• Flurin S.

    One of the better zierer tivolis.

  • Flurin S.

    A powered coaster of the boring kind that is. Yes I know it's meant for kids but I have been on plenty of powered MackProdukte that were far more exciting.

  • Flurin S.


    Roland the rough boy.

  • Flurin S.

    Launch Fun

    Definitely an underrated coaster. Great fun, horroble queue especially during covid. The launch is superb and the layout is fun.

  • Flurin S.

    Fun Capacity

    These small GCI's are awesome, while of course nothing made out of wood will ever beat the greateness of wodan. I am surprised how well this standard layout fits the park and it is a great addition for sure. A shame though they couldn't put longer trains since the capacity is clearly not sufficient for plopsaland.

  • Flurin S.

    Masterpiece Intensity Ejectors

    WOW this ride is absolutely insane. Even though I have been enthusiast for many years now with 254cred at the time of this review, I can still count the moments on which I felt like I was completely vibing on a coaster on one hand. My second ride in the back row of RTH was one of them. It does deliver everything I ask for on a coaster: Great launches (I would never have thought I could ever say that about a Mackprodukt), insane drop (-1.8g in the back according to my watch), great positives, whippy transitions, good looking theming and most importantly no dead spots (not even between the elements, looking at you RMC). Additionally this ride features great (and cool) Mack engineering like the super smooth spinning allignment and automatic restraints that do the check themselves too (very cool, Great Job Roland!). Also this ride finally gives me a reason to forgive the cancan treatment that was given to my favourite, Eurosat. R.I.P

  • Thijmen B.

    Nice surprise! Masterpiece Ejectors

    This thing is absolutely mental, he world needs more of these! If you are lucky enough to get this drop in the back row facing backwards then you are in for a great time. Absolutely one of the best drops in the world for its height. This ride destroys every RMC I've been on and I never expected this from a Mack. Launch even has bite to it! Also this thing looks great at night, lighting on the trains is fantastic. Mackprodukt.

  • Flurin S.

    Nothing Groundbreaking, just a fine family coaster with OTSR. It would be better with lap bars, but its not bad at all.

  • Flurin S.

    Fun Disappointing!

    As much as I like the forwards backwards concept and its execution. This ride just did not deliver as much as I was hoping it to. It looks perfect on paper and the G force measurement I did was happy too but for some reason it just didn't really get me. All my rides (forwards and backwards) I found it to be a ride that just kind of passes by without being memorable at all. Not too sure why that is but I would assume it has to do with the lack of whippy transitions, the repetitive-ish layout and the fact that theres only little airtime.

  • Pidge L.

    Lap Bar Smoothness Ejectors

    There is no reason for this ride to exist, yet somehow it does. With butter smooth track and intense transitions, Phantom's Revenge manages to give an intense, airtime filled ride that's easily re-rideable and a lot of fun! When I first rode it I was very disappointed. It was a morning ride on July 4th, and I had a headache; not exactly the best conditions. However, on my most recent trip to Kennywood, each ride just kept getting better and better. The first drop isn't the best, but the laterals impressed me every time. The forces on the dive into the valley into the turnaround are fantastic, causing a grey-out on every ride I had on it. Each airtime moment felt different, but they all gave very strong airtime. Due to the way the lap bar is designed, there was little to no pain experienced on the airtime hills; a definite pro in my book. While I do like painful airtime, I think its a good thing that I didn't have to brace for the pain. In the end I'm so glad my opinion on this ride has changed, as I used to see it as the most overrated coaster ever!