Detailed user ratings
Dream Catcher features
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Also in Bobbejaanland 13
Reviews 766
Location Fun Rattle Capacity
I remembered liking this ride so I was surprised to read so many complaints about roughness. And well yes, this isn't a smooth ride and you can expect a few jolts, the restraints never really bothered me and I found it quite funny overall. People are a bit too harsh with their reviews. The layout may not be that interesting but coming in with no expectations I found the helices even a bit more forceful than I thought. Ride in the morning to avoid longer queues and I'd say it's definitely worth a ride!
Location Duration Rattle Discomfort
Ok, this might be a rattle machine, but the nightrides on this thing are really good to be fair. We can eighter say this is a coaster to be torn down, but we can also say keep this thing 'cause it's the oldest suspended coaster still operating.
Duration Headbanging Harness
The coaster is long but the layout is nothing special. The harness is the reason I don't like, the coaster is pretty rough meaning there is a lot of headbanging. If this coaster had a lap bar I think it would be much better.
Oke achtbaan. Lage capesiteit en een beetje schokkerig
Location Headbanging Discomfort Pointless
Probably you gonna break your neck and skull. This thing is very rough and very headbanging.
Location Fun Rattle Discomfort Pointless
Wasn´t too bad. It´s just old, rattly and a bit discomforting. The whole ride is above a little pond which I actually liked. It isn´t worthy for a long queue bc it can get very long
Location Fun
Dreamcatcher was my first ever suspended coaster. This one is not very intense and great for beginners or people who are scared of bigger coasters or inversions. If you brace yourself a little you won't experience any discomfort either.
Location Layout Headbanging Theming Discomfort
This coaster would've been so much better if the shoulder straps were just normal ones, not plastic ones. It gave me headaches. But after that, it is not that bad.
Location Headbanging Disappointing! Layout
This ride looked fun from the outside until I took a ride on it. I was already annoyed with the one-train operations that day, meaning I had to wait half an hour for this one when Fury was pretty much walk-on the day I visited Bobbejaanland. The layout really sucks, it feels like a bunch of random turns which is not very interesting. But even worse is the headbanging. This ride is rough and I did not see that coming. So yeah, I walked off this ride disappointed. The only good thing I have to say about Dream Catcher is its location above the water.
Theming Discomfort Pointless
The (new?) station building is pretty nice, i didn't expect that theming from this park. The ride, however, is quite pointless. Not even propper for fearful kids and beginners due to the height and suspended trains. And it is uncomfortable. It somehows accelerates and decelerates very awkwardly on some turns, leading to bumbs and discomfort. Just a cred.
Location Fun Capacity Dead spots Intensity
When reading the reviews, I got quite surprised by how this coaster is so badly perceived. No, it's not the best ride in the park, not even close. But when I visited, a friend of mine accually prefered Dream Catcher over Typhoon, making it the second best ride in the park, only behind Fury. In my list, it's a solid number 3, yet this ride isn't in the top 5 in the park if I'd only count in g-forces. I granted this ride a 3 star rating, only because of the fact that you're pretty high up, making swooping turns over a lake. I don't think this ride benefits from the swinging trains, but the lake is defenitely it's carrying factor. It's a great family coaster, that everyone will enjoy. Sure, coaster enthousiast like most people on this site might find it boring, but I see it as a relaxing, gentle ride that everyone can admire. The lines can get very long, so it might not be worth your time. This is a ride for, when you're only going for credits, you should only ride once in order to get more rides on Fury, since Fury is just better, but if you're visiting with a family, this is great, because everyone can enjoy it. Don't be surprised if your kids ask you for another ride.
Location Headbanging Intensity
Suspended family coaster with a lit of a boring layout. Though it is nicely located over a pond. It kinda misses some interesting ride elements. And the unnecessary shoulder harness gives some headbanging.
Rattle Tear it down!
It kinda looks like mini Katun but the ride is surprisingly terrible. Definitely Top 10 worst coaster up to this date for me.
Smoothness Layout Dead spots Intensity
I expected some headbanging, but this thing ran surprisingly smooth (even in the last row!) It might be a bit tame and forceless, but I consider it as a good ride for families and beginners.
Nothing Groundbreaking, just a fine family coaster with OTSR. It would be better with lap bars, but its not bad at all.
Disappointing! Dead spots Intensity
My friend described it best: this coaster seems to be sad. This once big and impressive coaster is left to rot and fade and gets no help from the park. The ride itself is super forceless and very slow paced. Seems like the coaster itself does not want to go anymore. Poor thing.
Pointless Layout
The ride itself is not that bad, it's just super boring. Nothing happens. No fun drops and no forces. The trains barely swing.
Not a bad ride, but uneventful.
Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless
Headbanging Discomfort
Disappointing! Pointless
Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!
Nice surprise! Location Fun Headbanging Harness