• Coaster Koala.

    Theming Inversions Location Headbanging Disappointing! Discomfort

    As much as i wanted to love this ride, i came off disappointed. The terrain and theming is great, however the ride doesnt really offer much. Still a great ride, but a bit overhyped

  • Coaster Koala.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity

    Initally didnt think much of this, had it levelled with galactica. However, a back row ride really elevates this to 2nd best in the park. The fire as you fly through Big Bob, the airtime that you get being flung around the layout is truly outstanding

  • Coaster Koala.

    First Drop Comfort Smoothness

    One of the best in the UK, the first drop in the back row is complete insanity, the ride is surprisingly graceful through its elements. My only complaint is that if you're sat on the brakerun for too long the restraints can hurt your thighs

  • Coaster Koala.

    Fun Intensity Headbanging Harness

    Went in with extremely low expectations, came out pleasantly surprised. Back row is amazing and the intensity it has is astonishing

  • Coaster Koala.

    Duration Discomfort

    I understand its a family ride, however anyone over 5 foot or so will be extremely uncomfortable the whole time. the trains are cramped and and i have never had bigger bruises after riding a coaster

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Discomfort

    This was my first RMC Raptor and it was great. Crazy intense with some of the best airtime moments ever. The inversions were fun and intense. The ride was ridiculously fast paced. It’s only problems are the shortness and discomfort. The ride really shuffles and has an awful restraint system that is very uncomfortable.

  • Slovis Celery

    Fine, nothing really good about it, but nothing bad. exists as a step up from Flying Fish, but is themed to zombies so kinda dumb on Thorpe's End.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Location Comfort

    Iron Rattler is an amazing ride. The first drop is fantastic and the interaction with the quarry is great. The gerstlauer trains are fantastic and provide plenty of room. This comes in handy for that awesome zero-g roll that gives some great hang. The section on the quarry was great I thought and provided some great airtime moments. The tunnel finale is cool as well.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Intensity Smoothness

    Amazing GCI. Incredibly smooth. Comfortable trains. Great laterals and airtime all mixed together in a fantastic layout.

  • Björn S.

    Disappointing! Dead spots Intensity

    My friend described it best: this coaster seems to be sad. This once big and impressive coaster is left to rot and fade and gets no help from the park. The ride itself is super forceless and very slow paced. Seems like the coaster itself does not want to go anymore. Poor thing.