Discomfort Pointless

    This is once again a unique coaster at Parc de la Vallée but man is it uncomfortable, boring and pointless. This is I believe the only family coaster that Togo have ever made. Once again I respect Parc de la Vallée's choice to keep a unique coaster running, but this was by far the most uncomfortable and cramped seating in a coaster ever. I could barely move. And the coaster, while smooth, offers nothing but discomfort. If you go to this park with kids, just ride the Wacky Worm, your back and your kids will thank you. NOTE: The reason I'm giving this 1 star instead of .5 stars is because it's a unique model. If it was a common model, I would give it .5 stars.

  • GLaDOS

    First Drop Lap Bar Intensity Rattle Too short

    This coaster is a tough one to rate. On one hand, it has a great drop for its size, some intense turns and a loose lapbar but on th other hand, it's stupidly rough and too short. Let me explain. The lift hill is a gimmick but it's nice. The first drop offers great airtime in the back of the train thanks to the loose lapbar but there is no airtime anywhere else on the ride. The turns are pretty intense but they jackhammer to hell and the brake run... it's as brutal as Vol d'Icare's brake run is. I understand how rare this coaster model has become but aside from that it could have been a good experience but it was ruined by the roughness and the discomfort.

  • Joel Simon

    Theming Inversions Layout

    Nicely almost best themed coaster in the park. Amazing coaster with a fun layout and rapid fire inversions. Not very rattling and pretty smooth

  • Joel Simon

    Launch Fun Layout Intensity

    The launch at the start is nice. The track has a nice long out and back layout and is not so intense (since its a family ride). Fun ride though with a cool Medusa special effect

  • Joel Simon

    Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Rattle

    Nice violent and long wooden coaster. It might rattle but its not too uncomfortable and is part of the experience. The layout is fun and full of variety. Also a nice surprise is the reversed back seat (no extra line or payment), go try it out

  • Joel Simon

    Airtimes Intensity Layout

    I cant tell any cons about Toutatis. Its a crazy fun ride, like 1/3 of the ride you're out of your seat from the intense airtime. The pace you go through these elements is amazing. I strongly advice to use the single rider line, its significantly faster.

  • Joel Simon

    Location Fun Rattle

    Was a bit disappointed by this one, was way more rattling and shaky than expected. The location around Toutatis is cool though and the layout is kinda fun. Though the many breaks always kill the pace

  • Joel Simon


    Fun old school family coaster, not too intense. Layout is nothing spectacular. Mediocre ride

  • Joel Simon

    Inversions Location Headbanging Harness

    Firstly the ride looks very cool on the lake side. Sadly its a very uncomfortable and rough ride. This needs either new lapbar trains, a retrack like Python at Efteling or a total replacement.

  • Extra Kubík

    Theming Comfort Launch Dead spots

    This ride is good because of the theming. I wish I could give this more stars, but I can't, sure it has insane launches especially the 2nd, some good airtime pops and some good twisted transitions. It is very comfortable and fun and fast ride, but it haves dead spots especially before the 2nd launch and in the end of the ride, some turns are forceless and that shouldn't happen on a ride like this. It is still a good ride, but it's only because of the theming and would be mid without it.