• Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    Inversions Fun Fluidité Temps mort

    This is a great ride. The pretzel loop is amazing, and the rest of the ride makes you feel like you are soaring through the sky, with the exception of the pop of air off of the mcbr. The reason this isn't 5 stars isbecause some of the ride feels like a family coaster, with very low thrills and slow speeds.

  • Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    Inversions Confort Fun

    This may be more of a family coaster, but this coaster might be the most fun I ever had on a coaster, as I went on it when I was very young. I really want to get back and re-experience one of my childhood favorites!

  • Andy Manor

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    There is a reason why this is my number 1. It’s a masterpiece, and it will be hard to top.

  • Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    Confort Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Vibrations

    How did such a god awful ride turn into one of my favorites? I think I like this more than montu! this is so intense with the rattle and the jerkiness making it feel so out of control, just pure fun. Only bad thing is it isn't crazy whippy and the brake run is horrid and slams you forward.

  • Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    First Drop Fun Hangtime

    No reason for the hate. The spikes are amazing the the rest is forceful. You might get some headbanging but not a lot, and it's better than the awful mid eraser, which is thankfully gone.

  • Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    Launch Inconfort A raser ! Lap Bar

    I hate this ride with a burning passion. I tried to get some room in the station and I did get some. But after the launch my restraint came down so far it felt as if a boulder was resting on my legs. No airtime. No hangtime. Just pain. And I wasn't even alone. Three out of the four people riding hated it because of the same reason. Although one person didn't mind the restraints. So maybe try it to see if you like it, but don't say I didn't warn you. The reason I give this 1.5 stars is because you probably will enjoy it more than I did.

  • Waluigi’s Perfect Potato

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun Harnais

    This is one hell of a ride. A lot more fun than I thought it would be. Some solid airtime on some hills, the first launch was amazing, and the whole ride was just pure enjoyment.

  • Jordan Doose

    Layout Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    While the layout is generally enjoyable, with a lot of moments that have potential for greatness, the insane headbanging and roughness of the ride shows every single time it bottoms out. My ride was so rough I had to apply ice packs to the sides of my head when I returned home. Honestly couldn't recommend ever riding this, get a credit elsewhere.


    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse Vibrations Inconfort

    I have absolutely no idea why nobody talks about this ride. In the back row, the first drop is a really strong moment of sustained floater. The rest of the ride has nice airtime, especially the drop off of the first turnaround. The biggest con is easily the roughness. Although High Roller gets a pass because of its age, 45 years old, but it's still very rough and definitely takes away from the experience.

  • Joel Simon

    Fun Fluidité Temps mort Layout Intensité

    It is fun but the layout is pretty boring