• Pavlína S.

    Inversions Harness Dead spots Reliability

    I was genuinely scared to ride this thing. Just the weird restraints and the sound of the chain makes you uneasy. Not even mentioning that it broke down twice right before I wanted to get on. The loops are fine and forceful and it is not as rough as I expected it to be but apart from the loops it does absolutely nothing.

  • Pavlína S.

    Theming Fun Layout Capacity

    A classic not to be missed. Great length and theming, surprisingly fast and fun. I enjoyed every second of it.

  • Pavlína S.

    Theming Inversions Fun Rattle

    I cannot probably give an objective review because it was my first upside down and launched coaster and I got convinced to do it just because it was Star Wars themed. Now I am a huge coaster enthusiast, mostly thanks to this ride. I love the fact that it is completely in the dark and has the awesome audio which gives a unique experience even though the coaster itself might not be so spectacular and more on the rough side. Back then, it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life and this is how I will always remember it, even though now I have been on objectively much better coasters.

  • Pavlína S.

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots

    This was my first non-kiddie coaster so it is very special for me. It is very tame but it is worth riding just for the history and uniqueness – no restraints at all, brakeman, classic theming etc.

  • Pavlína S.

    Pace Intensity Discomfort

    This wild mouse is very fast and has strong laterals. It is not the most comfortable but it goes pretty wild. Brace for the brakes at the end.

  • Pavlína S.

    First Drop Intensity Smoothness Too short

    A hidden gem at Prater. Megablitz pulls some crazy and sustained forces throughout the whole layout basically consisting only of helices and the first drop is also very decent. This is a must ride for people who love intensity and positive G’s. Don’t get mislead by it’s size. The only negative is the very short length but you will definitely have enough after riding. I love it.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comfort Fun Duration Dead spots

    This coaster is a lot of fun. For a family coaster, it has some decent drops and surprisingly long layout. Also it is extremely smooth. Definitely worth the ride when you are at Prater.

  • Pavlína S.

    I have never felt so embarrassed on a coaster but cred is a cred. Last time I rode something like this I was 3 years old 😊

  • Pavlína S.

    Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots

    I will confess here that I kind of enjoyed this one. Nothing too impressive but I would rather go on this than the bunch of Vekoma junior coasters at Energylandia.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comfort Fun Intensity Too short Pointless

    Another Vekoma junior coaster. This one at least has some surprising whip to it. Not bad really, and very smooth.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short Pointless

    Just why another Vekoma junior coaster ath this park. This one didn’t surprise me with anything. It is nice and smooth but has no meaning at Energylandia.

  • Pavlína S.

    First Drop Intensity Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    It is my first and so far only SLC so I have nothing to compare with but if this is considered to be a smoother one, I don’t think I ever want to experience the rough ones… If it ran like Dragon, the other Vekoma invert at the park, it would be a different experience. I liked the layout but I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the horrible rattle, at least the headbanging was mostly eliminated by the vest restraints.

  • Pavlína S.

    Theming Fun Intensity Too short

    Probably the best kiddie / family ride at the park. I was surprised how whippy it actually was.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short Pointless

    Smooth and fun ride, it just doesn’t stand out at such a park.

  • Pavlína S.

    Location Comfort Fun Too short Intensity

    It would be a great addition at a park with not that many family coasters and not the completely same ride type. It is not bad, it just doesn’t stand out

  • Pavlína S.

    Capacity Layout Duration Theming Pointless

    I don’t know about this one. For some reason I just wasn’t impressed. A good family coaster but it doesn’t really stand out among other family coasters Energylandia has. I was maybe more impressed by the preshow than the coaster itself (no spoilers). The length and capacity are however a great advantage.

  • Pavlína S.

    Nice surprise! Fun Smoothness

    Speed was a really pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect much but it was just so much fun. You cannot expect Hyperion’s airtime on a water coaster which is completely understandable but for a water ride it delivered in every aspect, adding some unique coaster thrills and plus points for the elevator.

  • Pavlína S.

    Nice surprise! Fun Smoothness

    Definitely the better inverted coaster at the park. It is smooth, has a decently forceful drop, good length and overall intensity. Doesn‘t feel like a family coaster at all, I loved it.

  • Pavlína S.

    Comfort Launch Pace Too short

    More punchy than Abyssus, definitely a better launch but quite short. Still a great ride, it is just unfortunate to have Formula and Abyssus at the same park.

  • Pavlína S.

    Fun Smoothness Duration Launch

    This ride is just pure fun. It has a bit of everything, third best at Energylandia. I just wish the second launch had more power and there was no trim at the top hat.

  • Pavlína S.

    Inversions Intensity Smoothness Dead spots

    I think Olympia looping is receiving much more hate than it deserves. First of all, just the forces experienced in the loops make this coaster unique and awesome. Strongest positive G’s I have felt anywhere but also not so sustained to be uncomfortable. Considering its age and relocations, it runs surprisingly smooth. Also I am maybe just the right size and height but the restraints didn’t bother me at all. The only disadvantage is that you must pay per ride which makes it not really rerideable. Still worth it for this piece of history.

  • Pavlína S.

    First Drop Intensity Smoothness

    If it wasn’t for Zadra, this would be the best coaster in Poland. To be honest, I expected it to be more intense according to the reviews but still it delivered in every aspect. I don’t know why everyone always only talks about the positive G’s when this has the overall package of everything, including great and surprising airtime, inversions and laterals. And the drop in the back row will change your life, my favorite drop so far on any coaster. Plus you can just marathon it when you are at Legendia because it usually has no queue.

  • Pavlína S.

    Pace Masterpiece Smoothness

    RMC, what have you created? I am still blown away a week after riding. My credit count is still quite low and I have been an enthusiast only for about a year now but I can’t imagine anything better than this ride. It is just perfect in every sense, it is intense, fast, well-paced, it has the best variety and collection of elements, it is not repetitive and the zero G stall is the best coaster element ever. The restraints are comfortable and it is smooth as butter. You know why there are the abrupt brakes at the end? To make you bow down in front of the queen of coasters.

  • Pavlína S.

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Rattle

    A world class coaster with an amazing layout, first drop and airtime which is however almost ruined by the rattle. I didn't expect it to be that rough at all, the wing seats towards the back were almost comparable to the SLC next door and I rode it over three days in different seats and rows. Fortunately the middle seats and the front are still tolerable but I couldn't do more than one lap in a while. On the other hand, the first drop, camel back and inversion are still worth the possible headache. Do something about the rattle and it will be flawless.