• jbsuperhero

    Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Harness

    Honestly such a surprise Can't really describe why I love it so much Just a fun surprise

  • Ryan Beatty

    Inversions Intensity Discomfort Dead spots

    Mid tier bnm invert, had a slight headache after riding.

  • Ryan Beatty

    First Drop Inversions Intensity Capacity Lap Bar

    First hill and drop is great, the inversions are wippy and one good ejector airtime hill

  • jbsuperhero

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Dead spots

    Great ride overall Was smooth all the way throughout plenty of airtime and great seats

  • Drive Safely

    Theming Pace Smoothness

    The best traditional woodie in Europe (not counting Wildfire). Wodan’s absolutely relentless and never lets up. It’s a fantastic ride with extreme laterals, amazing pacing, great airtime, and really everything I could want in a GCI. With each ride, I found myself loving Wodan more and more and despite its length and limitations, it’s awesome.

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes Layout

    Silver Star gets a lot of hate because it doesn’t live up to the other rides of its model. While that’s true, it’s still a really good experience in and of itself. The second half is better than the first, delivering some really strong flojector airtime. Overall, it’s a bit rattly and not fantastic, but a B&M Hyper’s a B&M Hyper, and one of them will always be great.

  • Drive Safely

    Inversions Fun

    Blue Fire, although not amazing, is a very solid ride that serves more as a stepping stone for Mack than an elite attraction itself. It’s got a good launch, intense moments, and a great final inversion, but overall doesn’t do anything special aside from being good.

  • Rowan P.

    Airtimes Fun Masterpiece

    Such a good ride! Best wooden coaster I have ever gone on. The ejector is great and the RMC topper track is super smooth and clean. Totally would recommend for anyone that wants to have a fun time!

  • Rowan P.

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Too short Capacity

    Comfortable and fun but the wait is longish and a short ride (18 minutes on a Sunday for a 30 sec ride). The first drop is so fun and it feels like you are going to fall out of your seat and it’s incredible! Great inversions! Great coaster!

  • clubstep

    Nice surprise! Location Intensity

    Out of the 5 SLCs i rode this is the best. It is shaky, but the real, heavy and painful Hits thankfully Miss out. Its really bearable if you are used to SLCs. The wildlife under the ride gives it the edge over the other SLCs for me. You zoom close over fences, bushes and around trees. They even put smoke into the trench besides the Station, which improves the following Sidewinder alot. Can't complain at all