• Coaster Dog

    First Drop Rattle Disappointing! Dead spots

    This ride did not live up to the hype for me. While it is most likely because I only got 2 morning rides with covid on it, I still am gonna hate on it. Most of the elements were complete duds, with little to no force, and there were even a couple of rough patches that hurt my head. The elements that disappointed me the most were the death roll and the wave turn. Starting with the former, the death roll is the most nothing burger inversion I have experienced. While it looks sort of cool with the world spinning around, there was zero force to be felt. No airtime, no laterals, no positives, no hangtime, nothing. It was too fast to give any hangtime, and too slow for laterals and/or whip. Now for the wave turn. I usually love wave turns on rides, especially RMCs. So, you could have imagined how excited I was to ride Iron Gwazi when I saw it had a wave turn. Little did I know that this would be the weakest wave turn I have experienced by far. It feels like you are lying in bed with a fan blowing in your face. The world is on its side, and you have wind in your face, as well as the zero force that you would feel when lying in bed. I could go on and on about Iron Gwazi, but I will stop here. I am reriding it later this month, hopefully not in the morning and hopefully not with covid, so hopefully I will enjoy Iron Gwazi more than my first experience on it.

  • Coaster Dog

    Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Capacity

    I love the showcase of power on Invertigo, every single element delivers crushing positive Gs, and the laterals on the cobra roll are amazing while providing little to no headbanging. The vertical loop backwards in the very back row pulling 6 Gs according to ride forces shows how incredible this ride is.

  • Coaster Dog

    Nice surprise! Smoothness Layout Discomfort

    This ride is the most intense coaster that I have ever ridden. Starting with the drop, it feels like the second drop of phantom's revenge with the strength of the airtime and how it is sustained. The bottom of the first drop is awesome with the forces and tunnel. The turnaround is way better than most people say with its laterals reminding me of the awesome helixes on some wooden coasters. The airtime following also has some good floater. The first helix is the single most intense element of any coaster that I have experienced. You completely lose consciousness from the positive Gs and it is scary. One of the rides, I didn't regain consciousness until the turn after the midcourse brake run. The midcourse brake run isn't even a buzzkill because you are unconscious for it half the time. When you are conscious through it, you still need the time to recover from an extremely hard grey out. The second helix is more of the same; more incredible positive Gs and more blacking out. Sometimes after the second helix, I wouldn't regain consciousness until the final brake run. I admire the showcase of power on Titan, and because of this, it is almost a top 10 coaster overall for me, and it deserves 5 stars.

  • Thomas S.

    Airtimes Launch Smoothness Too short Theming

    Overall a very solid ride. The airtime is great in the back, and the swing launch is just fun. The ride is a very new Intamin, so as expected, it's smooth. Unfortunately, the ride suffers from overreliance on the launch since after the top hat the elements are few and weak. If they had made it longer and snappier it would have been justified for its wait. The theming is weak even though the train colors are nice, but when you have Verbolten in the same park, it wouldn't kill to have some trees.

  • Random Bro

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Capacity

    One of the best coasters in the world

  • Seamus Gorr

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Theming

    Probably one of the most underrated roller coasters i've ever been on. Great first drop and although the trim brakes were unnecessary and slowed the ride down a bit, but the drops after them provided some great airtime. I absolutely love the non-inverted loop, the helixes, and the turn over the queue is fun af and the bunny hops near the end are some fun airtime. Everyone says this ride is rattly and to rough, but other than the back seat, I barely even noticed the rattle and it wasn't bad at all! This is just an all around fun ride and being able to choose music to listen to on it makes it even better. My only complaint would be the queue theming with those annoying cartoons. Other than that, love it!

  • Art V.

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors

    The restraints never bothered me much, but the new ones are undoubtedly more comfortable. Elite ejector airtime and laterals.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Location Comfort Smoothness Intensity

    This is a great ride for Blackpool - so many interactions with other coasters and some decent airtime. It doesn’t rank higher as it’s just not as fast or thrilling as it could be. It’s super smooth and a great ride experience, but just doesn’t fully scratch that thrill itch that I have. However ICON is an INCREDIBLE night ride. The trains are lit up and the interactions with the other coasters are more noticeable. Definitely try it at night! Update: Enso is insane and well worth the *ridiculous* price. But once you open the box you’ll never want to go back to riding it standard!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Discomfort

    Much better than the left side, and some ok airtimes throughout.

  • Coaster Nut

    Layout Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    20 years ago, this was a top 10 coaster for me. I rode it 11 times in one day. It's now in my bottom 10 because it has turned into a rattly mess. It was good that they got rid of the 570-degree helix in 2018. It had gone from a great element to torture. My last ride - and I do mean my LAST ride on it - left me with rattled-brain syndrome and nausea. I'd love to see an RMC or GCI makeover of the Boss.