• Adrenaline Central

    Lap Bar Nice surprise! Fun

    I love mine trains so I love this

  • Adrenaline Central

    Airtimes First Drop Nice surprise! Too short

    This is a really underrated ride. It’s super intense and it has awesome airtime moments

  • Adrenaline Central

    Inversions Comfort Intensity

    Intense, smooth and fun ride. The corkscrew is insane

  • Adrenaline Central

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Comfort

    This was a really nice ride that was very underrated, the time hit but there’s tons of airtime

  • Wolfey Jay

    Discomfort Tear it down!

    Nothing good to say. Gets half a star for being classified as a roller coaster. Tear this neck wrenching POS down..

  • Wolfey Jay

    First Drop Pace Smoothness Capacity

    What's not to like aside from the wait times but it's a long wait for a reason. 90 degree lift followed by a 97 degree drop and some of the smoothest elements in the park. The shoulder restraints are some of the best but am I the only one who hates the seat design? The front of it digs into your pelvis and is really uncomfortable.

  • Wolfey Jay

    Intensity Layout Lap Bar

    This ride gives one of the best rides in the park but has some of the WORST restraints. There's a reason it's called Thigh Crush...lol

  • Wolfey Jay

    First Drop Capacity Comfort Pointless Intensity

    While the coaster is a good ride, it isn't worth all the hype. Honestly if you put this ride's restraints on Skyrush, this ride wouldn't have any reason to exist. For being the new "centerpiece" of Hersheypark, there are many rides in the park better than this which will likely include an RMC Wildcat if they go that route. On the plus side, keep adding more coasters and it'll cut the wait times down on everything else..lol

  • Wolfey Jay

    Theming Intensity Ejectors Rattle Discomfort

    Not sure why the Wildcat gets all the hate because this thing is just as uncomfortable.

  • Wolfey Jay

    Capacity Inversions Intensity Rattle

    This one holds a special place in my heart. I was in the 8th grade the first time I rode it and it was my first legit aerobatic coaster. It has it's flaws for sure but I rank it high just on nostalgia alone.