• Lukas 42

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité Fluidité

    This was my favourite rollercoaster at the Prater: it might not look spectacular, but the ride is a real surprise! First of all, it runs very smooth and especially the tight turns provide high G-forces. Combined with the unusual bobsled-like cars, this unique coaster is plenty of fun and definetely worth a ride!

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Fun Intensité

    The lack of intensity can be forgiven in any case for this charming classic, especially the artificial mountain scenery looks very nice.

  • Lukas 42


    For a spinning mouse coaster, this one runs pretty good and with an uneven loading of the gondola, you can get a very fast spin! Especially the latter was great fun in a group!

  • Lukas 42

    Layout Vibrations

    At the first glance, this coaster looks nice with its relatively large size and an interesting layout. But unfortunately, it runs quite rough!

  • Lukas 42

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Temps mort Layout

    This rather unusual coaster was a rather positive surprise: It looks quite rustic from the outside, but was running surprisingly well, there was no major rattle. The harnesses are quite weird because many people will have quite much space between this metal shoulder harness thing. Layout is, except of the first drop and the two nice loopings nothing special, but overall, this ride is alright because of its uniqueness.

  • Lukas 42

    Fluidité Débit Déception ! Temps mort

    Let's start with the positive aspects: the ride runs quite smooth and the elevator lift is a nice gimmick. But overall, it looks way more impressing than it actually is, especially the first drop is not really intense and the other coaster section is also nothing spectacular. whether you get wet seems to be a matter of luck here, some got drenched while I and some other riders stayed almost completely dry on a quite warm day. Capacity is also rather poor, the line at my visit was quite long (and it wasn't a crowded day!)

  • Lukas 42

    Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Layout

    A small but sweet launch coaster! The trains and restraints are very comfortable, and ride itself is not very intense, but provides great fun. In this rather short layout, there is a great variety of nice elements, so overall, there is not really something to complain about. At my visit, only one train was running (the other one was in maintance), so there were rather long waiting times...

  • Battle Pro

    Théma Fun Harnais Débit

    I like this rollercoaster, it is a fun ride.

  • Lukas 42

    Bonne suprise ! Confort Fluidité Débit

    This ride was surprisingly good: for a family coaster, it is quite fast-paced and has some nice forces. The trains are very comfortable and the ride runs very smooth. Unfortunately, there is only one train, so the lines are often very long and the locker for your bags doesn't make any sense.

  • Lukas 42

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Layout

    This is the best SLC I've been on so far: The restraints are way better than those standard OSTR's, so any headbanging is eliminatet and for this type, the ride runs comparably well. There might be a slight rattle, but far less extreme than on other SLC's. I even say I had fun riding this coaster and would ride it again!