• Carter Eckhart

    Airtimes Pace Fun

    While it took a bit to warm up, I ultimately walked away thinking Texas Stingray was a top tier GCI. The first part of the ride is pretty lackluster as I didn't find the drop and first few turns to do much but everything that follows is amazing. The sense of speed is top notch and kept throughout the ride. There is also an abundance of solid airtime and laterals throughout the ride, with awesome elements that can't really be found on other GCI's such as a large twisted hill and wave turn. Overall Texas Stingray is a very fun and out of control ride that makes for a great signature coaster at Sea World San Antonio.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Launch Pace Intensity Too short

    Mr. Freeze packs in a lot to its very short layout. The length is definitely its biggest issue because everything it does is great. The backwards launch is unique and forceful, the spike has super sustained floater and is just pure fun, and the overbank and valleys pull some serious g's. It also feels like you absolutely haul through the layout and go way faster than you're supposed to. The main reason I prefer this one over the one at SFSTL is because of the top hat. On that one the top hat was pretty lackluster, but on this Mr. Freeze it had great ejector and whip on all of the entrances and exits. I also like that you have the option to ride forwards on this one, although backwards is considerably better. Overall Mr. Freeze offers and amazing forceful and unique ride experience that lands it a spot in my top 50.

  • Thomas T.

    Location Pace Capacity

    This is a classic ride. Got a night ride during Vivid and the view was stunning. The pacing is amazing with much tension on the slow turns and it is not rough at all. The only bad thing is the capacity as there is only two riders per train.

  • Robin Campbell

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Theming

    best drop, best stall, best outer bank ever and a not that bad trim. the drop is insane, imagine being twisted while out your seat. then the outer bank. ejector, whippy and insane best airtime moment on a hyper. then the stall is insane better than any other stall in the world. then the trims they aren't that bad you only feel it cuz of the sound, but even if it wasn't there you still need to be able to live after riding. the elements after are still awesome. overall i think yes its short but it doesn't have dead spots so its fine. then its better stylised than themed, i mean no one complains about theming on a hyper like mako, or nitro. its best in in uk and best hyper ever. and besides if your short you can go on it, but still not walking dead. the fact nemesis is ranked higher just shows how stupid people are.

  • Robin Campbell

    Masterpiece Intensity Ejectors

    this ride is amazing. easily my number 1 coaster in the world. each element is amazing and adding that spinning aspect makes them all 10x better. i went on a holiday and the capacity was great i only waited 10mins once and that's because i queued for front. speaking of front, what the flip, omg that hangtime on the JoJo roll is legendary. and then the launch. yes its not dodo dompa but that jolt where you start spinning half way though makes it better. then that first top hat. i remember that moment only because i had my hand wrapped around the harness as my body went into the lap bar. i didn't float up i was forced up into my seat. then that turn gives great views of the park. next up that drop. its great cuz you stare at the ground with the music blasting you and you go down. then you go into a valley which may lack but still it cant have dead spots, its spinning, then the banana roll is intense and feels weird, but in a good way, then the step down under flip/back flip is great then you get to the least interesting part the turn but it still gives good views of super splash and then after that its gets better. the launch spinns Accelerates and GIVES AIRTIME WTF. its great. then that element all i can say is don't put your hand up the laterals feel insane. then you drop into floater hill but ejector and laterals. then the overbank with the path interaction and to make sure you didn't have enough airtime 2 insane bunny hills where you spin like crazy. then you enter the brakes with the awesome end to the song. overall i love the area, the music , the layout, the theming, the spinning , the aversiveness and pure insanity. only downside is its in the middle of Belgium in a family park

  • Max S.

    First Drop Capacity Intensity

    My new favorite B&M invert! I did not expect this to be as good as it is. I've always heard the brake run kills the momentum and to a certain extent it was missing that solid 2nd half but I don't think the brake run/2nd half is terrible either. The first half is incredible and I'll put it against any B&M invert I've ridden. The first drop is nearly the best I've ridden but Afterburn is hard to compare. It feels like the inverted version of Fury 325 where the first drop lasts forever. The intensity is also pretty amazing, given the speed you can get from such a large lift hill. Capacity is always a plus on these things so there is never a long wait (even in the front row for me). 4.5/5 stars

  • Elan G.

    Theming Pace Rattle Disappointing! Airtimes

    The speed is awesome along with the handchoppers. Unfortunately, I only got one ride towards the back. The first thing I noticed was that the seats are low and cushioned a lot. I’m not sure if this hinders the airtime, but I didn’t feel much of it. Like I didn’t get ANY airtime. Apocalypse seems to be a twister GCI so it’s probably built for speed than air. There is also a noticeable rattle but does not ruin the ride. There is also some really immersive and ominous theming in the queue, such as a bunch of evacuation alarms and some destroyed trucks. Overall a good ride. I would like to ride it in the front in the future; perhaps it’s better there.

  • Austin L.

    Fun Reliability

    Solid old wooden coaster. Nothing particularly stood out but it had a fun layout. Got stopped on the top of the lift hill for about ten minutes before an operator came to tell us the ride will resume. They also said it’s an every day occurrence so I’m assuming this has reliability issues.

  • Austin L.

    Theming Discomfort

    Pretty janky and shaky. Has some theming but it looks terrible because it’s so old and clearly not taken care of.

  • Austin L.

    Rattle Discomfort

    Dizzyness inducing and rattly the whole way through. Probably one of the worst boomerangs ive done.