• Sam Boskovic

    Theming Intensity

    This is way more intense than it looks, especially in the back few carts. Theming really completes it especially with the pre show

  • Sam Boskovic

    Fun Smoothness

    Tame but fun. A good coaster to start the day off and surprisingly smooth in the first section especially. Best on the first go for obvious reasons.

  • Sam Boskovic

    Inversions Pace Fun

    Originally thought this was massively overhyped on my first couple rides, but my most recent go felt a lot more intense and enjoyable. Definitely sit in either of the back two rows for a more enjoyable experience

  • Sam Boskovic

    Inversions Fun Discomfort

    Good coaster overall but not as good as other coasters Alton Towers has to offer. Main setback is that the harnesses caused a bit of discomfort and I felt too pinned down to properly enjoy it. The flying coaster novelty is still enjoyable though

  • Sam Boskovic

    Fun Rattle

    Yes it's very rattly and old but I had fun on this one. Far better and smoother than the big dipper when it comes to the ancient wobbly coasters that pleasure beach is known for. You get exactly what you expect but it's not awful

  • Sam Boskovic

    Fun Smoothness

    This is great, even if it wasn't as intense as I would've liked. It's incredibly smooth and the restraints were super comfortable. It's by far the best coaster in the park

  • Sam Boskovic

    Rattle Discomfort

    I almost gave my girlfriend a concussion on this after she headbutted my shoulder twice

  • Sam Boskovic

    Rattle Disappointing! Dead spots

    This uncomfortably rattled the ENTIRE way through. Even the first drop which people seem to enjoy was incredibly jolty. Didn't enjoy this one at all

  • Sam Boskovic

    First Drop Masterpiece Intensity

    I adore this ride. Its polarising reception makes it even more enjoyable. Yes it does one thing but it does it extremely well and I'd rather that than a decent longer coaster anyway i.e. the smiler. Could honestly go on it 100 times and not get bored

  • Sam Boskovic

    Launch Intensity Harness

    Fun launch and good intensity but ended up with bruised shoulders on this one. Harnesses are too clunky and my collarbone would smack the over the shoulder restraints a few times