• Adam Tortorello

    Capacity Location Launch Theming Discomfort Dead spots

    This ride definitely feels shorter than 5000 feet. Not sure what to make of that- something seems fishy. If you ride on an empty stomach, you are likely to feel queasy. Also, the layout is not super inspired, and there is not much theming. The best aspects of the ride are zooming through the darkness and the launch.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Location Fun Duration Capacity Dead spots

    4 lift hills, 9 minute experience. The downhill sections could be a bit longer and more dynamic. Supposedly the best mountain coaster in Tennessee. Amazing ride at night, especially with scare actors.

  • Adam Tortorello

    First Drop Capacity Fun

    Very fun being that high in the sky with sweeping drops. Pure fun and smooth. Its main weakness is the overly lengthy helix.

  • Adam Tortorello

    First Drop Too short Theming Reliability

    Every time we tried to walk around the pond to this ride (because we saw it running), it would close :p On our last day in San Antonio, we waited an hour outside its entrance to see if it would open. This paid off: it finally opened and we were the first to ride. Worth it, but this version is far inferior to the San Diego and Orlando versions because it's simply a small backwards drop and a final plunge. No theming and too short.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Lap Bar Ejectors Discomfort

    If you ride in the back specifically, prepare to have your butt in the air on drops, only to be SLAMMED to the seat. Painful, yet wild.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Launch Pace Layout Capacity Harness Reliability

    One of the best of the Premier launch coasters. Smoother than both Joker's Jinx and Flight of Fear. Ride it in the front at night!

  • Adam Tortorello

    Location Rattle Inversions Discomfort

    This is the absolute highest I could rate the ride. This was overwhelmingly rough, and as a result, dizzying with the neverending inversions. My fiance felt like she wanted to throw up on the whole ride and she normally has a high tolerance. I'm thinking this ride is the product of Six Flags taking poor care of the ride. I say tear it down and put in an Intamin launch coaster.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Location Layout Ejectors

    Iron Rattler was slightly underwhelming since I had heard it had one of the best first drops of any coaster anywhere, only to discover the first drop was above average but not outstanding. Nonetheless, it is a very fun RMC with a clever layout. I like that it moves slower atop the quarry wall; it's a good mix from the raw speed at the beginning and end of the ride. A front row ride at night is a must.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort

    In my unpopular opinion, this ride is superior to Fury because it has higher elements that are slightly less intense. Fury is just past the threshold of intensity for me. It also has a large camelback hill following the first drop with great airtime, which Fury lacks.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Theming Launch Duration

    This ride is highly underrated by most coaster enthusiasts. As of 08/22, with 243 credits to my name, I have this masterpiece as #2. It doesn't have to be crazy intense to be amazing. The ride is super long, has outstanding complimentary animatronics like Hagrid and his magical creatures, and has SEVEN launches. You can't beat that level of excitement. Additionally, it has two different ride experiences between the motorbike and the sidecar, plus a suprise in the dark. The only coaster better at this point is Steel Vengeance, because it adds the airtime insanity that Hagrid doesn't have. But it's close!

  • Adam Tortorello

    Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    The worst roller coaster I've ever been on. 312th out of 312. Please tear this down and replace it with a Raptor or a Wooden Shuttle.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Location Pace Fun Rattle Too short

    A fun ride, but it's definitely not as strong as most other suspended coasters. Starts out well with a lift over Wonder Mountain and a setting over water, but it's short and doesn't do a whole lot with the elements. The ride is WAY better in the front than in the back, as the back has a rattle.

  • Adam Tortorello

    First Drop Capacity Hangtime Too short Pointless Layout

    This ride is certainly overrated. Sheikra is significantly better as a dive coaster. The ride is mostly pointless in the back. If you're in the front, the first drop is tremendous. After that, the elements are very uninspired and there's almost no airtime or whippiness. Much more could have been done with this ride to make it memorable.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Nice surprise! Masterpiece Intensity Capacity

    The most underrated coaster I've done to date. I can't understand how people don't consider this one of Carowinds's best. This is one of the most unique coasters I've ever been one. After going up the lift hill backwards, you flip over and truly take off on a journey. You fly, you soar, and you are disoriented to the point of not knowing where you are. This aspect makes it a joy to ride. Best part: the pretzel loop. Holy cow does that pull some forces. Just watch out at the end for the two corkscrews- it gets rattely at that part. This ride is superior to what most people label America's best flying coaster- Tatsu. Sorry B+M, but Vekoma has you beat.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Inversions Pace Fun

    A well executed invert. Better than Great Bear, Raptor, Silver Bullet, Talon, Batman. Worse than Montu and Dragon Challenge.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Launch Pace Hangtime Rattle Capacity Discomfort

    A solid ride, but not my cup of tea. A bit too short and hangtime-focused. The launches are quite slow and pretty much the whole ride is low to the ground. I prefer large drops and airtime rather than slow inversions.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Airtimes Comfort Duration Rattle Intensity

    A great ride, but a tad overrated. It would be quite difficult to marathon given how intense and fast it is. The speed makes it feel extremely windy on the ride, which makes it hard to catch your breath. The back is probably better than the front. The first drop is world class.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Launch Pace Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    The layout was phenomenally long and creative. The issue is, the ride gave me a headache like no ride I've ever experienced. The sensation is very hard to describe. it's almost like the forces were exerting too much pressure on my skull. Even though it was painful to ride, I rode a second time because the elements were noteworthy.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Too short Pointless Layout

    After this ride was delayed two years, it opened in disappointing fashion. The ride is overly short in both height and length, and just plain pointless. The one redeeming factor is the first drop. After that it whizzes through four pointless inversions and you're done. That's it. I will admit that I'm not a fan of dive coasters, but can anyone out there honestly say that this is not the worst amongst Griffon, Valravn, Sheikra, Dr. Diabolical, and Oblivion?

  • Adam Tortorello

    Disappointing! Discomfort Tear it down!

    So painful in the back. My neck was sore for hours afterwards.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Disappointing! Discomfort Pointless

    Worst Disney ride

  • Adam Tortorello

    Capacity Layout Duration Headbanging

    A joy of a ride. Super long- the 2nd longest steel coaster in the U.S! A nice Incredibles overlay theme. Only minor complaint is that there's a tad bit of headbanging in a few short moments. If you sit in the back, you get whipped over those camelbacks and through the loop. You get good airtime on the bigger hills. In the front, you get the view. It's a win-win!

  • Adam Tortorello

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short Capacity

    Probably the smoothest coaster I've ever done, and it feels like it gets faster as it goes! Lots of high-paced spins for like 30 seconds.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Location Intensity Discomfort Layout Lap Bar

    This is one of the most overrated coasters I ever ever ridden. Let's put aside the horrible restraints and pretend like those are fine. Layout and duration are big factors for me in evaluating how good coasters are. This ride falls short in both those categories. Every single other 200ft+ continuous circuit coaster I have ridden, with the exception of Valravn, is longer and has a more creative layout.This list includes the Supermans, Nitro, Candymonium, Steel Vengeance, Millennium Force, Apollo's Chariot, Mako, Phantom's Revenge, Goliath, and Steel Curtain. The ride is fun but not even close to a masterpiece. The limited elements it does have are fairly pointless with the exception of the first drop and that one big airtime hill. I can't begin to comprehend why so many people have this one in their top 10. But I do understand why there is also a large chunk of people that view this ride as mediocre or terrible.

  • Adam Tortorello

    First Drop Location Pace Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    This ride is pointless and uncomfortable. So short you could ride the whole thing before swallowing one piece of chicken. Tear it down and put in a family woodie or single rail RMC.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Too short Theming Discomfort

    Underrated. Fun mini hills inside, despite the hiding pirates, lol. The spiral lift hill is cool.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short Disappointing! Pointless

    Quite overrated. Good for kids but when they say "Fun for families and established thrill seekers alike", I balk. Just doesn't do much.

  • Adam Tortorello

    First Drop Location Duration Pointless Dead spots Intensity

    Rode it with an almost empty train and early in the day, attributes which I'm sure contributed to its mildness. My guess is that it runs faster and more intense at night with a full train. Decent length, but not enough going on.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Airtimes Location Smoothness Too short

    The lift hill takes a substantial amount of time to climb-not ideal for someone afraid of heights. The first drop is smaller than its height and curves to the right as a sort of warm-up. The track then curves up and to the right to prepare for the ultimate moment of the ride: the 230ft plunge into the ravine with Thunderbolt. The hill is not very steep, so it builds speed to the point where by the time you reach the bottom, you are HAULING. This is pure adrenaline rush, made even better if you are riding at night and/or in the front row. The coaster then does a giant bank to the left, bank to the right with one small airtime hill, and then an alley of several airtime hills in a row. You are launched up in your seat repeatedly and feel the need to hold on for dear life. The ride is phenomenally made and smooth despite its age. It's short but because of its dynamic layout, it feels minimally long enough.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    I've ridden 207 coasters and this jewel is #207. It gave my head such pressure and discomfort for only a 25 second ride. Advil please. This was one and done.