Pace First Drop Intensity

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Wodan : Timbur Coaster features
Chain lift hill
Lap bar
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Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 23  Aurelien G.
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 22  flex
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 19  Julien Rhuin
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 12  Benjamin Thirion
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 10  Hardcoaster
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 8  florian r.
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 6  flex
Wodan : Timbur Coaster
 6  Flex
Reviews  2500
  • Paul Guntrip
    Paul Guntrip 1 month ago

    Theming Pace Airtimes

    Really well themed wooden coaster, great pacing but surprisingly little airtime which was kind of a shame

  • Ewan Dagnall
    Ewan Dagnall 2 months ago

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Too short

    Wodan Timbur Coaster is a great wooden coaster and fits perfectly at Europa Park. The theming is very strong, especially in the queueline. The ride itself is a great thrilling wooden coaster, with some nice punchy ejector hills scattered throughout. The sense of speed on Wodan is fantastic too, flying in and out through the structure. Although it is a little on the shorter side, it most definitely does not take away from a fantastic wooden coaster! Remember to follow my instagram @airtimeofficial. I am a photographer and would really appreciate the support!

  • Sharean
    Sharean 2 months ago

    First Drop Pace Ejectors

    If you're a cat-owner, you might be well used to your pet's daily zoomies. Well, Wodan is just that but as a rollercoaster. From the first drop, which is amazing, until the brake-run it's just a single and relentless adrenaline rush at full speed. At times I was convinced that the train was about to jump off the tracks. Most people say to ride it in the back for the drop alone. And while it is superior in the last car, I surprisingly enjoyed the first row more. At least in the winter, every one of those smaller hills gave me a short ejector pop in the front. But whatever you prefer, Wodan is great in general from start to finish. It's also smooth for a Woodie with the typical rattle being not much of an issue due to the comfortably padded cars.

  • George S.
    George S. 2 months ago

    First Drop Theming Intensity Too short

    Wodan is an excellent GCI woodie. The queue theming is incredible and the operations are the usual gold standard from Europa Park. Wodan has relentless pacing and is intense. The first drop is mental and there are several aggressive outer banks throughout the ride. It's remarkably smooth for a wooden coaster. It's one of the best rides at Europa Park, I just wish it lasted a little longer.

  • Simon Ward
    Simon Ward 3 months ago

    Comfort Dead spots Layout

    really bland layout. just constantly turning, very little airtime.

  • Milo O.
    Milo O. 3 months ago

    Airtimes Comfort Fun

    My first ever wooden coaster/GCI and I wasn't disappointed! Loved the airtime and snappy turns

  • Luca
    Luca 4 months ago

    Theming Fun Layout

    My favorite Wooden coaster! It's so fast, the layout is very good and the overall theming is just awesome!

  • John D.
    John D. 5 months ago

    Theming Pace Intensity

    When it's warmed up, riding it feels like an non-stop car crash, in the best way possible, but it's still relatively comfortable. Absolutely 0 dead spots, you just get thrown around mercilessly until the break run. And the theming of the queue and station is really good, if you otherwise only use the single rider or virtual line entrance, you should go through the normal queue at least once.

  • Chengyou Xie Year 8

    First Drop Smoothness

    W coaster ngl, the first drop is crazzzy, really making you feel the Gs, the smoothness was surprising, considering it to be a wooden coaster, one of europa parks best rides!

  • Andy Aerts
    Andy Aerts 6 months ago

    First Drop Location Intensity

    The best wooden coaster I have ever ridden. First of all the location, having interaction with 2 different coasters is something not a lot of coasters have. The theming in the queue is also very good and impressive. And the coaster itself isn't worse, the first drop is so intense, especcialy in the back. The layout also stays intense, my favorite moment is going trough the tunnel under the gate.

  • Alessio Romano
    Alessio Romano 6 months ago

    First Drop Pace Intensity Airtimes

    very good coaster,this one was my first wooden coaster and i loved it,a great fisrt drop and very intense. maybe in some parts for me it's a little bit quiet

  • Freddieboy Tpptey
    Freddieboy Tpptey 6 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness

    Absolutely insane ride, feels so ridiculously fast, the first drop is one of the best out there. A clear number 2 in the park. Simply a phenomenal GCI

  • Stijn Wigger
    Stijn Wigger 6 months ago

    Intensity Layout Ejectors

    This beautiful wooden rollercoaster has an amazing layout with so much intensity. It is so powerful and because of the cushions in the seating you don’t feel any pain or discomfort. Just amazing!

  • Coaster Nut
    Coaster Nut 6 months ago

    First Drop Capacity Pace Rattle

    Airtimes and smoothness are much better in the front and middle. Back seats rattle a bit more. It has the usual good GCI layout with snappy turns and quick pops of air. Excellent capacity with 3 trains running.

  • Ryan C.
    Ryan C. 8 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Too short

    Beat woody I’ve experienced, never lets up speed, very smooth, the second half will have your butt out of your seat indefinitely. The first drop has a lot of force behind it too. The queue is incredible, but suffers from the same thing as F.L.Y, it’s a great queue until you wanna re ride it and you have to put your long walk shoes on. Loses half a star for its short length though, this thing hits the break run with soooo much momentum left over that could have been used to extend the pretty short (but very good) layout.

  • Els K.
    Els K. 8 months ago

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    incredible speed, feels even faster then 100 km/h. i think it's even better then troy. def in the top 5 best wooden coasters i've ever ridden. if you go to Europa-Park ride this. idc how long the wait times are lol, even the que is super nice themed. layout is also fun, worth the 2 minutes for an hour wait time

  • Niklas K.
    Niklas K. 8 months ago

    Fun Layout


  • GLaDOS
    GLaDOS 9 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness

    What a great wooden coaster. The second best coaster at Europa Park. It has some of the best theming I've ever seen. It's one of the best looking rides at the park. The trains are great. The trains are really well padded and if you manage to get some room with the lap bar, you'll really get to feel the airtime this coaster has to offer. The first drop is great. It has great sustained airtime in the back rows. The first hill gives sustained floater airtime and it just feels like the train keeps picking up speed as the ride progresses. A few of the hills have more sustained floater airtime but this coaster is mostly about quick pops of airtime . The station fly-by is visually stunning and the ending is great. It has lots of airtime and is great way to end the ride. It's a great coaster that, for now, beats Tonnerre 2 Zeus in my opinion. Update June 2024: Forget what I said about it beating Tonnerre 2 Zeus, it does not but is nearly toe to toe with Zeus. It gives some great pops of airtime and throws you around like a ragdoll but in a good way. It's relentless. I also love the music and theming. It's incredible that they managed to pack the entire themed indoor area under the brakerun. It did seem to rattle a bit more than a few months ago, which is a bit odd but it wasn't anything bad. It did rattle more than Anaconda at Walygator or Heidi the Ride at Plopsaland de Panne but way less than Tonnerre 2 Zeus at Parc Astérix, Mine Blower at Fun Spot Kissimmee or Loup Garou at Walibi Belgium. It has three trains and ran all three during both of my visits.

  • Kane Johnson
    Kane Johnson 9 months ago

    Pace Intensity Layout Too short

    This ride is one of the best wooden roller coasters I've ever ridden. It's way more intense than any videos online will do it justice & runs incredibly fast. A back row seat is a must as the first drop is something else. This was my favourite ride at the park until experiencing Voltron on my most recent visit to Europa Park. It still carries so much speed towards the break run I wish it just carried on for a little longer, maybe an upwards helix at the end over the queue line would really perfect this masterpiece.

  • SNake N.
    SNake N. 9 months ago

    Pace Masterpiece Layout

    I'm flashed. Incredible! Very comfortable, fast and a little bit of Ejector at the top of one hill. Although its very noisy from the outside, it isn't as loud while riding. A few vibrations, but because of the comfy seat and the surprising ride, i didn't notice or care much. VERY UNDERRATED BEST COASTER IN THE PARK BY FAR!

  • Patrick Kelly
    Patrick Kelly 11 months ago

    Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors

    Great fun! Been a while since I did a woodie, and this one is terrific. Smooth but still with that classic wooden rumble, this is a non-stop riot from start to finish with pops of ejector airtime throughout and it carries speed right to the end. Proper out of control - but manageable - bedlam!

  • Filippo Merlo
    Filippo Merlo 11 months ago

    Theming Pace Intensity

    it was my first wooden coaster, and I have to say that I would do it again 10 times; it never brakes lightly, it keeps the speed constant until the end, even in the tight bends it has. Positive note, the length, and the beautiful theming, absolutely worth doing if you go to Europa Park!

  • Ben Dixon Music
    Ben Dixon Music 11 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Intensity

    Fantastic wooden coaster, relentlessly paced through and with some great airtime

  • Ben Dixon
    Ben Dixon 11 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Fun

    Just an all round really fun coaster that has that out of control woody feeling in speeds, relentlessly paced throughout with some great airtime moments

  • Daan Bruins
    Daan Bruins 1 year ago

    Airtimes Pace Intensity

    What an insane wooden coaster, from good theming, to an outerbank in the pre-drop, to a batsh*t insane first drop, to a crazy airtime-filled layout including several tunnels, twisted airtime hills and a station fly-by. Until Voltron opens the best coaster at this amazing park for sure.

  • eamon marsden
    eamon marsden 1 year ago

    First Drop Theming Pace

    What a beast, an absolute speed machine, and incredibly fast, as it feels like it never loses speed. Great airtime, and whip/laterals. Amazing Ride!

  • Ross
    Ross 1 year ago

    First Drop Theming Intensity Rattle

    This is a fairly intense gci. It can be a bit rattle-y but the seats are comfortable and mitigate against that. The standard queue under the station is really cool. And the station pass through is exciting

  • Isaac D.
    Isaac D. 1 year ago

    This is an angry roller coaster!

  • Ivan Claeys
    Ivan Claeys 1 year ago

    Pace Intensity Layout

    I like wooden coasters, and Wodan is one of the best traditional one's. I don't give it a five, because there are hybrid wooden coaster now (Zadra! Tonnere 2 Zeus!) and the're better. So the 5-ratings are for them.

  • hans im Glück
    hans im Glück 1 year ago

    Intense, wild, fast, thrilling and a bit rough. I love it!

  • Janusz Szulc
    Janusz Szulc 1 year ago

    Theming Masterpiece

    An absolute blast of a ride! First of all, just the queue is already an experience. the train has the perfect wooden coaster sound. Since the queue is located underground, the deep sounds feel like earthquake. It's also filled with norse mythology, making it a fine place to wait for the ride. Ride itself is a perfect wooden coaster experience. Loud, intense, quick - everything in the right place, from the fist drop, through airtime up to quite a few perfect turns. Definitely recommend!

  • Joey K.
    Joey K. 1 year ago


    The first drop is strange, but after that, the ride really starts flying.

  • Eyebrows
    Eyebrows 1 year ago

    Airtimes Pace

    good solid gci. drop is good in the back, everything else is good in the front. everything up until the end is taken quickly, but it does lose steam quicker than other gcis.

  • Vinzenz T.
    Vinzenz T. 1 year ago

    Airtimes First Drop Pace

    Wodan is in my opinion the best wooden coaster in Germany and my personal favorite out of all the woodies I've done. Your experience starts in the amazingly themed queue, definitely one of the best I've experienced to date. The storyline deals with northern mythology but I won't go into detail with that. For the ride itself it is easily the best ride at Europapark. After you went through a fun pre lift section your ride starts with a large turn at the end of the lift. As you already picked up some momentum, you shoot down the first drop giving sustained airtime especially in the back of the train. The rest of the layout consist of many sharp transitions and small airtime pops. The larger airtime hills unfortunately only deliver weak airtime but they are still fun and deliver some laterals. The finale is definitely the highlight of the ride with many amazingly paced low to the ground hills and turns delivering fun airtime. Overall this ride is relentless which is even crazier in the back of the train. But if you think today's version of the ride is great, you should have experienced the ride a couple of years of go. I can't verify the following info but I'm pretty sure it's correct. Wodan opened with coated steel wheels which decrease noice but increase friction. That's possible the reason why Wodan is short compared to its height. A few years later they changed the wheels to classic steel wheels which led to the ride flying through the course. This was then changed to a mix between pure steel and coated wheels possibly due to noice complaints. This review is far to long but all in all Wodan is an amazing ride truly a masterpiece!

  • Drive Safely
    Drive Safely 1 year ago

    Theming Pace Smoothness

    The best traditional woodie in Europe (not counting Wildfire). Wodan’s absolutely relentless and never lets up. It’s a fantastic ride with extreme laterals, amazing pacing, great airtime, and really everything I could want in a GCI. With each ride, I found myself loving Wodan more and more and despite its length and limitations, it’s awesome.

  • Gabriel T.
    Gabriel T. 1 year ago

    First Drop Capacity Fun Discomfort

    Very fun ride with a surprising first drop. Pretty smooth even if it isn't as comfortable as it looks

  • Dave Griffiths
    Dave Griffiths 1 year ago

    Intensity Duration

    Just so intense and fast. One of my favourite coasters! The ride felt like it was trying to break itself it was so quick, didn't let up the whole way through!

  • Samuel Wohrmann

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity

    je l’avais fait il y a 2 ans ajd je remonte et énorme surprise je ne me souvenais pas de cette first drop incroyable avec les petits airtimes par ci par là franchement meilleur coaster du park !!

  • Greg Hudson
    Greg Hudson 1 year ago

    Theming Pace Intensity

    Sheer speed and intensity throughout, the themed queue is also just as good as the coaster itself

  • Ben Hopson
    Ben Hopson 2 years ago

    Airtimes Pace Fun

    First rides in 2018 were great, latest rides in 2022 were absolutely PHENOMENAL. Perfect smoothness, some of the best pacing in the world, great airtime pops, great laterals, just an overall phenomenal coaster!!

  • Koen
    Koen 2 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Pace

    Ok, so I rode this at night for the first time and did a quick check on Captain Coaster if the comfort was ok. I picked up from a review to take the rear row (which is nearly always the best) and oh my oh my. this was my most memorable ride in the park. GCI coasters are great and this one stands out. The roaring in the dark, the Scandinavian theming, the train passing and rumbling through the station...WOAH. Then after leaving the station there are some fun elements to hype you even more. The first drop sucked my into the abyss, there was literally no sight and I was being tossed around like you are on the back of a beast. Its incredibly comfortable for a woody and the seats or should I say sofas are excellent. Thank you GCI.

  • Chermaine S.
    Chermaine S. 2 years ago

    Pace Intensity Smoothness

    Holy shit, this ride is insane! Wasn't impressed after my first ride on it (which was towards the front of the train in the morning), but towards the evening I got a second ride which was on backrow. And oh my god, it was HAULING. Wodans pacing is perfect, the train doesn't lose any speed throughout the layout. And this ride feels fast. Very fast. The quick transitions caught me off-guard and it felt like I was thrown around like a ragdoll, I love it when coasters try to throw me out of the train. The ride is also butter smooth, most woodies have a bit of a rattle to them but Wodan does not. This is currently my favorite wooden coaster, GCI did an amazing job with this one!

  • TwanTastic
    TwanTastic 2 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Pace Too short

    Wodan is definitely my favourite GCI, but I am not the biggest fan of those. It's on the short side but it's an airtime filled ride and the pacing is really good. Theming throughout the long queue is also impressive. I still prefer both Blue Fire and Silver Star, though.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Pace Intensity

    Incredible pacing for a woody, sideways ejector, amazing drop, strong laterals! Best GCI I've ridden so fun!

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    First Drop Theming Pace Too short Harness

    Wodan during the day is decent, but it is on a whole other level during the night, my night rides is what I am going to base this review on. For starters, the ride just looks massive and the presentation is phenomenal. The seats are really comfortable, however the restraints are in my opinion not the best, they are still better than S&S Skyrocket restraints though. The ride is very smooth, though I can't compare it to other woodies since this and Mammut at Tripsdrill are the only ones I've done. The out of control feel during the night, due to the pitch black nature is absolutely insane and the pacing of the ride is phenomenal and couldn't be any better. It shreds through the layout at a very high speed and it doesn't get dull, not even once. While it doesn't provide the most intense forces nor the greatest airtime, the pacing and out of control feel alone make this ride absolutely awesome and I can't wait to ride more GCI's in the future. Overall indeed a great coaster and currently my favorite at the Park. Update 2022: I rode it after it's partial retracking that Europapark does every year, additionally I rode it in a refurbished train. I don't exactly know what was included in the train refurbishment, but I know the seats were replaced/fixed. So I rode it and this ride was flying through it's course, the speed felt simply out of control. There were no signs of pacing issues, not even on the hill after the Station fly-by, quite the opposite actually. For the first time, I actually felt the Airtime on that hill which I never did before. It was already very smooth, but now it's even smoother. So this year judging by my rides mid-march, Wodan is running better than ever this year. Edit August: Yeah this coaster is downright insane this year.

  • Daniel Stark
    Daniel Stark 2 years ago

    Theming Pace Fun

    Being this one of my favourite coasters, it is perhaps the park's best themed one, with a gorgeous queue and station, as well as an immersive soudtrack. It's got perfect pacing, flying swiftly through a nonstop layout, and it gets even better each time you ride it. It's the most intense coaster at the park, and undoubtedly the best one, too. I am a massive fan of woodies, and this is by far the best one I've ridden.

  • Michael Mike Steixner

    First Drop Pace Intensity Too short

    Really good ride. High intensity paired with strong pace. For me the rattle is part of it's charm. Good layout but a little short.

  • Usaidhello YT
    Usaidhello YT 3 years ago

    Theming Pace Intensity Capacity

    The best wooden rollercoaster I have done in my life. Spectacular theming in the queue. Very unexpected intensity, it absolutely blasts through the layout. The first drop is amazing. The pass through the station is a nice surprise. Passing through several tunnels where the rattle of the wood on the wheels is echoing to make it even more intense. This ride is full of aggression and it’s so impressive. And if you’re doing this one in the dark, it’s even more special with two giant flames at the top of the lift hill and limited visibility on the track.

  • Dominick Cobb
    Dominick Cobb 3 years ago

    First Drop Theming Layout Rattle

    Easily Gci's best coaster!! yes i said it .. its amazing a slight rattle is pretty noticeable on the first drop but it didn't take away from how amazing this coaster was easily top 25!!

    THE NEW FUTURE 3 years ago

    First Drop Theming Masterpiece

    This is absolutely the best coaster theming that I have ever seen. Layout is soo cool. Its my favourite wooden coaster of all.

  • Lukas 42
    Lukas 42 3 years ago

    Theming Pace Intensity Capacity

    My favourite ride at Europa Park: it's the most intense coaster at this park (especially in the evening, the night rides here are nuts!) keeping it's speed very well throughout the whole layout and the area and queue is very nicely themed. Also the ride itself with its logo integrated into the lifthill looks fantastic. The station fly-through is a cool feature - but it's VERY loud! The only con is the capacity, lines are typically quite long compared to other coasters at Europa Park, but it's definiteley worth a longer wait!

  • Vorname Nachname
    Vorname Nachname 3 years ago

    Theming Pace Intensity Capacity

    It's a well themed woody that's surprisingly intense. Be prepared for long queue lines, luckily it is well themed.

  • Florentin K.
    Florentin K. 4 years ago

    Airtimes Theming Pace Capacity

    Wodan is a well-paced ride which results in some good moments of airtime. The ride is pretty smooth and comfortable to ride, especially for a wooden coaster. The capacity is with 1200 riders per hour not so bad but for the best ride at such a big park a bit too small. Luckily the queue is themed well, so it isn't too bad to wait for Wodan.

  • David Čuban
    David Čuban 4 years ago

    Intensity Smoothness Layout

    For me Wodan is the best coaster in Europa-Park. For a wooden coaster it is very smooth. In the back row the first drop is really intense. Very good layout and very good pace.

  • Joel Simon
    Joel Simon 4 years ago

    Theming Fun Layout

    Very nicely themed coaster with a cool layout. The first drop is like dropping into a dark pit of wood, the ride is very fast paced, fast transitions, not too rough and a good intensity. One of the better rides at Europapark. Thrill: 3.75/5

  • Bart R.
    Bart R. 4 years ago

    Theming Pace Airtimes

    Slightly disappointed in this one. Although the pacing was great and it absolutely hauled through the layout, the ride itself just didn't seem to do very much for me. All those little pops of airtime that I usually love on GCI's just kinda jerked us to the side, giving no airtime at all. The theming, however, was superb and the queue was amazing. Overall, a good coaster but a relatively disappointing GCI

  • Flurin S.
    Flurin S. 4 years ago

    First Drop Pace Masterpiece

    Wodan never disappoints. Incredible first drop, Great pre-lift section and most importantly perfect pacing. To top it off there is amazing theming and a great soundtrack. Definitly the best ride at the park. -- Also I really like how Europapark got a GCI without the stupid seatbelts under the restraints

  • Philip F.
    Philip F. 5 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort Rattle

    Theme and the story is so good!

  • LinaExecutor
    LinaExecutor 5 years ago

    Funny wooden !

  • Jeffrey Fastenaekels

    Pace Duration Rattle

    Good woodie!

  • Gregory N.
    Gregory N. 6 years ago

    First Drop Pace Intensity

    4.5/5 Because the queue is very looongg....

  • Dave Scott
    Dave Scott 6 years ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness

    Wodan was a real surprise for me. I'm not exactly what you call a conventional enthusiast with regards wooden coasters, but GCI are consistently an exception. We had the luxury of staying at Europa Park a couple of days, and had plenty of time to take in it's nuances. The hard-to-remember layout, much airtime and laterals handled well all contribute to it being a blast. Night riding with Fenrir roaring into the sky highly recommended (and impressive).

  • Christian Kunerth

    First Drop Theming Masterpiece

    What can I say about this coaster except its awesome. The que is ridicules and I mean that in the best way. It has awesome elements throughout the whole que right from the massive gate when you enter. The ride itself is awesome and is only intensified by the fact that you know its wood and you saw the coaster move and bend while queuing up. The first drop is crazy and for it being a coaster the intensity and force in this coaster is unreal. Driven this multiple times in all weather conditions, Sun is nice but Rain also ads and awesome element to it. This is a must do for anyone visiting the park.

  • Samantha P.
    Samantha P. 6 years ago

    Theming Pace Intensity

    Amazing theming! That queue line is crazy ! The pace feels amazing, super fast! Nice banking.. length is good.. fast lifthill.. overall pretty solid coaster! Only a 4/5 because i'm not a massive fan of woodies ;)

  • Roland Wijnen
    Roland Wijnen 6 years ago

    Airtimes Theming Layout Too short

    too short in a positive way ;-)

  • Heiko Hartmann
    Heiko Hartmann 7 years ago

    First Drop Theming Intensity

    When it has rained or it is cold, this woodie gets quite intense. Great queue line.

  • Gagool
    Gagool 1 hour ago

    First Drop Comfort Pace Intensity

  • hugo s.
    hugo s. 6 hours ago

    Pace Intensity Rattle

  • Srivanth Areti
    Srivanth Areti 6 hours ago
  • Théo C.
    Théo C. 10 hours ago
  • Melvin Guittard

    Pace Masterpiece Intensity Too short

  • Roger Llorca
    Roger Llorca 1 day ago
  • Gaspard D.
    Gaspard D. 1 day ago
  • Valentin Nicolle Vichard
  • thibault d
    thibault d 2 days ago

    First Drop Pace Too short Airtimes

  • Arthur G.
    Arthur G. 3 days ago

    Airtimes First Drop Pace

  • Emilien Caveriviere
  • La Fiz
    La Fiz 4 days ago
  • Charlie N.
    Charlie N. 4 days ago
  • Lucas Greffiel
    Lucas Greffiel 4 days ago
  • Chesterfield TMS
  • Jesús Alberto Adán Pérez
  • ArsenicLeGoat Arsenic
  • Samuel K.
    Samuel K. 10 days ago

    Theming Pace Rattle Harness Discomfort

  • Baptiste
    Baptiste 11 days ago
  • Mathieu Lescornez
  • Co
    Co 13 days ago
  • Louis Dupont
    Louis Dupont 13 days ago

    First Drop Pace Intensity

  • Enrique Fernandez
  • Inès R.
    Inès R. 14 days ago

    Nice surprise! Pace Fun

  • Théau Frm
    Théau Frm 15 days ago
  • Garlic Tudor
    Garlic Tudor 17 days ago
  • Lro Piller
    Lro Piller 20 days ago
  • Ilou Jagueneay
    Ilou Jagueneay 21 days ago

    First Drop Theming Intensity

  • Schoni
    Schoni 21 days ago
  • Le kiwi
    Le kiwi 21 days ago
  • RankingTheRides NL
  • Madadax
    Madadax 22 days ago
  • Stevan M.
    Stevan M. 22 days ago
  • Thomas J.
    Thomas J. 22 days ago