Detailed user ratings
Speedy Bob (Right) features
Also in Bobbejaanland 13
Reviews 719
Fun Discomfort
Everbody hates this coaster, but it's okay I guess. Okay it isn't the smoothest of them all but it's just a funny and nice wild mouse coaster. You can't skip this one if you're there!
First Drop Fun Dead spots
I never understood the hate against Wild Mouse coasters. They're not a particularly great coaster type, but I've found all of the ones I've ridden quite fun. To me this ride is similarly fun to Tiki Waka at Walibi despite being way simpler and older. The hairpin turns are always wild and the "first" drop halfway through is definitely the highlight. A bit of a shame the following trim brakes slow the final hills down a bit too much.
Fun Smoothness Discomfort
It´s just a wild mouse so nothing special. But for a wild mouse it was really smooth!
Nice surprise! Smoothness Discomfort
I don't really like wild mouse coasters but this one was quite suprising, the hairpins were smooth for a wild mouse and the brakes didn't hit too hard (when I was there). The vehicles where too small however making it uncomfortable for taller people.
Comfort Fun Smoothness Theming
Speedy Bob can be a great wild mouse, but also a lame wild mouse. This is due to the brakes, wether they are harsh or soft, 'cause when they are soft it liturally flies through the lay-out! Also it's really smooth compared to the other MACK mouses I've done (Ghost Chasers and Matterhorn Blitz).
The hairpins were some of the smoothest on any mouse I'd done then the valleys of the drops rattle you to the core
Capacity Duration Discomfort
My first ever wild mouse. The tight turns are a little scary and overall it's fun enough, as long as you brace yourself for the brake at the end!
Capacity Discomfort
Another wild mouse coaster and another one I don't like. I'm just not a fan of the sharp turns and pointless drops. I feel like it's a little less painful than Ghost Chasers at Movie Park Germany though.
Fun Disappointing!
Another wild mouse clone. For some reason, I found the one at Movie Park a lot more fun. Maybe the trims here hit harder.
Fun Intensity Discomfort