• Robin B.

    Fun Duration Discomfort

    You can wave people on chiapas sometimes during the 2nd and 3rd lifthills which is fun in my opinion, only downside is it's old train which does not support your back too well

  • charis Kain

    Lap Bar Intensity

    Very intense Vekoma mine-train. Definitely much much more thrilling than a Mack powered coaster it is superficially reminiscent of for the GP. The drops and lateral forces are great, some would even consider them a little too much. Definitely try it when you go to Phantasialand, it's a memorable experience.

  • charis Kain

    Fun Intensity

    I was pleasantly surprised by this ride. Lots of fun elements with multiple zippy drops and fun dark sections. At some points you feel so disoriented you don't know where you're going next or where you came from, especially in the wild mouse section. Quite intense for what it is. Can't rate it higher because it's rather fun than it is thrilling, but it's great for what it is and is a very well-executed spinning coaster!

  • charis Kain

    First Drop Intensity Headbanging

    In the back-row you really get pulled down SHOCKINGLY quick on the first drop. It's awesome. High intensity coaster for the most part, even if it feels a little short. Experienced some very light non-painful headbanging.

  • Brybry Brody

    First Drop Capacity Duration Dead spots

    I'm a middle schooler and did this ride with my friends for it being a wood coaster this is by far one of my favorite rides that first drop sent adrenaline down my body and the embankment and hills are amazing and give you speed throughout the ride the ride is fairly long alowing you to enjoy every moment however toward the second half is when you hit dead spots and it doesn't give as much thrill factor as the beginning

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Fun Smoothness

    The quick elevator lift in the dark is cool. (It creeped me out the first time.) Then the door opens, and the train pauses to let you contemplate that great first drop. Front seat is best for a sensation of speed, but all seats are good. There are some surprising Gs that made me grey out a bit. The hangtimes on the lagoon roll are freaky because they are slow, and the only thing holding you in is the lap bar. A fun and unique coaster. Great ride ops, too!

  • Maxime Huyghe

    Fun Duration

    le Coaster et la thématique son super , dommage que le curseur de sensations ne soit pas poussé au max !

  • Giuseppe G.

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration

    Rode once last week and once today. Outer left seat 4th row 1st ride, outer left seat front row today. The ejectors are crazy. They are much stronger than anything I've ever been on, to the point where they are starting to push the limits (in the best way possible). Pure intensity from start to finish, crazy whips, and inversions are great. The launch is one of the craziest elements on any coaster ever. The ride lasts for what feels like two different coasters. Operations are smooth and efficient. I haven't experienced any rattling. Rides were as smooth as possible. This ride is on a tier of its own. Calling things masterpieces isn't something to do lightly, but this ride is a masterpiece.

  • Shroom

    Airtimes First Drop Dead spots

    I really enjoyed Goliath for its good airtime and the first drop. In some helixes it also pulls very intense positives. The only con is, that there are actually some dead spots, like the helix before the midcourse brakerun. It´s still an amazing coaster for its glorious airtime!

  • Robert A.

    Rattle Discomfort

    Not as horrible as I was expecting but still awful