• Chermaine S.

    Theming Smoothness Capacity

    Enjoyable family coaster with a very nice looking train (hence the pro for theming). The helix pulls a little force as well.

  • SNake N.

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun

    Not really a coaster, but very nice. The splash isn't wet, but there are some fountains on the track of the drop, wich make the foremost row wet. All people behind them stay dry. Theming is good but there's no story behind it.

  • SNake N.

    Fun Harness Duration Rattle Discomfort Lap Bar

    Very long family coaster. But it seems much older than it actually is - this ride is Years younger as Colorado adventure, but it rattles more than the ride in Phantasialand. It's fun, but the lab bar is really discomfortable. Although the capacity itself is really high, this ride has one of the longest queues in the park.

  • Thomas Cunningham

    Airtimes Theming Comfort Rattle Layout

    This was the first Coaster I had ridden back in 2014. Even though it is not much of a coaster, it does what it does well. The temeing shows the rides age, but the cheezeyness of it just improves the experience. If you are in the front or back rows you get a good amount of ejector air time during the three drops. Anywhere else you get some ejector, but not as much. This is more of a dark ride with thrilling elements that a coaster. Blazing Fury is a great first coaster for kids.

  • Simone B.

    First Drop Smoothness Too short Theming

    Ridden after some year I have to say it's better than I remember; the first drop after the hanging is really intense and after that all the element are taken at the right speed delivering nice positives never loosing in smoothness. Thare is a wonderful airtime hill after the immelmann with a really good floater causing you to land into your seat right at the beginning of the helix. Only cons... way too short and the theming is nothing really special

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Duration Theming

    Was expecting a bad Mack powered coaster knockoff but what I got was pretty fun actually! It's better than Draak at Plopsaland De Panne, which is by far the worst powered coaster I've ridden. Achterbahn has some nice lateral hangtime, a choo choo noise as it goes through the station and it went around 5 times! Probably because the park was dead when I went.

  • Thomas Cunningham

    Airtimes Theming Smoothness

    Great Ride! I rode it five times and my dad rode it, it was the first roller coaster he had ever ridden(he is obsessed now and loves coasters).

  • James Fletcher

    Airtimes Pace Masterpiece

    Just as amazing as I expected. Pure Class.

  • Eyebrows

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Best invert, 2nd best B&M.

  • Jonathan A.

    Theming Nice surprise! Capacity

    More darkride then coaster. But I really like it. Just the waiting times are horrible.