Airtimes Pace Masterpiece Too short Theming
today was my frist time on hyperia and OMG, HYPERIA WAS INSANE, NEW #1 FOR ME, IT FELT LIKE I WAS FLYING I GOT 2 RIDES, 1 IN BACK ROW, I AM JUST SO OVER EXITED, THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT Pros: Airtime Comfortable Forceful Cons Unreliable on the day i went Short
Theming Intensity Layout Harness Discomfort
Good Theming Good Layout Good Ride The Restraints kinda suck and its no the smoothest ride in the world but its not that bad.
Nice surprise! Location Pointless Dead spots Layout
i done it for the credit and thats it, its like any other wildmouse but its on a pier so you get good views i guess
Too short Pointless Layout
Its a kids coaster, i done it for the credit but after that i was done
Fun Masterpiece Duration Dead spots
I LOVE THIS RIDE SO MUCH! i has 6 rides today and its soo much fun, best coaster in blackpool. Good Operations, Good Airtime, Good Inversion, Decent Layout, Mid Launch, Fun
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Pain! i think this is the first time i walked of a coaster with a headache
Inversions Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots Layout
Apart from one spot, i had a very smooth ride, my only compliant is, the layout is good in the first half but is a bit boring in the second half, Very Nice Surprise.
Inversions Intensity Layout Headbanging Harness Reliability
Very Intense, Fun, I Would do it if it had a short line but anything over 10 mins, i would skip, It its rough and has head banging so i could not lap this ride but the roughness isnt too bad for me.
Capacity Location Harness Discomfort Tear it down!
It was super uncomfortable and it really shakes you about, getting shaked about with those crappy trains/restraints, was not fun
Fun Duration Rattle Theming Dead spots
Its a Basically an Inverted Wacky Worm. Its a bit Shakey and bit Boring but its a kids coaster. I Also Felt Awkward as a 15 yr old surrounded by a bunch of 5 yr olds
Capacity Theming Pointless Dead spots
Theres nothing good about this ride, chessington has a clone of this ride but chessington give there rides themeing, this park does not
Discomfort Tear it down! Layout
First Drop Location Intensity Too short
it only has 1 element but it does that element really well, also the atmosphere the theme of the area is well done
Launch Pace Smoothness Discomfort
i love this ride and the novelty aspect of riding on bikes, no complaints
First Drop Fun Hangtime Capacity Discomfort Layout
its like a thrilling wild mouse it was mostly smooth but the last turn had a shake the restraints suck
Theming Inversions Intensity Rattle Dead spots Layout
good intense ride but not the best ride ever
Theming Dead spots Layout
the themings good at the start but apart from that, its boring
Theming Location Fun Discomfort Layout
This ride got me into coasters and made me a thoosie so i owe alot to it Nothings Perfect but i have no big problems the restrains could be better but they prevent small talk so no complaints also, amazing station
Theming Pointless Layout
its just eh i dont have any reason to dislike it but i dont have any reason to like it
Pointless Layout
its just eh i dont have any reason to dislike it but i dont have any reason to like it
Airtimes Capacity Ejectors Theming Pointless Layout
its a unthemed regular kids coaster but it has 2 really good airtime hills at the end
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Lots Of Head banging The Restarints Get Soo Tight on my Legs Its Just Pain
First Drop Theming Duration Capacity
good theming smooth and comfortable for the most part only complaint is the restraints its a good ride but no anything out of this world
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
No Leg Room Wierd Theme Bad Head banging Rough Bad Capacity Fun to watch off ride