• Joe Bord

    Fun Too short Theming

    This was the first coaster I can remember and is pretty fun. However, there is a lack of theming, especially being at a Disney park.

  • Matthew Potter

    Airtimes Lap Bar Smoothness

    Incredible ride, and the better version of EGF. Managed to get 5 rides on this thing, 2 front, 2 near the back, 1 middle and they were all just great. The twisted first drop and the hills throughout the layout provide some excellent ejector, and the non-inverting cobra roll is probably the best part of the ride. Whips you up and gives some nice hangtime towards the front. The stengle dive afterwards throws you out of your seat and the bunny hops at the end try to kill you. The trains could have been better, as the lowered seats (compared to the likes of Taron and Hyperion) give less airtime than what the layout could provide. Definitely the standout coaster that WB needed.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Intensity Disappointing! Discomfort

    Lat machine. Personally not too into laterals so this is definitely below Raven for me. Still pretty intense and fun, if a bit uncomfortable at times. Disappointingly not much of an upgrade in terms of ride experience at Holiwood Nights.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Discomfort

    Feels absolutely out of control as it hauls through its layout. People say it's too short but I honestly think the shortish length is nice, in that you hardly have time to think about anything by the time hit those final brakes. Airtime is good, pacing is very quick and intense, to a definite detriment of comfort. Holiwood Nights rides with you screaming through near pitch black woods, only lit by the moon and fireflies, is damn near transcendental.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Fun Too short Capacity Dead spots

    It is a wild mouse, so you can’t really rate it that high. Not worth the wait. It doesn’t offer much as a coaster, and you can really find this kind of coaster at every theme park. Pretty smooth though overall, but not much to offer.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Theming Inversions Headbanging Discomfort Layout

    Demon is underrated in my opinion. People over exaggerate its roughness. For an old arrow looper, it runs pretty well. Yes, it is a little rough, but not that bad. The inversions are solid, but it does lack a good layout. The theming is great and I can see all the work Cedar Fair has put in over the past couple years. Enjoyable, but nothing to write home about.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Airtimes Capacity Smoothness

    Twisted Colossus is a very unique coaster. You get that trademark ejector airtime that RMC offers, but with a twist. Unique elements on the ride like a top gun stall and a dueling track. Drops are well hidden and surprising at times. The coaster is two tracks in one and you ride both, which is a positive. The tracks are able to dual and interact with one another, major positive, but rare. Unfortunately both sets of track aren’t very long and RMC could have increased their track length. Overall, great coaster.

  • Ryan Hanna

    Location Intensity Smoothness

    This coaster is a pretty smooth flying coaster. The view that you get while riding tatsu is unreal. The terrain and view on this ride allow you to feel an authentic flying experience. The ride is fun and has some intense elements, but is kind of short. The pretzel loop is insanely intense and you better brace yourself for it. Overall great coaster and just fun overall.

  • Adam Horner

    Comfort Masterpiece Intensity Too short

    The best Coaster at Towers and a Masterpiece of an invert

  • Adam Horner

    Pace Ejectors Duration Rattle Headbanging Reliability

    While yes The Smiler has an amazing layout and has some good airtime and pacing it's issue is the otsrs they make it needless uncomfortable towards the back and especially on wheel seats I think it would get a 4 or 5 if it had lapbars