• Shaggy U.

    Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless

    Went into it at least expecting some sort of coaster-like experience. Instead, got only lift hills, straight track, and a couple janky turns in a car that's uncomfortably small with a silly restraint system. The best part of this ride by far is the theming on the brake run. The only valid reason to not want this ride replaced is historical value. There are better gentle/family coasters. There are better Arrow mine trains. Why is this one SO BAD? Nobody is going to be interested in this, because sitting in a bench has more entertainment value.

  • Blooey Bloo

    Launch Pace Intensity Too short

    Oh what to say about Red Force... A real beauty! You can see it miles & miles away on your road to the park. The on-ride experience is, while very short like all top hats, extremely enjoyable. Some say they should've added an element to the drop but I think the pure drop makes it even more extreme. Overall an iconic & hard to skip coaster in PortAventura World, the sole reason many people buy extension tickets to Ferrari Land!

  • Mik Gov

    First Drop Inversions Harness

    This one was fun. The inversions were fun, and the first drop was great. However, the harness crushed my torso. Also this one isn’t very unique. Still, this still can be an enjoyable ride

  • Mik Gov

    Airtimes Rattle Discomfort

    This side was worse than the blue side. The valleys had some terrible rattle to it, and the airtime felt more rough

  • Mik Gov

    Intensity Headbanging

    The transition into the final brake run was uncomfortable, and the cobra roll gave headbanging. I got a headache after this ride. However, the downwards helix was amazing, and the zero-g roll was also intense. I just have a mixed review for this one

  • X Coasters Forever

    Fun Intensity Ejectors Harness

    Galeforce delivers an incredible ride experience with some powerful launches, strong positive & negative G-forces through the valleys, snappy transitions from element to element, and great pacing throughout its compact layout. The kick-flip is easily the best element since it’s the snappiest element on the ride and it delivers violent ejector airtime on the descent. Despite Galeforce having vest restraints, those restraints still gave me enough room to feel those powerful negative G-forces. Overall, I absolutely had a blast riding this thing and it truly packs a punch!

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Fun Intensity

    Great little wooden coaster, some nice airtime pops at the start followed by a lot of out of control feeling transitions

  • Cooper Zimmerman


    Fun little minetrain with a good helix but not much else.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Launch Disappointing! Dead spots

    This has a lot of meandering but some fine moments. The launches are fun, the pop into the big tower is great as is the drop but besides the s turns over the water it’s pretty weak. The inversion is pretty pointless and everything else is kinda dumb.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Theming

    Fun dark ride with some surprisingly strong coaster sections and drops.