• Coaster Nut

    Vitesse Baffes

    Like most floorless models, the headbanging is frequent. If they insist on using OTSRs, why not use shoulder straps instead of those bulky and annoying head-slappers?

  • Erik Sjögren

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions Théma Temps mort

    It has one of, if not the best inversions on any roller coaster i've ridden, especially the the barrel roll and zero-g stall, absolutely amazing airtime on the banked airtime hill and the speed "hills" and the first drop is just pure bliss. While the theming isn't bad, it kinda just feels like it's multiple themes at once. First you got the forest theme, the fact that you are literally in a forest when you ride it and also that it's called Wildfire. You also have the mechanical theme in the actual station. There aren't many "dead" spots but there are some parts of the ride where it feels like not much is happening. Overall it's an amazing ride but just is a little boring at times. It also very rarely has a long queue and you usually only have to wait 10-20 minutes.

  • clubstep

    Fun Débit

    Typical SLC, not the worst that there is. The setting makes it a little better too. I enjoyed it. The operations are ungodly slow, but i feel like thats a UK thing. Or maybe Germans just operate too fast and i got used to it

  • clubstep

    Airtimes Fun

    Its just crazy how there are no Gates and how everything swings and Shakes when the train is launched or comes back. The drop backwards is super wild, nice vintage coaster

  • Danny Delgado

    Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    Felt too much pain and discomfort and didn’t like how my head was banging everywhere.

  • Chermaine S.

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Perfection. Not a single inch of track wasted. From start to finish, this is just an insane, insane ride! There's no moment to catch your breath. It is so much faster than the POV makes it out to be. Taiga has it all: great launches, airtime, hangtime, speed, pacing, theming, positives, whip, you name it. This is Intamin's magnum opus right here.

  • Evangelion Martini
  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversions Fun Intensité

    Batman The Rides are good and fun.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Bonne suprise ! Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    I'm normally pretty tolerant of rough rides, but this one is pretty bad. It's definitely not as apocalyptically bad as some hype it up to be, but it's really not great. That headchopper was pretty cool though.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Situation Fun Temps mort

    Not the most exciting the Mine Trains I've been on, this one is skippable if you don't care about credits.