• scarlett May

    First Drop Fun Intensity Disappointing! Discomfort Dead spots

    This ride sucks there is no way around it. I honestly think this might be the worst coaster I've ever been on, I'm not even trying to be mean-spirited it SUCKS! First of all, let's get into the positives of this ride (even if there are very few). The first part of this ride I really enjoyed. sure lots of discomfort, but still very enjoyable. I honestly think the best part of this ride is the first two loops, there awesome! Another thing I love about this ride is how it looks. the cyan color scheme and the photogenic look of the corkscrews when walking by, is outstanding! Anyways, let's go to the dreaded parts, the damn corkscrews and helix. They RUIN the whole ride! ATON of head banging, and discomfort! it honestly feels like your ears are going to fall off because of how much headbanging and how you smack your ears against the seat! In other words, let's get into the one last positive that I can think of (so I don't seem like a negative bastard). I really like how the station looks. I like the wood and how gloomy it is, it makes it look sorta intimidating. To sum this ride up, it's decently rideable. and ok I guess. My final ranking is a strong 4/10, Just ride it for the first part of it.

  • Nico S.

    Theming Comfort Smoothness Disappointing!

    The coaster had two launched and for me the coaster is waaaay to slow after the first launch. It's almost boring. Then comes the 2nd launch and it's epic but the ride-time after 2nd launch is really short unfortunately

  • Ruoning L.

    Fun Disappointing!

    Both times I rode this, I waited almost 2 hours for this ride. It was fun but overrated in my opinion. Also when i was in line, it closed for 15 minutes.

  • Ruoning L.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    Best coaster I've ridden.

  • Ruoning L.

    Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Headbanging Too short

    I used to hate this ride, but now I like it.

  • hans im Glück

    Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort

    good idea, but very rough and uncomfortable, the shinbones hit a hard edge of the train and she throws many punches Update My 9-year-old roller coaster fan loves Wildfire, Helix, Wodan or Kärnan. Today he hit his head so hard on the second part of the ride that he wanted to go home at 3pm. I have ridden a few roller coasters now and have been a sailor on dinghies and racing yachts all my life. I've never really had a problem with seasickness. Today I felt a little nauseous after that bad run and I also had a slight headache.

  • Sam P.

    Fun Smoothness Layout Theming Lap Bar

    I like to call this Poundland The Ride. Anyone who's walked through a discount shop's Halloween aisle before will know what I mean. Lots and lots of tacky zombies dotted around, some not-so-special effects, and the 3 zombies in cages on the final brakes are particularly comical. Add to that the preshow which kills the capacity of the ride, very boring 10 mile walk from the preshow to the station, the equally long exit corridor, and the fact I don't care for the presence of scare actors, and it's safe to say I'm not a fan of the theme. It's a shame because I really enjoy the actual coaster, really smooth, some nicely paced turns, and I love the effect where the train stalls and appears to need restarting, that's very clever. I can only imagine how enjoyable it was as X, and how enjoyable it would be with an Imascore EDM soundtrack and a load of lasers and strobes, and the return of the corridors to the queue line they were designed to be. But unfortunately as long as it carries the WD theme it'll just remain Poundland The Ride to me

  • Full Rides

    Theming Capacity Duration Disappointing!

    Alors le mot « déception est très subjectif ». Le coaster est une bombe, la thématique est folle et le débit est le meilleur que j’ai pu voir dans un parc. Velocicoaster est de très loin le coaster le plus varié du monde selon moi, surpassant l’ensemble de zadra ou celui de RTH dans mon top. Alors pourquoi une déception ? Pour le launch. J’ai préféré le launch de taron car celui de Velocicoaster manquait de punch. En revanche, il reste et est pour un bon moment le meilleur intamin du globe ?

  • sidwari

    Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors Too short

    Joker may be one of the worse RMC's, but i do believe it is better than the prototype raptors, and has incredible forces. This may be because when I rode Twisted Collosus while it was hailing, but Joker is right up there with that

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Intensity Layout Discomfort

    This ride is really amazing. I've done plenty like it and I think this is the most intense one I have done. The first half is one of the most perfect coaster sequences I have experienced. The first drop is not the greatest RMC drop but it's still really good. The dive loop is incredible as you fly out of your seat as you enter and get pushed back in by all the positives on the way out. The bunny hill is a super strong pop of ejector and the stall just leaves you hanging forever. The outer banked turn seems to last an eternity, then the second half starts. The second half is sooooo intense. The double-up gives crazy strong airtime and the first roll whips you to the side. The little outerbank gives a crazy strong whip and my neck was definitely feeling it after. The second roll is even stronger than the first and then the four straight airtime hills as the finale is almost too much. It really leaves a mark on your thighs. I absolutely adore the first half but the second half is close to being too much. I've never felt that about any other RMCs but this one. I think it's awesome but you'll need breaks between rides for sure.