Coaster reviews
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Too short
Surprisingly intense and an absolute blast
Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Rattle Too short Theming
The first drop - especially near the back - is one of the best I've ever experienced, but unfortunately the rest of the ride never really reaches that peak again for me with the exception of the outerbank when warmed up, even though objectively the layout (while short) is absolutely stunning :(. I'm not quite sure why this is the case, maybe it's the persistent rattle or being a symptom of overhype? Either way we're still lucky to have a ride of this scale in the UK, and it's objectively a great coaster! It just for some reason hasn't 'clicked' with me, atleast not currently. Although one huge negative is Fearless Valley is a little bit of a mess. Nearly 4 months after opening and there's still clearly exposed pipe, tools, clearly unfinished landscaping, temporary fencing, etc. I don't really care that its not 'themed', but unthemed coasters can still look nice and presentable, and as it stands Hyperia really doesn't :/
Nice surprise! Location Smoothness Capacity
First one of this model, surprising fun! Good sense of speed and great location
Airtimes First Drop Fun Dead spots
Best in the UK ❤️. Masterclass in how to do an effective layout with relatively limited space with it's only flaw being a middling return to the breaks. Despite this however, the first 3/4 are so good it really creates something special. Smoother now too!
Theming Nice surprise! Layout
Very pleasantly surprised, so much fun!
Theming Fun Intensity Rattle Discomfort
Tracks the worst out of all the vekoma mine trains I've done, it really does have quite a nasty rattle, but the layout itself is one of my favourites! Very good sense of speed in the valleys after the second and third lift hill, and surprising positives.
Airtimes Fun Intensity Headbanging
I found this really really fun lol
First Drop Layout Hangtime Harness Discomfort
Adore the layout, theme, and overall presentation, but for some reason the harnesses on this one in particular REALLY started to dig into my collarbone, which was a shame. Replace the vests and it'd be my favourite wing!
First Drop Nice surprise! Fun Too short
New favourite dive! It's still short but every element hits hard so it feels much more complete than others. Biggest surprise was the airtime hill, much stronger than expected!
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Lap Bar
Lap bar was a lil uncomfortable but this ride was so much better than I'd been led to believe, and smoother?! I expected the worst but it's honestly up there with some of the smoother woodies I've done. Wouldn't exactly call it comfortable but the likes of Megafobia/Stampida, etc are all significantly rougher! Alot of fun!
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Dead spots
Balder may just be the most 'fun' coaster I've ever ridden. The layout isn't exactly inspired - generally consisting of: hill, hill, turn, repeat. However, despite this, Balder delivers a fantastic ride with the most airtime I've ever experienced on any single coaster. Not only that, but it never feels repetitive even though the layout may objectively be repetitive. I couldn't stop laughing when I rode it and could not wait to ride it again once we hit the brakes. Absolutely love this thing!
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun
Was expecting a pretty solid coaster but this one really took me by suprise! A cracking first drop (especially on the back), some great airtime, surprising positive forces, and good presentation. It really has a presence in the area!
Airtimes Masterpiece Intensity
My personal perfect roller coaster - not even the rattly Problem Train™ (which was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting from previous reviews) could detract from the layout and forces. I've never experienced airtime as strong as that on this ride, there were a surprising amount of positive forces, and overall it threw me around like a ragdoll in the best possible way in every direction. Helps that the theming is also great 👍. Absolutely incredible I cannot stop thinking about this thing
Airtimes Fun Smoothness
On the front row, I saw Jesus on those first few hills
Location Intensity Layout Rattle Too short
This ride is one of the most talked about in the UK, and for good reason! It's very intense and the pacing is incredible, not to mention the location and surrounding scenery which really adds to the ride. Although I wouldn't call it rough, I've had some rides on it recently that did knock my head around. Also, despite having a great layout, the ride is really quite short. UPDATE POST REBORN: Ride thoughts remain mostly unchanged, but the new theming REALLY elevates it higher than I ever could've expected. Big eye <3
Airtimes Smoothness Hangtime Launch Dead spots Intensity
Used to love it but idk man, just a bit dull innit. Good fun moments in a creative layout, but absolutely not the unmatched UK #1 I used to tout it as
Theming Fun Masterpiece
Every time I ride this thing I love it more and more. The first time I experienced it the ride sat in my top 15. Then top 10. Then top 5. And now it's my #3! An absolute masterclass in everything ride-related, I can't get over how amazing both this ride and area are!
Theming Launch Fun Rattle Inversions
Weird. Not bad, it's good fun, but weird.
Theming Fun Duration Headbanging
Objectively weirdly paced, rough, and worse-for-wear, but I am absolutely infatuated with this thing. We are very lucky to have this still in the UK <3
Fun Intensity Smoothness Too short
Really enjoyed this one. Despite it's size it's a very solid coaster! Decent launch, quite intense, good pops of airtime and some snappy transitions. It's a bit short but for the space used, it's very good fun.
Nice surprise! Intensity Smoothness Capacity
Actually quite intense for a family coaster, especially on the back! Very snappy and those helixes have some good force to them, really took me by surprise on my first ride. Also I love the location along the water and it has some decent theming
Comfort Fun Duration Intensity
Underrated in my opinion. Very smooth, long and a lot of fun. It's not too intense but it's quite snappy when warmed up and there's a few great spots of both positive and negative g forces. The trim does take away from the top hat but the rest of the ride doesn't get affected, so I don't really mind it. Overall it's great fun and a solid 3rd at the park!
Theming Pace Fun Lap Bar
It's a good fun GCI! Don't get me wrong it's no Wodan or Troy, but for its size it's really good. This year it's back to running smooth again which is a bonus, yet it still has enough of a small rattle to feel exciting. The layout itself has nice pops of airtime and surprisingly strong laterals, as well as a great sense of speed. The theming is also fantastic! However, as much as I like millennium flyers, the lap bar can really come down on you throughout the ride, which (on this ride more than any other I've ridden) REALLY ruins the airtime. I'd recommend holding onto the lap bar to stop this from happening, if you do this I guarantee you'll enjoy the ride significantly more. Overall a great family/thrill coaster and in my opinion one of the country's best!
Pace Fun Smoothness Capacity
Despite being the same layout as several other vekoma family coasters I've been on, this one actually seemed to retain its speed much better! Led to some intense turns with decent laterals and even a small pop of floater!
Comfort Fun Smoothness Dead spots Intensity
Very fun ride and quite underated in my opinion, it's not very intense but it's not supposed to be. It's good as a first 'big' coaster and even for more experienced riders it still provides a fun, smooth, comfortable ride as expected from a B&M flyer. Sit in the back for a bit of an extra 'whip' through some elements!