• sharklova

    Launch Intensity Too short

    Launch and flying snake dive are peak.

  • sharklova

    Airtimes Launch Intensity

    Almost perfect coaster with world class theming. The first half is done really well and the second half is even better. All the elements are shaped well and deliver incredible forces.

  • sharklova

    Theming Lap Bar Fun

    It is a fun and enjoyable coaster. Amazing theming and a good choice of coaster to replace big bad wolf.

  • Music TV

    Theming Inversions Layout

    A very smooth ride with excellent theming. My favourite wing coaster so far.

  • Music TV

    Airtimes Launch Intensity

    The theming could use some improvements, but overall a really good ride with an excellent launch.

  • Samuel Cozart

    Launch Fun Smoothness Theming Capacity Harness

    Pretty solid ride and definitely fun for everyone. I think that the harness could’ve force you more into that jet ski position. I’d day this ride called for being indoors and maybe having some animatronics if this is really an “arctic rescue.” Also it could definitely handle two vehicles

  • Samuel Cozart

    First Drop Inversions Layout Too short Theming

    Really fun dive coaster. Decent airtime on the first drop if you put your hands up, but not crazy aside from that. Could be a bit more themed and last longer

  • Samuel Cozart

    Inversions Fun Hangtime Too short Discomfort

    My first Sky Rocket II. Can’t compare it to any, but I had a good time. Woulda been fun to go around twice, but the short duration makes it a walk on

  • Chubba247

    Theming Launch Rattle Harness Layout

    By no means is this ride really rough or anything, but It absolutely baffles me that a brand new B&M has this much rattle, makes me nervous about the Nemesis re-tracking. Theming is decent, backwards spike is fun at the back, launch through the station is cool, but overall the ride is a borefest. Also somehow the restraints were really un-comfy on my collar bones despite being the same as The Swarm which I find very comfy.

  • Carrie C.

    Theming Masterpiece Duration

    Amazing theming. Just the perfect roller coaster.