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Airtimes First Drop Intensity Rattle
(I removed my oldest reviews because they are outdated and no longer reflect my opinion) Update October 2023: This thing redeemed itself big time. Especially on my second ride in row 9. I got room with my lap bar, the first drop is excellent, so is every subsequent drop. The 90° wave turn might be my favorite part of the ride, it is floaty, almost giving a feeling of weightlessness. The speed hill offers a good pop of floater airtime, and the back to back hills later on deliver more sustained floater airtime. The final banked hills might actually be the weakest in terms of airtime. They don't do much of anything in my opinion. The ride is overall quite smooth for a wooden coaster. It has a shimmy, but nothing bad. It is amazing how this thing managed to impress me just a few months after my awful rides. I guess it's going up from 3.5 starts to 4 stars. Update December 2023: I got my first two backwards rides on this and it was incredible. Everything had more power and that drop backwards might be the best drop that I've experienced. It's a bit rough but I think it adds to the intensity. Update January 2024: My ride in row 2 was insane. It was at night as well and it was intense. It rattled quite a bit, but nothing too jarring. Update March 2024: Now, the removal of the back car is a bit of a bummer but the queue moved a bit faster than it did in January so I guess that's an improvement. Not only that but this thing HAULS through its layout. I felt the airtime this ride has to offer like never before, probably thanks to the added weight on the train with the additional car. That rattle was a little hard to take in but it doesn't leave you with a headache so it's not a big issue. Update May 2024: I got some great ejector airtime in row 14 on all hills. It was glorious. It's rough, no doubt, so much so that it tilted my GoPro back a little bit. But honestly, it's tolerable. I also found Tonnerre de Zeus's old PTC trains sitting abandoned somewhere near a parking lot which was actually quite an emotional moment for me. Update June 2024: While my first rides of the month were pretty meh, and didn't have muh airtime and a pretty big rattle that gave me a bit of a headache on my second ride, my only ride on June 14th was another story. It had great airtime and didn't rattle to the point of giving me a headache. It seems to be a roll of the dice whether you get a good ride on Tonnerre 2 Zeus or not, it heavily depends on the row you are seated in and maybe even the train you get (though I can't confirm that). Uodate June 27th: Once again a great ride at the end of the day with lots of airtime and not even that much jackhammering. Update December 2024: It's a great woody that gets underappreciated due to its roughness, which I don't find particularly jarring now, but it can be quite surprising on first rides, especially when you know that it was retracked in 2022 to suposedly make it smoother (which even I don't find is true). It's better than it was in 2023 (somehow), and whilst Toutatis has the best airtime of any coaster at the park, Tonnerre 2 Zeus has the most airtime of the park. When it comes to the roughness, keeping some room between you and the lap bar helps.
First Drop Disappointing! Discomfort
I had been dreaming of riding this legendary coaster for a very long time, having always heard great things about Tonnerre 2 Zeus. Naturally, I was excited to finally experience it. Aaaaaand... What a letdown. While the first drop is incredible, I’ve never been thrown around so violently in my life. I’ve never had a roller coaster leave me with back pain either, until T2Z. Even Goudurix feels smooth in comparison! This ride is just unbearably rough. It’s a real shame because the layout itself is fantastic, packed with small airtime hills and intense headchopper moments. But the excessive roughness completely ruined the experience.
First Drop Rattle Discomfort
Wooden coaster, what did you expect? Good thrill for a moment
First Drop Layout Rattle Capacity
It's so sad that the park spent money for retracking and the ride rattles so much, that you cannot enjoy it. Maybe this is due to the fact, that the wooden structure seems very fragile. The layout otherwise is quite good. Let RMC make a good coaster with the Ibox track and the park will have a third premium coaster.
Pace Layout Rattle Discomfort
What should be a great coaster is ruined by the rough ride. The layout is fantastic but i can't recommend riding due to the rattle!
Airtimes First Drop Intensity Rattle
I used to find this ride a bit too rough, and felt nauseous after a few seconds, but my 2 last rides were a lot better: I sat a bit more forward, putting my hips at the front, which allowed me to gain some extra space, until the belt checking by the staff, and releasing it. I gained the 2/3 centimeters that are a game changer to me, because this way, you are not stappled against your seat, and it makes the ride a lot more enjoyable. A game changer in my opinion. Riding it backwards is a must do, since you can't anticipate the layout, unless you know it. It was really good! I understand why people queue for this ride, it's very intense, and d the theming is beautiful. Edit : ridden on January 7th 2024, I applied the tip of saving some space between me and the lapbar, and I really enjoyed the ride. 3rd row. The bank turn offered me a great floater time, and some nice airtime moments. Edit September 2024 : The park finally took a crucial decision: you are no longer allowed to have your bags on board, which really improves the experience. My last ride was good, without the hassle of dealing with your bag, I enjoyed the ride, and even noticed that the ride was less bumpy (thanks to that or not, idk, but it was just pure fun and intensity. It has definitely risen up in my personal ranking.
Airtimes Intensity Intensity
Good layout, very intense. Could be smoother
Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
This was such a disappointment of a coaster. The layout is good and interesting, but from the start to the end was one of the most uncomfortable rides I've ever had. I spent most of the time worrying about spinal damage it was that bad & felt like I was about an inch shorter by the time I got off. Goudrix gets a lot of hate, but having ridden both within an hour of each other Goudrix was by far more comfortable than this abomination.
Intensity Layout Duration Rattle Discomfort Intensity
This was my first coaster of the day, which wasn’t a great choice. This coaster is super rough and left me with quite a sore neck, however for a wooden coaster it’s not terrible. If you can get past that however, it has a good layout and is quite good fun. Some of the theming is really unique and the restraints are quite comfortable.
Layout Rattle
This ride has the potential of being an absolutely great wooden coaster, if only it hadn't that nasty rattles through all the layout. Not as bad as Bandit or SLCs, but still uncomfortable. What a shame.
First Drop Theming Fun Rattle Capacity
It is generally a nice rollercoaster. Though the ever appearing rattle, despite the retracking, makes it hard to ride it multiple times. It's safe to say RMC would have probably done a better job. Despite this the first drop is very nice for a wooden coaster, the queue line is very well themed and in general the ride is fun. The lap bars are just weird, but they don't bother me. The capacity is atrocious though.
Nice surprise! Pace Intensity
I was a bit hesitant to ride this coaster because of the bad rep it has got since the re-imagining. I never rode the original so I can't compare, but I was very pleasantly surprised. The rides I had (rows 10, 12 and 14) were all completely unhinged and I loved every insane second of it. Sure it's a bit jolty in places, but it's nowhere near as bad as Bandit, Loup Garou or even Mammut at Tripsdrill. It was 31 degrees Celsius when I rode it, the train was flying through the layout so fast I doubt the wheels were even touching the track. I'm a tall and somewhat fat guy and the Timberliner trains fit me like a glove. No discomfort what so ever. Awesome coaster.
Airtimes Nice surprise! Rattle Discomfort
Taking bags on ride ruins the experience! I spent the whole ride worried about my large bag falling out during the airtime hills and didn't really get to enjoy the ride
First Drop Pace Ejectors
am I the only one who thinks the rattling makes it more fun? I rode it on the front and I honestly didn't expect that force 0_0 my hips hurt a bit after i left the ride, but for the rest I honestly love this coaster, 3rd favorite coaster for me in Parc Àsterix!
Airtimes First Drop Rattle Lap Bar
Very enjoyable but rough GCI, the restraints are a bit weird and it can be a bit rough at parts but all in all, it's pretty good
First Drop Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!
It was an awesome ride before it's retrack, now it's just a big pile of wood begging to be teared down. Riding this is no fun at all ! All you do is beg for your life and try to limit the pain from the end of the (arguably quite nice) first drop until the start of the last helix. You can finaly recover when you reach this last helix since it's now so slow that you would almost have time to chat with the unsuspecting future riders in the queue bellow you. Bonus point for the new trains that are infinitely less comfortable that the first one if you are a big guy like me.
First Drop Intensity Rattle Discomfort
I knew it was a CCI just 2 years ago, and since the gravity group changed part of the layout and trains, i thought it was more manageable... And i was wrong. Every 3 seconds it bangs on the rails with full force... The layout has a lot of potential with some crazy airtime in the back but is nearly all lost due to its rattling
Pace Layout Rattle Discomfort
What a rough piece of junk. The Layout really has potential, but the extreme roughness of this ride make it hard to enjoy. My ride in the third to back row was probably one of my only rides on a coaster where I wanted it to be over as fast as possible. Goudurix, Bandit and SLCs are smoother and more fun than this ride in its current state. However, I do still appreciate the layout and the quick but a bit chaotic operations.
Rattle Tear it down! Pointless
Colossal rattlef*ck. Gerstrattler would be jealous. Backwards facing seats removed, so we did the last row facing forwards unfortunately. It was a big mistake. Operations are atrocious, they don't even check the filotomatrix queue and lots of people are queue jumping.
Pace Duration Discomfort Airtimes
I've ridden Tonnerre de Zeus before and the new retrack and new elements didn't make it much better, it's a bit better but overall the new elements are pretty weak. First drop is still good in the back, the 90° banked turn doesn't do much which imo is sad, all the hills on the ride gave floater at best expect the ones after the tunnel, and talking about that tunnel, wow my eardrums almost exploded of the loudness. The 2 off axis hills after it do pull some nice flowjector airtime, sadly the ride is still extremely rough, which is a shame, they spent 7 million on this... for maybe 2 million more we could saw an worldclass RMC.
First Drop Lap Bar Intensity Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort
now since ive ridden it only backwards, ill only be talking about the backwards experience. so, the first drop is BONKERS and pretty steep for a woodie. the ride is pretty intense and has really comfy timberliner restraints. now to the cons. its REALLY rattly, maybe even more than goudurix.
Layout Rattle
Gravity Group is super daring with their coasters, also fantastic what they added to this CCI. I loved the waveturn here. Sadly an issue with Gravity Group is a rattle, luckily not uncomfortable, but it's a standard from them it feels like, somewhat sloppy tracking. GCI is always a lot smoother, even when I think their layouts are less interesting than Gravity Group. I very much like the part after the waveturn, it very much reminded of The Voyage's part in the back of the forest. Super hype. This was my first time in Timberliner trains, they are comfortable! They make a horrible sound throughout the layout of the coaster though, the chainlift is nice and clacky but throughout the layout they are painfully screechy.
Pace Fun Duration Rattle Discomfort
Tonnere 2 Zeus is a tough one to rate. Some laps where great, others just hurt. The ride starts off with a disappointing and shaky first drop but surprises with some fresh elements like the waveturn and offers some intense forces paired with more or less rattle. Backrow (backwards) is a must for me and somehow much smoother, straight (5/5), first and second to last row are also not too bad (4/5), just stay away from the middle rows (3/5).
Theming Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort
I love wooden coasters that have a bit of a rattle to them, however on Tonnerre 2 Zeus it is just too much. This thing runs on square wheels and it gives you a headache. Not enjoyable at all. I was hoping this ride wouldn't be that bad because of the recent retrack, but yeah this one just left me disappointed.
Lap Bar Fun Duration Capacity
To everyone who said this should have been done by RMC: no. But to be fair I think the helix was the best part of the original Tonerre de Zeus and they sadly took it out. I wish that they altered more of the layout like steepening the drop or something. Timberline's trains are great, shame about Parc Asterix is that the capacity being average means the queue gets long very easily. Other thing is you need to take backpacks with you which means your belongings will take a beating. Backwards back row is a ton of fun! I dislike Fury at Bobbejaanland backwards but I found this to be far more entertaining considering you get backwards airtime, thumbs up to the Gravity Group!
Airtimes Duration Rattle Discomfort
Front row: Good ride with nice airtime and a cool 90° banked turn but also a bit shaky but nothing too bad. Middle: Horrible! Don't know why but very uncomfortable and far less airtime. Backwards car: Amazing! Definitely the best seat good airtime and surprisingly comfortable. During my visit the back car was free you just had to wait a little extra which is definitely worth it.
it breaks the back but it remains good and fun.
Fun Layout Duration Lap Bar
This is kind of a mixed bag for me: Some parts are really smooth (for example the banked airtime hill), others have a rattle which is noticable but far away from uncomfortable. Layout is quite good, it has some nice airtime moments, is pretty long and versatile, and the tunnels are a neat gimmick. According to the name, this might be one of the loudest coasters I have ever encountered, the trains make a high-pitched metallic noise when on the lift hill and running with greater speed. Personally, I am not a big fan of the trains - they look ugly and the lap bars are not the best. To sum it all up, Tonneure 2 Zeus is a solid and fun coaster on par with Pegase Express, but does not come close to Oziris and Toutatis.
Airtimes Fun Duration
wow! i had heard some not great things about how it was running this year, so i went in with low expectations. after riding in the backwards seat, i was thoroughly impressed! so many fun pops of air, and the layout just keeps going. excellent trains too.
Nice surprise! Pace Layout Rattle Airtimes
The only time it was actually run riding it was in the last row (backwards) because there I felt airtime. But not in the rows in the middle
Nice surprise! Fun Rattle Airtimes
I had a front row and back row ride on this first thing in the morning, and then a late in the day front row ride. I really enjoyed the first front row ride, but was expecting to have more airtime on the back, although that wasn't the case. It just felt like there was no airtime.. I know I probably shouldn't compare to Wodan at Europa park but that's one of the only other similar rides I've done so all I have to compare really and on Wodan on the front you really get pushed over every hill by the rest of the train.. on this that didn't happen! It was quite disappointing actually. The pacing and the speed felt good which I think is what made it fun. I loved the super banked turn, that was fun and a nice surprise! Although I hated the tunnel, why is the audio so loud! It's awful on ride and very annoying the queue line too. I realise this isn't a fault of the ride but more of the park, but that is seriously not a ride you should be allowed to take bags on ! I had a smallish backpack which was quite light and literally had to wrap the strap around my foot, put my foot on the strap and hold onto the other strap aswell and it was still floating up between my legs! Very dangerous in my opinion and took away from the ride experience because I was worried about dropping it. Crazy actually that they let you take bags on that, and surprising there aren't more incidents. Why can't they just have the same baggage system as on the other rides?! I like that the queue line goes really under the coaster.
Airtimes Rattle Disappointing!
I don’t know what happened with this one. Tonnerre 2 Zeus isn’t a terrible ride by any means, but it’s not what I’ve come to expect from Gravity Group. The airtime is okay, but the rest of the layout doesn’t do much in terms of forces and rattles the whole time. I was really looking forward to this ride but, unfortunately, it was really disappointing.
Airtimes Rattle Discomfort Layout
Good first drop but overall found the rattle and discomfort a bit much for me. Train could also have been more comfortable. Line was very long despite being there on a quiet weekday.
Comfort Intensity
Very intense and thrilling ride! Feels like a constant battle between the rough track and the super comfortable train seats. The backwards ride is worth waiting for. The train's rattle sound is also very unique.
Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Rattle
Nice violent and long wooden coaster. It might rattle but its not too uncomfortable and is part of the experience. The layout is fun and full of variety. Also a nice surprise is the reversed back seat (no extra line or payment), go try it out
Duration Disappointing! Discomfort Pointless
I liked this coaster much more before the re-track. It's a realy pointless coaster now...
Location Duration Rattle
Its better than Tonnerre De Zeus before the retrack but its still a very heavy ride with some rattle moments.
Airtimes Ejectors Duration Rattle Discomfort
This is a weird mix of intensity, airtime, great layout, long coaster, good pacing, combined with a lot of rattle, roughness and slightly too small trains for a 6 foot tall guy with a backpack he needs to take on the train. Came off liking it but with a headache.
Airtimes Pace Layout Rattle
Amazing layout, especially with the sideways airtime hill, but the retrack and new trains do not help the smoothness of the ride whatsoever. It used to be a good coaster but now it’s just decent, and the old version is better. Worth the ride but impossible to marathon, and always has an extensive line (at least 90 mins) for a mediocre experience.
Airtimes Pace Intensity Capacity
Tonnerre 2 Zeus is one of the reasons why I go to Parc Asterix. The ride is fantastic. Good theming, too. I don't give it five starts, because of the waiting time. You have to wait a long time to get on it.
First Drop Rattle Headbanging
Layout Rattle Disappointing! Tear it down!
First Drop Pace Layout Rattle Theming
First Drop Pace Rattle
First Drop Ejectors Headbanging
Layout Headbanging Discomfort Lap Bar
First Drop Layout Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!