• Blake S.

    Capacity Discomfort

    My neck was not a fan of this one. The forces aren't enjoyable.

  • Blake S.

    Fun Harness Intensity

    Like boomerangs, there are good, intense moments entering/exiting the inversions and valleys, the sensations depend on which end of the train you sit towards. The beginning of the inline twists might be the best part, with a good whippy feeling, which is the polar opposite of the pain of Arrow corkscrew entrances, despite looking similar. There was still a bit of vibrating, and transitions that aren’t as good as other top manufacturers, but this was quite good on the whole. Not as good as a Batclone, though.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Pace Layout

    Rode all over, including front and back. I think it’s better than Mystic Timbers. It was that good. Fantastic pacing, good pops of airtime in many places, including several moments of sustained ejector. Laterals and transitions all really popped. Pure fun the entire time.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors

    Just unbelievable on every single ride. Rode four times in row 8, twice in row 9, once in row 3. It was absolutely incredible. Every element is perfect. The wave turn is a phenomenal moment, the second off-axis hill is ridiculous, and then every hill after that is nuts. It hauls, never ever letting up. It was mostly smooth, save for one rough patch after the wave turn. The launch has some power, but mostly thrives on the sustained force of launching you up the hill. The quad down is for real.

  • Blake S.

    Dead spots

    Rode once in the front row. I have "dead spots" as the con, and this whole ride is one giant dead spot. It's as if someone who had a little Rollercoaster Tycoon experience was told to design an adult coaster by tomorrow without the aid of any g-force calculations, so they didn't take any risks in the layout whatsoever to ensure that all the forces were safe. I had heard it was rough, but didn't think it was, though that may be because I rode in the front. I didn't hate it, but the layout is truly among the most uninspired of all time.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Too short

    Rode in row 1 twice, and row 4. In the front the airtime was very good, legit ejector. Then rode in row 4 and the airtime was even more powerful in the first half, though it was less so in the second half. This ride is very good for its size and length, and the first several moments of airtime rivaled many top-tier thrill coasters, but it’s just small and over quickly.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun

    Rode in row 8. This has good forces all over. Laterals strong on the turnarounds, enough to throw you into your fellow rider, but not quite as nuts as Kennywood’s Thunderbolt. That may be for the better, though. There is a good amount of violence in some of the transitions, often in the form of the drop suddenly steepening, tossing you out of your seat. It’s not quite Jack Rabbit or Phoenix in terms of standing air, but it’s much closer than I thought it would be. And there are plenty of good moments of airtime. They are not sustained over hills, and since I was towards the back the airtime only kicked in when I was getting yanked down the hills. But again, it was strong, and basically standing. It was a good long ride, and it had a few moments of moderate roughness, but it was not ever painful.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Comfort Duration

    Rode in rows 3 and 7 on the staggered seats. I was surprised that the floater airtime was strong and sustained everywhere. Every hill delivers, and it never felt slow over the hills like I feared it would with a long train. The turnaround felt really fast as well. The layout is excellent for airtime, but not overkill. Also, this is placed beautifully in the park. Being able to walk under the drop is so cool.

  • Blake S.


    Felt like the big baddie of the Ocean City boardwalk as a young kid...but once I actually got to ride it, it wasn't particularly scary. It was however, poorly profiled, jerky, and generally uncomfortable. Most turns required a certain amount of bracing, especially the first elevated turn after the drop. The loop had some weird shaping. Even though it truly is one of the worst coasters I've ever ridden, I don't hate this thing. But I am very glad that GaleForce now sits on its spot.

  • Blake S.

    First Drop Comfort Intensity

    Rode in rows 3 and 7. It had a great drop, it feels like you're falling for a long time. The first turn is kind of weak, it should be way better. Ditto for the turnaround. Then it starts sending you into good airtime moments, with the speed hill and large hill. Then comes the helix, which made me completely lose my vision (on my second ride, as opposed to a mild grey out on the first ride) until the final banked hill. It definitely felt fast in the valleys, and as a consequence, like it had to draw out its elements more. There is a good sense of speed in the valleys, but that is not sustained, other than through the speed hill. No element really stuck out to me, other than the crazy intense helix. Makes me think B&M should either just stick to airtime hills, or really try some new elements with more whip. There is the slightest rattle, but this has no effect on the ride. This coaster is excellent, but I feel like there could have been better elements in a few places. With gigas, expectations are sky high.

  • Blake S.

    This ride was nothing special, but it was paced better than Flitzer, and was far more comfortable than Python, the two other "major" coasters on the Ocean City boardwalk that it had to compete with for about a decade. You could do worse.

  • Blake S.

    Location Pace Duration Disappointing! Discomfort

    This is one of the most difficult times I have had ranking a coaster. If I had stopped riding after my third ride I would have this higher. I had one great ride, two that were good but that were below expectations, and two that were too rough. After my first ride, I was definitely underwhelmed. I thought there would be more airtime, and stronger airtime. Not every moment delivered, and most were just floater. There was one sharp hill that delivered the best pop of airtime no matter where you sat, that was true ejector. But many hills did not deliver, most frustratingly the apparent double down going out. Laterals are pretty good all over. The front seat is easily the best seat. That is where I got the most airtime, and legitimately thought it was a top 20-25 experience (out of 100) that I had had on a coaster. But then I rode it two more times, and they were really rough, and that left me with a bad taste in my mouth as I went home. On the plus side, this has a fantastic setting in the woods, and it absolutely tears through the layout. I think my expectations were too high. I had three rides that were quite fun, just not world-class. I had two rides that beat me up. Be wary.

  • Blake S.

    Comfort Fun Too short

    This is a good ride for all ages, just too short for thrill-seekers. Rode in the second row and it was fun, but didn't feel the need to ride again.

  • Blake S.

    Inversions Fun

    Smooth, and provided good airtime. Also had cool and unique inversions, and whippy elements. The lap bar is a plus, and the shin guards weren't really noticeable. Greyed out on the banana roll entrance. The airtime moments on this ride are enough to really elevate this above other inversion-focused rides. Well, that and the fact that this is over 200 feet tall. It's a little odd to me that this ride isn't talked about more.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Capacity Comfort

    Smooth, with excellent sustained floater airtime through the first three hills. Wish it took the bank out of the helix a little bit faster, and that the ride in general was a little longer, but a thoroughly enjoyable ride. I was shocked by how quickly it churned through riders.

  • Blake S.


    Good intensity with six inversions, and the vest restraints prevent headbanging. There is a bit of jerkiness on the cobra roll transitions, but it is still perfectly tolerable. I've been riding this thing for ten years and I always come off enjoying it.