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Layout Vibrations Baffes Inconfort
Great soundtrack, very unique lifthill. Sadly the ride was incredibly rough and it didn't spin. Doing this whole thing backwards didn't help with the headbanging. What a shame.
First Drop Inversions Fun Trop court Temps mort
I've ridden this for many years, and honestly I think it's starting to show it's age. It's getting rougher, although it still isn't rough.
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Débit
The first time I rode this coaster, I did not know what to think, it did not feel comfortable. But the second time I leaned into the harnass better, I let my head down and did not try to look foreward but just down, and man.. This coaster is truly something else completely. It is a true masterpiece in layout, airtime, theming, and the darkride section always gave me shivers. Go ride it when you can, and try to relax into the harnass and it will be an experience you will never forget....
Fun Débit Layout
Winja's fear was the better coaster for me. The layout was kinda boring compared to its twin, but still fun.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Débit
Loved this fun spinning coaster! It was slighly better then its twin coaster.
どうってことない旧型ファミリーサスペンデッドなのだが、ネーミングで星半オマケ。「子供」を意味する「kiddy」と、ライト兄弟が人類初有人動力飛行を成功させたノースカロライナ州の町「Kitty Hawk」を掛けたもので、こういう地域性を感じさせるセンスは好き。そしていやが上にも将来の「Wright Flyer」を名乗る新コースターの登場を期待させてくれる。「Wilbur」と「Orville」の2コースが絡み合う木製デュエリングなんてどうだろう。
Inversions Intensité Layout Théma
Great ride, the least of the Batman clones I've ridden but don't let that discourage you, it's still quality ride.
Théma Fluidité
The theming of this ride was good, and I think it was a good thrill ride for children. It was smooth, and I really liked the train going inside the station building.
Nothing very special, just a smooth family coaster that does its work well.
Situation Théma
The setting at the lake is pretty nice, but the brightly colored trains look outdated and the white track could get some cleaning. It might be a pretty large junior coaster, but it's not really more intense than others - for children and families it is fine.