Detailed user ratings
Pégase Express features
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Reviews 2240
Theming Fun Layout
Update December 2024: I have a better opinion of this ride now. It has some float and the drop off of the backwards launch is quite good. It didn't rattle as much as I remembered. Good family coaster. Update June 2024: This ride has a great layout, but its rattle seems to only get worse. There is now a pothole on the backwards section (which is where you don't want any violent rattle) and it is really jarring. It's a fun ride but it does have a rattly moments turns and pullouts. It and Pegasus at Europa Park can really be interchanged in my top. Also first time I see no wait for this. It was a walk on, which is highly unusual, especially in June. Update March 2024: I was positively surprised by Pégase Express today. It ran well and the fast paced transitions are fun, even if there isn't much in the way of forces. It's just behind Goudurix in my rankings now. Update October 2023: Forget what I said about this being better than Zeus. It's not. Zeus is a great coaster and I even prefered Goudurix to Pégase Express. It's a good family coaster but it does next to nothing in the forces departement. I don't even think it hits 2Gs. It's a good family coaster, it does its job well and has a high throughput. The rattle can grind on you, it doesn't cause a headache, it's just there. This coaster is a great fit for families and a good step up from the smaller coasters at the park. It has a cool launch out of the station that has a little bit of kick to it, a good drop that’s not to thrilling to appeal to younger riders and a short but good backwards section. The Medusa section is cool too and some hills have a tiny pinch of airtime. The ride has a problem that a lot of Gerstlauer coasters have and it’s the potholes. They are especially noticeable in the backwards section and the coaster overall has a little rattle but nothing too uncomfortable. A good intermediate coaster that fills a gap between thrill and family coasters though it is still pretty much a family coaster. Update June 2023: I rode this coaster on June 28th and it was my best ride on this. The forward section didn't wow me, it was the same as before. The backwards section was awesome. Not being able to see what is coming adds a fun factor and makes even the mildest of elements hit different. The left seats also get some water due to the fountains that are syncronised to the trains passing. It did have a noticable rattle, but nothing that really bothers me. I had a better experience on this compared to Tonnerre 2 Zeus, which was crazy rough and not fun, and that is enough to push it to a 4 star rating. It's better that Goudurix and Zeus (unpopular opinion, I know).
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
This has to be the perfect family coaster! a true masterpiece from Gerstlaurer which match thrilling elements, such as launches and backward sections, with a family friendly layout.
Airtimes Fun Layout Dead spots
For a family coaster I thought this was excellent and rode it 3 times. Not much intensity but loads of fun, a great introduction for those new to thrill rides! Some decent airtime when riding at the back.
Nice surprise! Fun Layout Rattle
What a fun family coaster. While not overly intense, the layout brings some nice little surprises. A mild rattle is there, but it doesn't detract too much from the overall experience.
Comfort Fun Duration
It was really, really fun. A really nice first drop (I kind of felt my stomach drop on that one) and very smooth - basically no rattle. You g t sprayed with water in the indoor section and both the launches are quite powerful. Definitely recommend as a family thrill rollercoaster for people who are trying to get over their fears.
Nice surprise! Comfort Fun Airtimes
A nice family coaster with a fun twist, rode it 4 times during my visit.
Comfort Pace Duration Theming
A nice comfortable family ride. It's quite long and nicely paced with varied elements. I wouldn't mind the backward section beeing a bit longer, but it's still really good. The theming of the station is awesome, but a long part of the ride is along the car park, meh... And Medusa's temple is floating on thin air... There is nice ideas but it's not that well executed :/
Theming Fun
Great parking lot coaster, such nice visuals, great theming. The reverser is super cool. Medusa angy.
Nice surprise! Launch Fun
I honestly didn't expect the launch at the start, this blew my expectations away tho, I first tought it would be a tame family coaster, but its way more then that, fun little dips, a very fun backwards section and the mini dark ride thingy with medusa was also a fun surprise. I really recommend it.
Nice surprise! Launch Fun Intensity
great ride, but lacks some of intensity, maybe hits 2 gs but i kinda doubt it. although the backwards section is awesome, despite it being really short. also theres a cool part in that pre backwards launch building but i wont spoil it hehehe
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
What a fun ride! There are quite a few surprises during the long layout making this one really enjoyable. Well done Gerstlauer!
Theming Capacity Nice surprise!
A great ride for the whole family. The layout is well done especially the backwards ride to the station is fun. Also a good capacity operating with 3 trains.
Theming Capacity Fun
It is a very good family coaster and has many good moments for younger coaster enthusiasts and people who aren't used to riding big coasters. The theming is very well done and the capacity is one of the best ones in the park when the ride is operated with three trains.
Theming Capacity Duration
The ride looks like its boring but it was accually good
Great elements and a lot of airtimes.
Nice surprise! Layout Duration
Easily one of the best family coasters out there: Theming is done really well and the ride experience is great fun from a small kid to a hardcore coaster enthusiast - this long ride has a lot of tricks upon its sleeve. There are two launches, airtime hills, a surprisingly intense backwards part and even a small darkride section. Additionally, trains are comfortable and the ride runs smooth. Capacity is also good - what is not to like about this fun ride?
Fun Duration Rattle Dead spots
good family coaster! didn't do as much for me as firechaser express did, and it had a noticeable rattle throughout. good long ride, and the launch out of the station is nice.
Capacity Nice surprise! Pace Airtimes
One of the best family coasters on this planet!
Nice surprise! Fun Duration
I really enjoyed this coaster! Went in not knowing what to expect so to be honest seeing the train come back along the track backwards from in the queue line was a nice surprise ! Plus I loved the section at the back just before the little indoor show section. Not very intense and no airtime but it's still a good fun ride :) and a nice little launch out the station. It's pretty cool to see the switch track work too. I love the location and how it goes over the water and interacts with the rapids.
Nice surprise! Fun
One of the best rides for families out there. Gerstlauer and Parc Asterix went above and beyond with Pegase Express and it’s very impressive for what it is.
Theming Nice surprise!
Great theming and a halfway surprise. Very nice family coaster.
Launch Fun Layout Intensity
The launch at the start is nice. The track has a nice long out and back layout and is not so intense (since its a family ride). Fun ride though with a cool Medusa special effect
Fun Duration
Nice, long family ride with some interesting elements. Definitely one of the best in this category in Europe. Somehow my expectations were a little higher but for me it can’t quite rival my favourites Cancan Coaster and Big Thunder Mountain as a ride and especially in terms of theming.
Fun Duration Theming
In terms of the ride this is one of the best family-coasters I have done. It feature some good drops and a varity of twists and turns combined with an extensive backwards section. The only problem of the ride is the lack of quality theming during the.
Theming Layout Duration Airtimes
A great family coaster with a top duration of the ride, with its three different sections. The theming is great (departure from the Montparnassos railway station, layout above the Romus & Rapidus rapids, the temple as well) and a backwards section that educates younger people to get to know different sensations, despite its lack of intensity for airtime lovers. This last thing is not a clear drawback though, as it is not the main purpose of the attraction.
Theming Fun Layout
Pégase Express is a nice Family Coaster. It's very long, with three very different parts that all have there qualities. I like it very much, although it's not a super coaster. When I go to Parc Asterix, i'll be on it. That's for sure.
Airtimes Nice surprise! Duration
Pégase Express is the perfect exemple of a "perfect family coaster". Everyone in your family will enjoy their time on Pégase Express, from the harcore coaster enthousiast to 7 year old little Timmy. It offers some great airtime moments, as well as whippy transitions and decent drops. It won't blow you away, but when you're with a family, this ride is just perfect. I've ridden it 5 times during my 2 day visit to Parc Astérix and I loved it. I think the front row is the best, because of the airtime-hill after the backwards launch. That hill is absolutely mad in the front row and it competes with most elements of OzIris for best moment in the parc. I still do prefer OzIris's drop I think. Pégase Express is defenitely a must-do for anyone visiting Parc Astérix, for enthousiasts as well as families. I think this ride is perfect, since it has no flaws.
Location Inversions Launch Intensity
I thought the tonnerres de zeus was easier than the Pegasus express, sharp turns at high speed and it was mainly just uncomfortable. I recommend if you have a strong gut, but this ride emphasises the stomache sensation and the start is very brisk and really ejects you. Not for me.
Nice surprise! Fun
Gerstlauer nailed the family coaster with this model. Absolutely perfect for what it is. Only complaint is that there is not much theming during the ride.
Capacity Nice surprise! Fun Theming
The ideal family coaster with the length and different sections of the ride. Could maybe use more theming at the backwards launch but apart from that it was a great ride for the target audience.
Theming Comfort Smoothness Dead spots
I like Pegase Express. It's a well themed and smooth coaster. But I HATE the backward section, it makes me feel sick.
Pégase Express isn't extraordinary, but delivers some fun moments. The theming is quite uneven between parts. Station looks really cool and contains a lot of clever/funny jokes. Some other parts of the ride look empty however, and the effects during the 'shed' aren't the most effective. Good coaster for the family, but some coasterfans may argue Vekoma SFC or Intamin Mine Train deliver better rides for everyone.
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
Nice surprise! Fun Masterpiece
Nice surprise! Smoothness Layout
Pace Smoothness Too short
Theming Comfort Fun
Comfort Fun Duration
Smoothness Layout Duration Discomfort
Comfort Fun Theming
Theming Nice surprise! Fun Rattle Discomfort
Launch Fun
Duration Rattle
Nice surprise! Fun Smoothness
Theming Fun Duration Rattle Discomfort