• Chris J.

    Theming Launch Fun

    I love Verbolten. The theming is excellent and the ride itself is super fun. The launches have a good kick and the indoor portion is pretty intense. The outdoor finale is great.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Location

    It is very good but you can tell it was the first B&M hyper. The airtime is solid but not as good as the new ones. I do love the location though.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    The best invert I have done thus far. Each element is intense and whippy. The size and speed just makes alpie seem a notch above the rest.

  • David Parrett

    Fun Smoothness

    It’s a Premier skyrocket 2 clone but I really enjoy all of them in the front row with the view.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Masterpiece

    I was blown away by this one. Every element is done so well. It is a bit shorter but it really delivers. The airtime during the launch is great and the first roll is excellent. The airtime over the top hat and during the outerbank is spectacular. I really fell in love with this one.

  • David Parrett

    Inversions Pace

    It’s really a wonderful ride, no complaints at all. It’s exactly what you expect from RMC with all the wonderful zero-g airtime moments and twists. As for the operations, only one train was running with 5+ minute dispatches with a full park on a holiday so I was very happy to get my one ride in the back row. This ride deserves a better owner.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Airtimes Theming Fun Too short Lap Bar

    Fun family coaster. It has good theming to it by the entrance instead of it just standing there. I did notice some good floater for some elements. The restraint is way to big (for a family coaster at least), which makes the airtime not very noticeable, but this is a family coaster, so it’s not really that much of a problem for me. I feel as if this coasters duration is too short as well. Like I said, family coaster, not really a problem I need to be focusing on, but this ride was generally fun, and i’d like it more if it was a longer ride. Overall, this is a fun coaster, and a nice place to start for young coaster enthusiasts, or if you are not big on coasters but want to be braver on rides.

  • Fionn Malloy

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Too short

    Best ejector in Pennsylvania and super intense. Great pacing too, but it feels short.

  • Fionn Malloy

    Airtimes Pace Ejectors Theming Discomfort

    Great ride and hits all elements except for floater. It’s a little uncomfy because you’re getting thrown around like a ragdoll and the first airtime hill gave me bruises (worth it tho). I swear the ride only gets faster and there is not one dull moment. Very little theming if any but that barley makes a difference cuz it’s still fun

  • James Santoro

    Airtimes Intensity Hangtime

    Best coaster in the UK by a mile.