Detailed user ratings
blue fire Megacoaster features
Reviews 2566
Inversions Comfort Layout Dead spots
Le launch a été réglé et met un mini kick sympathique. Le ride est très agréable dans l'ensemble et est ponctué d'une heartline roll éjectante.
Comfort Smoothness Duration
Blue fire is a quite long and fun ride. the roll at the end really caught me off guard!
Lap Bar Fun Smoothness
Riding Blue Fire for the first time over a decade ago, I came off the ride disappointed. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed it a lot more when I finally got back on it, this time in the winter. The launch was much punchier than I remembered, and the trains were running smoothly despite the coaster having operated for 15 years now. Along with the comfortable Mack lap bars, Blue Fire is an incredibly re-ridable thrill coaster. Arguably, it's on the tamer side but this does not detract from the fun factor in my opinion. The drawn-out loop even grants the tiniest bit of hangtime in the front row whereas the highlight is obviously the snappy final roll which has a really nice whip to it. Granted, this is not the most spectacular rollercoaster but it is a fantastic crowd-pleaser and in general a good time if you need to cool off after riding something like Voltron. Somehow, I grew to love Blue Fire (winter edition), who would have thought?
Inversions Comfort Smoothness Intensity
Blue fire megacoaster is a fun coaster. It's very smooth and comfortable with great inversions. The theming is weak by Europa Park standards and it's not intense (especially the launch), but it's a lot of fun.
Harness Intensity Layout Theming
Great mack launched especially for its age. It has a punchy launch and some fun hangtime and inversions. It was my first properly intense coaster and is now my favourite coaster.
Inversions Launch Too short
My absolutely favorite coaster. I love it and enjoy every ride, every weekend. For me, it is worth to waiting. I remeber my first ride, I was afraid, i wasn't able to enjoy. But after my third ride i knowed, that's my favorite. The ride itself could be longer, but the ride itself is smooth. I recommend to take place in the last row, this make the airtime moments more intense.
Lap Bar Nice surprise! Fun
The last heartline-roll really surprised me with it's snappiness! Also I'm a sucker for those MACK restraints, they're so comfortable! The layout is just pure fun, even if it's a little tamer than other coasters
Comfort Dead spots
Enjoyable ride. Not the most spectacular of course, but it's smooth and very fun! It's for sure a nice coaster especially for people at their first thrill experiences. The launch is my favorite part of the layout as well as the last inversion. Underrated ride!
Inversions Nice surprise! Launch Dead spots Lap Bar
I was surprised by how good the launch was despite what I heard. Probably a very good crowd pleaser and the blue fire roll is great, a shame that there's a lot of dead spots, mainly that turn and loop after the launch and that the lap bar comes down during the ride.
Theming Fun
It's one of the most chill launched coaster out there, the launch is not so intense, it's smooth and well balanced, Also the theming is pretty good
Launch Smoothness Layout
You can't say anything negatve about this coaster. The launch feels very good and the looping deserves a lot more attention. The interaction with Wodan is also very cool. It is also very smooth despite it being a 15 year old coaster. There are also some very intense moments like the corckscrew at the end. An icon for Europa-Park
Inversions Launch Smoothness Inversions Dead spots
A pretty good coaster,great theming in the station,a decent launche and some good inversions,specoally the last one. It's not so intense and the after the launch the train almost stop,
Inversions Nice surprise! Fun
A fun more family oriented thrill coaster, a really nice fit for the park and wow. The blue fire roll is simply incredible. Shame the rest of the ride doesn't quite match in quality.
Inversions Fun Smoothness
An enjoyable ride overall. The moderate launch takes you into a layout that has some nice inversions. It's not overly intense, but it really is just plain fun.
Smoothness Layout
I’m not the biggest fan of the ‘rip your face off’ type launches, but I think this was too gradual. Everything before the mid course is mid, but after that, it gets a bit better, and the Blue Fire roll is exceptionally good!!
Theming Comfort Intensity
Light on forces for sure but a highly comfortable, ideal gateway coaster that establishes Mack's design thesis. Easy to see why this was cloned.
Inversions Smoothness Intensity
This is a fun ride which is surpringly very smooth. It has some great inversions, especially the heartline roll at the end, and that bend after the lift hill is insane. It isn't the most intense ride though. The launch isn't that powerful and you don't feel too many forces. It's tamer than it looks, which makes for a nice all-round coaster that would suit a lot of people, but probably isn't all that exciting for the enthusiast.
Capacity Comfort Too short Intensity
This is a decent gateway coaster for less experienced riders. For thrill seekers, it's a little too short and tame. But it's a smooth ride with an alright launch. It had short queue times when I was there since everyone was queuing up for Voltron.
Inversions Pace Duration Launch Dead spots
Wish it was just a bit faster, the hill after the launch takes all the speed and buzz out the launch and just seems like a wasted element. But the launch holding area is really fun and cool, the smoke and alarms really add to the experience. The last two inversions are so intense though and are the stand out of this ride.
Inversions Comfort Launch
very nice coaster, 1st loop is so good, launch doesn't give a kick (like you'd expect from Mack) but i always love launches, so it's valid. this ride is also super comfortable
Comfort Harness Smoothness Launch Intensity
I like the restraints and the ride smoothness. The launch is pretty lame, but the rest of the layout is good. Especially the heartline roll is a surprise. The ride is not too intense, so it's family-friendly. The onboard sound and lights make the ride much better (if they work). A good ride to experience the first inversion.
Inversions Launch Smoothness
This is a great launch coaster. The weakest of the big three at Europa Park, sure, but it's still incredible. The dark ride section looks great and is a nice build up to the ride. Despite what everyone says, I think it has a punchy launch. Its initial kick is really good. It can take you off guard if you lean forwards, and potentially hurt your back a little in this position, I had to learn the hard way, but as long as you keep your back against the seat it's great fun. The overbank delivers some weightlessness at its peak and the bottom of the loop has a little bit of positive Gs but it's nothing crazy. The hangtime on the other hand is great. I also love the snappy transition after the loop. The clim into the brakerun gives a bit of airtime in the front rows. The drop off of the brakerun delivers a good airtime and the two zero-G rolls have some weightlessness but not nearly as much as OzIris' rolls. The twisted hill has a bit of floater airtime in the back but the final barrel roll is where the party is at. It has the strongest airtime of the ride. Upside down ejector airtime. It's honestly the best part of the ride. The trains themselves are really comfortable but the lap bar can lower during the ride, which seems to be common with Mack lap bars as they are pretty heavy but it never gets uncomfortable. The onboard audio and pulse meter only seemed to work one one train out of the three or four they were running that day. One train had speakers but they didn't work and the pulse meter was completely blanked out. The one or two other(s) had no speakers and the pulse meter was off. Not a deal breaker as the ride stands on its own as a really good coaster. Update June 2024: Pretty forceful in the front and back, I personally think this layout is overhated, as it offers a variety of forces: positive Gs on the entry and exit of the vertical loop, floater airtime on the ascent and descent of the midcourse brakerun, float on the overbanked turn at the beginning and on the horseshoe rolls, and upside down ejector airtime on the in-line twist. I also love the queue area music, it really gets you hyped up for your ride. What I hate about this ride is how it's you and your luck if you get THE train with onboard audio. blue fire has five trains, ran four during my first visit during public holidays, and three during my latest visit. Out of the three that did run on the first day of my latest visit, only one (train 3) had working onboard audio and pulse meters. One of the two others did have speakers and the same lighting package as train 3, but the audio didn't work and the pulse meter was blanked out by some sort of reflective cover. The other train that ran on that day had no speakers, and lighting package. The shell doesn't have front lights at all. As for the second day, they ran three trains, one of which had a functioning lighting package but no audio or pulse meter (the same one as the day before), one of which had everything, but everything was not functioning, that includes the lighting package, and one of the two trains that don't have audio or lighting. Only one train has everything that works, two have no speakers and lighting, and two have speakers but they don't work. They should take the time to fix the trains (at least those that have the necessary equipment) during the Christmas celebrations and off-season. Still a minor issue, as the layout is strong enough to stand on its own.
Comfort Disappointing! Launch Dead spots
The only reason why this coaster is important is because it put Mack Rides on the map, all Top 30 rides of Mack were built after Blue Fire. But that's it. The launch is the most disappointing ever, the layout mostly is pretty uninspired. A top hat would have been much better than the horseshoe turn and the loop isn't forceful but doesn't deliver any hangtime either. The last inversion is a bit whippy but the rest is just some filler. Each time I ride this, I just get disappointed more and more. But I mean the GP seems to be satisfied.
Inversions Fun Layout
Very fun coaster. Not the most intense. But very fun
Comfort Smoothness Dead spots Layout
The main con of the most of the coasters made by Mack that I have ridden is a weak layout. This coaster has three good parts. First is the launch if you sit in the front row, second is hangtime in the loop if you sit in the middle and the third is the last inversion. But everything else feels not well designed. So many dead spots.
Inversions Launch Fun
A really fun launch coaster, with great theming and pace. It’s thrilling without being too intense, and overall the pacing is good, although the mid course break runs happens a bit early on. The inversions offer a range of forces, including some hang time. The last inversion is crazy! Oddly, the best place we rode was the middle of the train. The launch isn’t crazy, but still gets you up to speed in pretty quick time. Highly enjoyable, if a little short. Super smooth.
Theming Inversions Comfort Launch
Yeah the launch isnt that strong, but the ride is really fun and well themed, and the blue fire roll (the last inversion) is incredible.
Theming Inversions Smoothness Launch Dead spots
Definitely the weakest of the big three at EP. The theming is nice and the soundtrack is absolutely amazing. But the ride after the dark ride section isn't all that great. The launch is weak as always with Mack (though not as bad as some of the others) and the layout isn't all that exciting. The last heartline roll is really awesome though, and you gotta respect this coaster for starting Mack's entry into the main coaster competition.
Inversions Launch Smoothness Layout
I always loved to ride this coaster and I still do! I just don't understand why so many people don't like it. It's butter smooth, great inversions (especially the last roll), has a great launch, really comfortable and a nice onboard soundtrack (if it works...). Few days ago I've got my first night rides on it including vibrating seats, onboard audio and working heart rate monitor. The only thing that disappoints me is the recently revamped indoor queue which is ugly IMO. Operations are great as always in Europa Park!
Inversions Comfort Launch Intensity
Bit of theming at the start followed by a good launch. inversions are fun. Last inversion is quite intens if you dont hold onto your lap bar.
Some absolutely exquisite inversions
Comfort Pace Intensity Capacity
Blue Fire is a great coaster, with a nice lay out. I like it very much. I don't like the single riders set up. I tried it a couple of times and I had to wait way to long. If you choose the line you can't see if its faster than the regular line and that's stupid. What's the point if you have to wait half an hour longer??? The main reason is that groups take the single riders line because they think there going to be faster. There a lot of frustrations because of that.
Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short
This is by far one of the best Mack Rides Coasters I've been on. It's smooth, fast, and intense. I just wish it could be longer.
Lap Bar Inversions Launch
Launch is kinda weak as expected by Mack. They should renew it with the same launch as Ride to Happines since that one suprised me quite well. Onboard audio is great and adds suspense before the launch!
Pace Layout
Good pace, a lot of thrilling near miss elements, and a gorgeous vertical loop.
Inversions Comfort Launch Dead spots
the inversions are fun, especially the last one. it just doesn't do a lot other than that.
Lap Bar Fun Smoothness Dead spots
Blue Fire is a perfect thrill ride for everybody to enjoy, nothing to intense but still thrilling and in my opinion not forceful (3,5 to close to 4G on ride forces). Your experience starts with a well themed queue which is mostly located outside. The ride itself starts with an atmospheric dark ride sections before launching you with decent force. The top hat is weird but interesting and the looping is fun and delivers some solid forces. The overbank is snappy and you even get pops of airtime going on and off the mcbr. The two corkscrews are fun but the helix is a little boring. The finale of the ride is an amazing heartline roll. One of the best inversions I've experienced an definitely the highlight of the ride. Overall a great package that is enjoyable and fun for everybody and if you're realy lucky you even get a great on board soundtrack.
Inversions Comfort Smoothness Dead spots Layout Intensity
Still very smooth and comfortable, but a pretty uneventful layout except for the 3 rolls. The loop gives a nice feeling of weightlessness, but is not very intense either.
Inversions Fun
Blue Fire, although not amazing, is a very solid ride that serves more as a stepping stone for Mack than an elite attraction itself. It’s got a good launch, intense moments, and a great final inversion, but overall doesn’t do anything special aside from being good.
Inversions Smoothness Launch
A really nice Mack launch coaster. The launch is not intense, too tame in my opinion but its quite ok. The ride is smooth and well paced, but not too extreme. A mix of inversions and non-inverting elements lead to a fine layoutwhich is finalized by the barrel roll at the end as best element in my opinion. The restraints are comfortable but the heart rate sensors are completey pointless.
Inversions Comfort Smoothness Launch
Just a really fun ride. It doesn't do anything stand out or special, but it does everything well
Lap Bar Comfort Smoothness
After Wodan and Silver Star, it is the third best coaster at Europa Park! Blue Fire lacks a bit in intensity and the launch may not be the strongest out there (although it accelerates faster than many other Mack coasters) , but it's still good fun: the coaster runs glossy smooth and thanks to the comfortable seats and lap bars, the ride experience feels really free. While most of the layout is moderately intense, the heartline roll has some very strong hangtime. Theming is nicely done (except of the huge glass building beneath), especially the rockwork looks really nice and the darkride section in the beginning with the power plant and the loud siren before the launch is atmospheric. I also like the intersection with Wodan, which can lead to nice interactions. During winter season, both the track and some of the trains are illuminated - which looks absolutely gorgeous! The onboard music is a nice gimmick, but it is not featured on all trains, often defect and should be played louder, because you can only hear it in the slower parts. Altogether, I like this coaster more than its reputation and especially at night, I really enjoy riding it!
Launch Ejectors Duration Discomfort
Theming and small scene before the launch is fun, decent launch for a Mack, strong ejectors especially at the very end. Though, after a few rides it was discomforting.
Nice surprise! Fun Layout
I was really afraid Blue Fire would disappoint me because I overhyped myself, this ride just looked like so much fun. Then I finally got on it, and did it disappoint? Oh no, no it did not. Blue Fire even exceeded my expectations. Everyone says that Blue Fire is forceless and yes, this ride is definitely not the most forceful coaster in the world, but every single element is just so much fun! Some of them do pull some pretty nice forces, such as the overbank after the looping which provides some great laterals. And that last inversion. My god, that's easily one of my favorite inversions ever. Blue Fire tries to toss you out of the train and I love it. Overall a really fun, reridable coaster with a lot of variety in its layout, which I can really appreciate in a coaster.
Inversions Launch Smoothness
Absolutely loved it. We rode last row, so the experience was more intense and instantly catapulted the coaster to one of my favourites. It's very smooth and fun - you can see on our onboard video just how amazed we were throughout the whole ride.
Lap Bar Launch Fun Dead spots
I thought this would be a very tame mack launch coaster but was shocked! The launch actually had some bite (impressive for a mack) and the inversions are very whippy especially the heartline roll at the end with amazing laterals and hangtime! It had some decent positives in a few spots. Yes it's not the most intense in the world but it's a very smooth family coaster. Also the launch section was very well themed with smoke effects and there's some really good ejector going into the mid course!
Fun Smoothness Layout
Blue Fire is a really fun coaster that always gets hated on because it's not the most intense coaster. It doesn't need to be intense, it's super re-ridable and just so much fun. Decent launch, good inversions, some really forceful moments, overall a really well balanced layout. It will always be my emotional #1 since this coaster marked the start of my coaster enthusiast career. Every ride is consistent and it always just confirms why I love this coaster. Edit: On July 23rd 2022 the Park was open until Midnight and I was able to catch 2 trimless night-rides on it. These were the best rides I ever got, I now prefer it over Expedition Geforce.
Theming Comfort Hangtime
High quality theming, as common at this park, with a nice station and launch area, as well as a pleasant location, flying through rocks and other rides at times. It's butter smooth, and, as usually, Mack's trains are really comfortable. Also, the ops are really good, reducing a lot the queue times, as always happens in this park. The coaster itself is really good, perhaps not the most intense one, but fun anyway. It features some great inversions, standing out the final heartline roll, which provides superb hangtime enhanced by Mack's harness. The launch isn't the strongest out there, that's true, but it does what it aims: it gets speed in a quick and fun way, far better than some drops (like the ones on most inverts). Overall a really nice ride, very rerideable.
Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Launch Intensity
Blue Fire is a great coaster, and one that’s very popular with the GP. Really smooth ride, and even though the launch isn’t the fastest and the coaster isn’t the most intense, it’s still just loads of fun. The dark ride section has some great theming (Europa Park so that’s expected), and admittedly, the train does crawl through the first turn after the launch, but the loop does provide some nice hang time, especially near the front. The lap bars give room for some nice ejector off of the mid-course, and the near-misses between the rocks scattered throughout the layout are pretty cool. The final inline twist is probably the best part of the ride, especially at the back because it throws you out of your seat.
Comfort Smoothness Launch Intensity
Good crowd pleasing coaster. Very smooth and comfortable but the launch is pretty weak and except the last inversion, it lacks intensity
Inversions Smoothness Dead spots
Great coaster, but unfortunately with alot of dead spots. The music and heart rate monitor on the ride do not work most of the time… just little things that would make the ride better. The inversions are the best part of the ride with the last one on top.
Lap Bar Inversions Layout Dead spots
This coastr was so much better than I was anticipating. The launch had some surprising kick to it and the inversions were very whippy. It does have some weaker spots but that doesn't hurt the overall experience in my opinion.
Inversions Fun Masterpiece
Very good coaster. And this last inversion... so cool!
Capacity Inversions Comfort Launch
Smooth ride, sadly the launch is (just like other Macks) not very intense.
Inversions Comfort Smoothness Intensity
The queue line is nicely themed also the pre-show before the launch is cool. The launch is not very forceful, also the large curve after the launch lacks any forces or airtime, the loop gives some good hangtime though. The zero g rolls are mediocre but the last roll was the best element of the ride. Because of the smoothness and the very comfortable seats and lap bars the ride was fun. Dispatch is really fast and only lasts like 30 seconds. I advice to take the single rider line, its very quick, Only con of it: you can't choose your seat, the operators tell you where to sit; Thrill: 3.25/5
Theming Harness Intensity
Not nearly as bad as it's made out to be by many enthusiasts. Not the strongest launch out there, but very fun nonetheless. An overall fun layout with the final heartline roll being the most intense moment with some good hangtime and a pretty whippy exit. The theming is very good and definitely contributes to the ride experience as well.
Nice surprise! Smoothness Intensity
Not bad and actually quite fun considering people hate on this thing
Harness Launch Intensity
Front row is quite good but most other rows provide quite a lame ride experience. Besides the last heartline roll this thing does not really have any highlights. One of the better Mack launches but compared to the competition still a really forceless one. I prefer to just ride the thing next to it ;)
Inversions Fun Layout Launch Intensity
The Launch and the 1st half is a little disappointing. The second half rescues this coaster and makes it fun too ride. I think it is a good coaster but it looks in the POV much better, that it really is.
My first LSM Launch Coaster
Lap Bar Smoothness Layout Airtimes Dead spots Intensity
The last inversion is excellent!
Inversions Harness Smoothness
This was the first Mack Mega I had the privilege to board, and there's a reason why I immediately declared that I had a new favourite manufacturer. Unlike the decade of well engineered but mostly forgettable B&M's of the early 2000's (we are spoiled aren't we?!) Mack pulled the cat out of the bag and delivered inversions in a new format using hugely exposed yet comfortable trains. They got the pacing bang on, saving the biggest trick of the ride right to the end. Highly recommended. I can see why BPB went with Icon, it's a shame it's not half the ride Blue Fire is.
Capacity Inversions Comfort Launch Intensity
Really nice ride- wasnt very intense, though, but i dont really mind that.
Inversions Comfort Smoothness Airtimes
smooth like glass, whippy inversions and good launch. We didn't recognize any airtime. What a pity!
Comfort Masterpiece Intensity
The que is slightly boring but the ride is well worth the wait. Super start and it has excitement till the end. The seats are very comfy so you can really enjoy the loops and spirals. The seats do have a heart rate monitor but id have to say the work only 20% of the time in my experience but it wont deter me ever from riding again.
Inversions Comfort Fun Theming
I looove blue fire! Not the most punchy launch ever, and loses speed pretty quickly.. but a launch is a launch and always fun anyway ! :) Really like the overbank right after the launch, especially if you're sitting on the left side of the train.. awesome ! Love the loop.. but maybe that's just me because loops are often my favourite elements :P The rest of the coaster is just really fun ! And the last inversion is crazyyy for hangtime ! What a way to finish ;) Really love how the queue line is right under the coaster so you get great views while waiting in line.. with it being EP i wish there was a bit more theming in the queue line (i'm thinking Wodan) .. but not sure what else they could have done with the open line like that..
Comfort Harness Smoothness
The launch is not the strongest ever, but good enough to be fun (and there is some theming during the launch). Love the smooth ride and the final heartline roll with hangtime.
Capacity Rattle Disappointing! Pointless
The ride has some fun elements however it is quite forceless and it also has a rattle in the back rows, I found it very disappointing.
Lap Bar Comfort Smoothness
Inversions Comfort Smoothness
Comfort Smoothness Intensity
Inversions Comfort Harness
Nice surprise! Launch Fun Theming Inversions Discomfort
Theming Comfort Fun Disappointing! Launch Dead spots