Theming Fun Headbanging Too short Harness
It's a cute little dive coaster but it's a little short and would really benefit from having the same harnesses as Skywinder. It'll give you some headbanging but it's not as bad if you stabilize your self with your arms the best you can. It's kinda like a Shorter not as tall Dominantor and it's I'd think it's a decent starter coaster for first time coaster riders, maybe just wear some soft ear muffs or a hood if they let you so the head banning doesn't hurt so much.
Disappointing! Discomfort
This ride looks like it'll be fun and then you get on and it's just a lot of pain, this is the first time I've disliked a wild mouse, it would probably be fine if the seats were cushioned but it's just hard plastic that jabs into your sides on sharp turns. I felt like my hip was going to pop out of place.
Inversions Fun Intensity Discomfort
It's a little uncomfortable but it's probably one of if not the best coaster in the park, at the very least it's the most unique coaster there.
Airtimes First Drop Fun Too short
It's a cute coaster for kids, a really good start for young thrill seekers.
First Drop Layout Dead spots
It would be a full 5 stars for me but I think the updates to the ride were very over hyped also I'm okay with going heavy on theming but I wish the Scottish guy would just not be a thing or not be as loud. You can hear him from the parking lot and almost on the other side of the park. Also it would have been fantastic if they added more screens in the tunnel so it would look like the monster is chasing you all the way around.
Fun Layout
Another cute little kiddie coaster, it's kind of like skull mountain but outside and no loud music/flashing lights.
Nice surprise! Fun Too short
A very interesting indoor kiddie coaster, if you ride it for the first time you'll probably be surprised because the exterior doesn't match the inside of the ride. This ride probably also needs a epilepsy warning if it doesn't already have one. (I didn't see if it did have one)
First Drop Theming Fun
A cute little wild mouse in the dark with some interesting theming. It's a nice ride to beat the heat and the rain.
Layout Headbanging Harness Discomfort
It's probably the worst ride in the park and hurts a lot because of the terrible seat, even more so if you're a guy. Lots of headbanging It would probably be alright if it wasn't the worst coaster seats in existence.
Harness Intensity Layout Too short
It's a fun coaster and I believe it's a bit taller and faster than some of the others of it's kind.
Inversions Intensity Layout Too short
It's a decent inverted coaster but a bit short, it's fun and good but I wouldn't say it's one of the best.
Inversions Layout Duration Theming
This coaster is probably the best of it's kind, it's like someone went in Roller Coaster Tycoon and gave this ride all the parts they could. Very fun and interesting. It didn't turn me off of the ride at all but you can just tell they painted over all the theming for the previous theme for Bizarro, it was a little goofy.
First Drop Launch Intensity Too short
It's amazing ride the hight, speed, while on top of that not being uncomfortable is amazing. I wish it was a bit longer with more unique elements to it but I'd say it's still probably the second best coaster at the park.
First Drop Layout Discomfort Lap Bar
Probably the roughest wooden coaster out there, it would be fun if it didn't hurt so much. It feels like getting punched repeatedly by a cruncher.
First Drop Intensity Duration
In my opinion the best ride at the park and if you like Apollo's Chariot in BGW you'll love this because it's practically that coaster but way better. A nice long ride time and some intense turns that makes it fantastic.
First Drop Harness Duration Discomfort
A very fun and unique coaster, I even got lucky enough to ride front which was a pretty good experience. My only complaint and recommendation is that if you have leg pain or a bad leg of any kind you might not enjoy this ride as much as others. I've got a bad left knee and you have to spread your legs in a awkward v shape to sit on the ride, it was kinda painful.
First Drop Headbanging Harness Discomfort
It's rough sometimes but it can be a little fun.
First Drop Fun
It's a fun wild mouse coaster
Comfort Intensity Layout Too short
It's a fun coaster, I recommend riding with a significant other for the best experience, you basically get to cuddle while riding a roller coaster which is pretty neat.
First Drop Comfort Fun
One of the best wooden coasters around, kings Dominion has mastered how seats should be on these old wooden coasters. It should be industry standard
Nice surprise! Comfort Layout Too short
A real fun short coaster, not the biggest of it's kind but it's still a good time. The unexpected flips are fantastic
First Drop Fun Masterpiece
In my opinion it's by far the best wooden coaster I've rode so far in my life. You get a amazing view of the park while also getting a great thrill.
First Drop Masterpiece Layout
In my opinion it's by far the best wooden coaster I've rode so far in my life. You get a amazing view of the park while also getting a great thrill.
Pace Intensity
A fun little coaster.
Theming Launch Intensity
A fun fast ride with some great intensity. It's also fun watching the ride operators mess with people. It might hurt a little bit but not enough to ruin the ride
Inversions Layout Duration
A fun ride, one of the best coasters at the park. However I will say there are better coasters of the same kind out there
Intensity Discomfort Lap Bar
It's a fun coaster with some major intensity, however the lap bar could be a lot better. Makes the ride hurt quite a bit.
First Drop Harness Intensity
One of if not the best coaster in the world in my opinion. I love this ride from the bottom of my heart. I have yet to ride anything as fun as this. Also more coasters need to take notes for a harness that's comfortable.
Launch Too short Disappointing! Pointless
It's probably the second worst coaster in the park, you go in circles a few times and that's about it. It was just a waste of money for the park and a nothing burger in my opinion. Ig it's a good starter coaster for kids but other parks coasters have better options for that as well.
Harness Disappointing! Discomfort
The worst coaster in the park, it hurts, it's short, and it's not really fun.