• TwanTastic


    Nothing special this one. Feels a bit faster than the one at Plopsa Coevorden but just a fun family coaster.

  • TwanTastic


    Well maybe it's because we had private rides every time we rode but this thing has a really annoying vibration, such a shame for it's age. Also, poor animals, this thing is pretty loud.

  • Chubba247

    Fun Masterpiece Layout

    This ride isn't really about spinning, or the launch, or the drop, or airtime (even though the ejector is great). It's about taking a mix of classic and unique elements in positions you never will have before. Every ride is different and you keep going back to get that "perfect" one. Honestly a groundbreaking innovation for coasters.

  • spicyboi

    Duration Rattle Headbanging Disappointing!

    before riding it seems like a boring ride, but good lord is it rough. you not only headbang, your entire body gets tossed around the cart like a hot potato, all whilst wearing a vr headset. rode here once and dont plan to again. incredibly rough.

  • Dom W.

    Launch Disappointing!

    Out of the 5 elements this ride has (launch, tophat, cobra loop, snake dive, lateral snaps) only 3 of them do something for me. The launch is amazing and intense. No denying that. The tophat has alright air, the cobra loop is one of the worst inversions ever, it just has absolutely zero force to it. The snake dive is vicious and I love the whip it offers. And the lateral snaps are alright just not outstanding. Overrated as hell. Nowhere near as good as the other Intamin in the park.

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Capacity

    The operations are horrible, but the ride is a really solid hyper. Great airtime and fun! It’s pretty good.

  • Dom W.

    Inversions Intensity Smoothness

    Holy FUCK this ride is underrated. Super intense, amazing zero g roll. Absolutely the best invert in PA and my second favorite invert personally. A powerful ride that never lets up until the very end. Amazing invert.

  • Dom W.

    Smoothness Capacity

    Smooth and fun but doesn’t do all that much. Theming is meh, I hate the one screen thing that has “LOL!” On it it’s so inaccurate to old funhouses and just kinda bothers me. Capacity is garbage.

  • Dom W.

    Pointless Airtimes Dead spots

    Boring, zero airtime up front or in the back. Does nothing for me. One of my least favorite woodies. Anyone who says there is airtime on this ride is delusional.

  • Dom W.

    Theming Duration Capacity

    Boring as a coaster, however it’s really well themed! Shoutout to centrailia, that place is creepy as hell. Trains cramped as hell but still fun. Also the better dark ride out of the 2 in the park, Haunted mansion is overrated and also just sensory overload. I hate the constant noises of haunted mansion compared to this more relaxed dark ride. Haunted mansion while i commend knoebels for taking care of it, is just too much overload for me. I’ll take this over it