• Nathan F

    Theming Fun Duration Dead spots

    Incredicoaster, as with most Disney coasters, is not amazing. However, it is extremely fun. It is one of the longest coasters in the world. The loop is a bit rattly, but fun. The theming, while subpar by Disney standards, is still pretty good. The final helix is extremely fun. You do get a little airtime over the first major hill. Incredicoaster doesn't do anything spectacularly, but it does so much that it is still really fun.

  • Nathan F

    Smoothness Layout Theming

    Medusa is super fun. The inversions are great. The ride is smooth. Medusa packs a strong punch. Medusa is a bit on the ugly side, but it's a fun ride nonetheless.

  • Nathan F

    Theming Inversions Launch Too short Reliability

    Volcano was a great coaster. The launches were amazing, particularly the second launch. The inversions were all extremely fun.Volcano wasn't a statistical beast or anything. It was just pure fun. The inversions were slow enough that the slowness was fun. The launches were powerful. It was a very well-done ride.

  • Nathan F

    Location Fun Rattle Dead spots

    Apollo's Chariot is pretty good overall, but fairly mediocre as far as B&M hypers go. The turnaround is really the star of Apollo's Chariot. The big hills don't consistently deliver. Apollo's second half is quite strong, however. Apollo is also in the perfect location for a B&M hyper. Absolutely beautiful. Apollo is pretty good, but not outstanding.

  • totallyunfocused

    First Drop Theming Smoothness Too short

    Swarm is a great ride. It's extremely smooth and delivers some suprising force on the inclined loop. Alot of people complain about the restraints, personally I don't have an issue with them. Yes, they're tight, but I never found it to be uncomfortable. The themeing is also excellent. However, it is quite short.

  • Nathan F

    First Drop Inversions Too short

    Griffon is very fun. The first drop, both in the hanging aspect, and just as a drop, is amazing. Both inversions are outstanding too. Griffon meanders at the end a bit, and it's pretty short, but Griffon is a good ride.

  • totallyunfocused

    Capacity Fun Duration Rattle Discomfort

    Green Scream will forever be a coaster that perplexes me. Why is a Zierer Tivoli this massive?! That aside, this coaster is really fun. There's no seat dividers though, and with restraints as simple as the ones on this, be prepared to slide around alot if you're by yourself. It's not exactly very smooth either, but it IS an old tivoli. It has 2 circuits, which is great, as the layout isn't too long. For a family coaster, it's great.

  • Nathan F

    Pace Intensity Duration Rattle Discomfort

    Thunderhead is an outstanding wooden coaster. It maintains absurd intensity all the way to the final brake run. There isn't much airtime on Thunderhead, but there are a lot of laterals. It does laterals amazingly. Thunderhead is extremely long too. The station fly-by is really fun. Thunderhead in general is just fun.

  • totallyunfocused

    First Drop Location Hangtime Headbanging Too short

    For such a small park like Adventure Island, this is a great fit. It's in a park next to the sea, giving it a great location. The first drop is great and is bound to get you everytime, and the hangtime is really good on the loop. It's very very short, but with a park as small as Adventure Island on a normal weekend you could probably marathon this if you wanted. There is sometimes head banging but not always, the restraints are cushioned but on some seats they're wearing away.

  • Nathan F

    Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime

    HangTime very good. I felt like the namesake drop didn't do much for me. I think that it would be cooler if I hadn't done a B&M Dive before. However, the inversions are spectacular, and give great hangtime. There's even a few powerful airtime moments. HangTime is a little on the short end, but not excessively so. I also don't like vertical lifts, which HangTime does. However, with a lap bar, a vertical lift becomes more tolerable. The lap bar also exacerbates the hangtime found on the inversions. HangTime isn't perfect, but it's pretty good.