• Jake H.

    Fun Too short

    This was a major disappointment after having ridden another Intamin Twist and Turn. Instead of Comet Express's surprisingly powerful booster wheels, disorienting and long layout, and rapid spinning, Sahara Twist offered a mediocre, slow and incredibly short layout that didn't make my seat spin more than once or twice per ride. It's a shame, and it's still an OK family coaster, but this one is pretty underwhelming.

  • Marko Tsang

    First Drop Fun Intensity Too short Theming Reliability

    I have ridden X2 two times, both in the front inside seat. It was not a rough experience (though as I said, sat in the front inside seat). The first drop is probably the best I have experienced out of my 21 credits. It is just a purely insane ride experience that is the only one-of-its-kind in the Western Hemisphere. The reliability is garbage, as said by many others. The music and fireball effects have not been operating during both of the times I visited SFMM. The duration of the ride is a little short, but overall, the ride is #1 of 21 in my credit rankings.

  • John De Nardi

    Inversions Too short Dead spots Layout

    This is definitely not a masterpiece. But I don’t believe it deserves all the hate either. For a 42 year old ride- it doesn’t do much besides it’s four inversions. The first drop is very shallow, with no airtime (unless your in the back car there’s a tiny bit) but the back to back loops are the standout of the ride, you really feel the positive Gs while passing through them, and the classic arrow corkscrews are fun as well. Overall not a great ride, but still a fun short one.

  • Tarantulip

    Location Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    It is impossible to tell if this ride gives any forces other than the laterals at the end because of the constant jackhammering. It is the roughest wooden coaster i have ever ridden.

  • Keystone Coasters

    First Drop Pace Intensity Rattle

    Millennium Force is one of the best coasters I’ve ever ridden. I hear a lot of enthusiasts call this “Millennium Forceless” which is not whatsoever. The first gives incredible ejector airtime and so do all the other hills on the ride. And the overbanked turns are actually quite intense giving good positive g’s along with a great sense of speed. And even in the areas that aren’t super intense, this ride is just pure fun. My only issue is the rattle which thought it could be worse, it still does take away from the ride experience a little bit. But even with a slight rattle, Millennium Force is just an all around incredible ride.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Location Duration Rattle

    Its better than Tonnerre De Zeus before the retrack but its still a very heavy ride with some rattle moments.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Comfort Intensity Layout

    Finally a good coaster in France, I love this coaster its nice themed and has great forces and airtime. The lay out is somehow to simple for me but it says its not a bad coaster.

  • Nicolas K.

    Intensity Hangtime Lap Bar

    Overall not a bad ride but it comes with some cons: The Lap Bars makes it very uncomfortable to cross the train to store your backpack at the exit side. The ride overall is too short. The Hangtime at the top is nice, but the break before the drop brings the train to an almost full stop which takes away a lot of the trill. The launches forward and backward are okay. At Holiday Park this second coaster was worth to ride once and switch back again to Expedition Geforce.

  • Nicolas K.

    Theming Layout Capacity

    Nice Wild Mouse Ride with some banked turns and even slight moments of airtime. The Layout changes between sections with typical hairpins and hills and banked curves. Not a long ride, not an intense ride, but as good as you can expect.

  • John De Nardi

    Airtimes First Drop Rattle Dead spots

    a way more complete ride than it’s Canadian fellow B&M “hyper” Goliath at La Ronde. It doesn’t have as many airtime hills but what its strengths lie in is its first drop, which feels longer and more thrilling, it’s hammerhead turn around which was forceful and quite fun and the final helices which are forceful but not too intense either so it can be enjoyed without blacking out. One thing definitely stands out is the staggered seats on the trains. The backseat is wild due to the extended length of the trains. The only con would be the trim breaks and the slight rattle, but not nearly enough to make the ride uncomfortable.