Coaster reviews
Airtimes Pace Masterpiece
Wicker Man has always been a ride that punches well above it's stature. The way the train rips through the course is crazy for a coaster with a listed top speed of 44mph, the sense of speed and intensity is just superb. Lots of great airtime pops throughout but the undoubted highlights are the first drop, the drop out of the statue and the drop off the turnaround in the back row, and the awesome speed hill before the final pass through the statue which is excellent in any row. Generally runs pretty smooth too, but not without that classic wooden coaster shake which just adds to the intensity. The theming is outstanding as well of course, goes without saying really. It's even more epic at night too, easily one of the best night rides in the country and it runs even faster on those late closes. It'll always be one of my favourites!
First Drop Capacity Intensity Too short Layout
I've probably been guilty of overhating Oblivion a bit in the past. I've had a good number of rides on it this year and it's fair to say that the drop is really quite superb, so so intense all the way down. Sure, that's all it is, but it hits hard enough to pull it off. Nice quick moving queue as well, particularly when it's on 2 stations. Being sat on the brake run for ages is a pain though, if anything it runs too many trains! Also it's a stunning night ride, the views of the park and the wider Staffordshire moorlands are just gorgeous, and dropping into total darkness makes the drop feel absolutely massive
Location Masterpiece Layout Dead spots
最後まで非常に濃密なコースターレイアウトが本当に魅力的です!!! 上質なファーストドロップからブーメランターン、90°バンクカーブ、クライマックスのサーフィンコースなど、多種多様なエレメントが間髪入れずに待ち受ける欲張り仕様!!巻き上げ時に見える富士山も超綺麗!!ただひたすらどれだけ観客を満足させられるかに全てを捧げた、まさにジェットコースター界のラストエンペラー!!今も尚日本で圧倒的カリスマ性を放つ傑物です!! ただ、FUJIYAMAのアクセントでもある要所要所での荒々しい乗り味は、今では人を分ける側面もあるのでそこは要注意!
First Drop Inversions Intensity Capacity
高さ76m、角度89°で且つ視線を真下に向けてのフ超強烈なファーストドロップは、日本最強クラスのクオリティと言っても過言では無いと思います!!! それからも個性溢れるレイアウトと座席とコースレイアウトを合わせての異常な程の大反転がもうあまりにも凄い!!怖いとか楽しいとかより、凄いとか素晴らしいう言葉が勝ります!!
Pace Intensity Ejectors
UPDATED REVIEW: This was my first RMC and I was super excited. Even though it’s often ranked lower as a raptor, to me, it was amazing. I've ridden it 5 times; 1 towards the front and 4 in the back of the train. This thing is INSANE. In the back, it PULLS you through every maneuver. Every airtime hill gives solid ejector. Even coming out of the MCBR and turnaround, you get airtime! There are several moments that pull good positive G’s as well, mainly the low-to-the-ground turnaround. This thing is also fairly smooth. The inversions are so fun. Like Twisted Colossus, the stall is the definition inverted weightlessness while the zero-g roll is exactly as the name implies. The restraints aren’t much of a problem for me. I would definitely RECOMMEND RIDING AS FAR BACK AS YOU CAN. The front is ok but it kinda crawls up there. The only real gripe that I have is the hump of metal that separates your legs. Overall, an outstanding ride that lives up to the hype of RMC!
Theming Rattle Lap Bar
I hate the new B&M family lap bars. The rattle is embarrassing but the layout is fun enough and the show scenes are charming.
Comfort Pace Smoothness Too short
It's difficult to fault Fianna Force. It's comfortable, delivers surprisingly strong moments of airtime, has great pacing, has a glass smooth ride experience, and great queue line theming. The inversions are very floaty and there are plenty of whippy moments. Fianna Force is better than Hals-über-Kopf and is overall a fantastic ride.
First Drop Theming Smoothness
I loved Oziris. The theming is very detailed and the operations are crazy good (I visited on a busy day and single rider was walk-on). Oziris is smooth with quite a lot of airtime. It's more intense than it looks. It's the second best ride at Parc Astérix behind Toutatis.
Comfort Pace Ejectors Rattle Too short
Alpina Blitz is a mini-airtime machine delivering regular strong moments of ejector airtime. There is good pacing and it's comfortable. The first banked turn close to the ground is surprisingly intense. It's a fun coaster despite being too short and having a rattle.
Inversions Pace Intensity Theming Capacity
Monster is a very intense ride especially in the back with great pacing (enhanced with the lack of mid-course break run). Throughput is poor and there's no theming (the station looks unfinished). It's worth a ride but there are better B&M inverts.