• Eyebrows

    Pace Intensity Ejectors Discomfort


  • Andy S.

    Airtimes Theming Comfort Layout

    greate but the drop as too much breake...

  • seth w.

    Inversions Duration Dead spots

    Obviously a very cool coaster being the first interlocking loops. It's pretty fun and the loops are surprisingly forceful. The in the dark helixes last way longer than you think and don't provide forces but are pretty cool nonetheless. Fun ride overall and not too intense.

  • seth w.

    Launch Ejectors

    What a fantastic ride! The launches are definitely my favorite and the backwards pop of ejector you get is absolutely incredible. The zero g stall feels like it last forever. I do wish there was more speed over the top hat and the outward banked turn. Neither do much in terms of forces because of how slow it goes over both. Despite that, this coaster is EASILY the best at BGW and deserves the praise it gets. I also don't care much for theming so that didn't bother me.

  • seth w.


    if you're tall your shins will suffer. ride can be temperamental but on a good day this is one of the best on the planet.

  • Iain Wilson

    Theming Capacity Airtimes Dead spots

    Horrible, very boring, i was yawning, not scary, could have been better, but theming was pretty good. Goliath at MM was better, also, I think if they added a jump in the middle it would be pretty cool. Also some water and fire affects would really dingle my shingle.

  • SNake N.

    Comfort Smoothness Hangtime

    Nice Coaster. The First Drop isn't really special, but the curves are surprisingly intense. It's very comfortable and smooth. The last inversion also got nice hangetime. Not a masterpiece, but i like it.

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Capacity Lap Bar Nice surprise! Disappointing! Pointless Dead spots

    The launches kick hard, with the trademark whine/squeal of LSM launches. Intense whip transitions inside the show building, and heavy laterals during the former Big Bad Wolf turns. The end of the show building is a great surprise, riding for the first time. But all that energy is just wasted with the stop-and-go pacing. I realize this is for capacity, and to not knock the power out in the park, but it makes for dead spots. The capacity is excellent so long as they are loading two trains in the station at once. The ride has great presentation in the queue and station, the ride vehicles, and the roof on the top of the main hill. That said, the show building is a joke, a barely themed warehouse that's easily beaten by the likes of Kennywood's Exterminator or Great Adventure's Dark Knight Coaster. This is why it earns a Disappointing from me. Verbolten failed to fill the Big Bad Wolf's role as an introductory, first big coaster for the kids, but filled a new role as the intense blitz coaster. But now that we have Pantheon as the blitz coaster, and DarKoaster opening as a somewhat tamer (though sadly still 48" minimum) fully indoor coaster, it's just lost in the mix. BGW has quite a few removed flat plots and the Drachen Fire plot to redevelop first, so until then, Verbolten gets a Pointless and not a Tear It Down yet. I am so tempted to give it the Tear It Down, because this is the only coaster to make me vomit.

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    I rode this and it was everything bad about an SLC, the shaking and being bashed about. That said, I've gotten a few half-decent rides on this over the years, so I'll give it a whole star. Also, why did they think it was a good idea to put a VR headset on one of these things?

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Fun Discomfort

    I actually like spinning coasters quite a bit. This gave me probably the most spinning I've ever had, enough to make me nearly nauseous. This is both a pro and a con at this point.