows down a bit after the midcourse with a very drawn out hill that could've been a bit sharper, but good ride nonetheless.

  • Robert A.

    Longueur Inconfort

    Wish the seats were more comfortable than hard plastic but always enjoyed these tivolis nonetheless

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Trop court

    Silly little thing