• Simon M.

    Launch Intensité Débit Harnais

    Didn't really mind the restraints. Launch is better than TTDs for me + I like the big hill. It rattles a bit but how could it not at such speeds and it's only in 2 places so who cares.

  • Simon M.

    Situation Chef d'oeuvre Longueur Débit


  • Halish R.

    Lap Bar Fluidité Layout Airtimes Temps mort Intensité

    The last inversion is excellent!

  • Francisco Robles

    Théma Fun

    Nothing marvelous, but nobody can say that riding a coaster while clapping along Offenbach cancan music isn't fun.

  • Krzysztof Czaplicki

    First Drop Fluidité Layout

    The ride is absolutely epic. Positive feelings appear before you even ride it. Lech is visible from every place in the park, beautifully located by the lake - it looks magnificent. When you get closer, it is even better: extensive medieval theming based on legend of Lech, who is considered as the first Polish ruler looks really well. But let's go to the mertis: the trains are the newest design from Vekoma and are really comfortable.After the start you have a few moments to enjoy the views and then the sensational ride begins: first drop is a masterpiece. And I really mean masterpiece. But the best thing is that the rest of the ride is extremely intense, with constant action, 3 great inversions, airtimes and lots of positive G's. The pace is great, and you can really feel the speed because majority of the ride is close the the ground, with some great sections over the lake too. Whole ride is very, very smooth, which is totally different from old Vekoma coasters. This thing is an example of how compact-size steel roller coaster should be designed.

  • Brandon Meerwijk

    Airtimes Ejectors Longueur

    This is the best ride I’ve ever rode, the airtime is freakin amazing, the inversions are insane good, it don’t loses it speed, the hangtime is amazing in that last inversion,

  • Simon M.

    Lap Bar Launch Fluidité Trop court

    It's smoother and the restraints are better, but the Launch doesn't quite reach Kingda Ka's. I also miss the large floater hill.

  • Simon M.

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Layout Théma Temps mort

    "Dead spots" was the closest thing to "I hate the trimbrakes and the last part would be so much better without them" that I could find.


    Théma Fun Fluidité Trop court Inconfort

    I was not expecting such a good ride. The coaster is quite short, but very intense. Especially when you spin a lot. I didn't like the train. I didn't have enough space for my legs.


    Fun Théma Débit

    Unique in Europe, the layout is pretty boring and the launch isn't intense, but nice. There are some bunny hills in this ride, but there's no airtime.